1971 articles

Fish; Agnatha, Thelodonti, Placoderm, Acanthodians, Chondrichthyes, Fish, Crossopterygians, Lungfish, Coelocanths, Fish Ichnology, Fish burrows

Amphibians; Temnospondyli ("Labyrinthodons", Early Amphibians), Reptilosauromorph, Lepospondyli, Amphibians

Reptilia; Lower Reptiles (“Anapsids”), Turtles, Diapsida (Lower Lepidosauromorphs), Lizards and snakes, Sphenodonts, Ichthyosaurs, Sauropterygians and Placodontians, Lower Archosauromorpha, “Thecodontia, Pseudosuchia", Crocodilia (Mesosuchia, Eusuchia), Pterosaurs

Dinosaurs; Theropoda, Sauropodomorpha (Sauropoda, Prosauropoda), Ornithischia, Armored dinosaurs, Dinosaurs in general, Aves (Mesozoic)

Synapsids; Pelycosaurs, Theriodontia, Deinocephalia, Mammals (Mesozoic)

Eggs, Ichnology, Palaeopathologies, Gastroliths, Stomach contents, Coprolites, Histology, Soft tissue, Bonebed, Taphonomy,DNA (and Blood), (suppose) Tertiary Dinosaurs, Extinction

Integuments; Feathers, Skin


Genus: Nova (6)

Argyriaspis NOVISKAYA, 1971
Empedaspis NOVITSKAYA, 1971
?Gerronaspis NOVITSKAYA, 1971
Lecaniaspis NOVITSKAYA, 1971
Litotaspis NOVITSKAYA, 1971
Tuxeraspis NOVITSKAYA, 1971

Species: Nova (5)

Argyriaspis tcherkesovae NOVISKAYA, 1971
Empedaspis inermis NOVITSKAYA, 1971
Lecaniaspis lata NOVITSKAYA, 1971
Litotaspis septentrionalis NOVITSKAYA, 1971
Tuxeraspis varicostata NOVITSKAYA 1971

Synonym: Nova (1)

?Gerronaspis dentata (OBRUCHEV, 1964) NOVITSKAYA, 1971
= Putoranaspis dentata OBRUCHEV, 1964

Get Argyriaspis tcherkesovae, Empedaspis inermis, ?Gerronaspis dentata = Putoranaspis dentata, Lecaniaspis lata, Litotaspis septentrionalis, Tuxeraspis varicostata NOVITSKAYA 1971

Dineley, D. L., 1971, A Pteraspidid in the Dalhousie Formation (L. Devonian) at Dalhousie, New Brunswick: Canadian Journal of Earth Science, v. 8, p. 1603-1605.

Fletcher, H. O., 1971, Catalogue of Type Specimens in the Australian Museum, Sydney: The Australian Museum, Memoir, n. 13, p. 1-167.

Moy-Thomas, Second Edition extensively revised by Miles, R. S., 1971, Paleozoic Fishes. Saunders, p. 259.

Olson, E. C., 1971, Vertebrate Paleozoology: Wiley-Interscience, 839pp.

Simons, J. R., 1971, Sharks, Aeroplanes and Evolution: Australian Natural History, June 1971, p. 59-64.

Thomson, K. S., 1971, The adaptation and evolution of early fishes: Quarterly Review of Biology, v. 46, p. 139-166.


Species: Nova (1)

Thelodus australiensis GROSS, 1971

Get Thelodus australiensis GROSS, 1971

Moy-Thomas, Second Edition extensively revised by Miles, R. S., 1971. Paleozoic Fishes. Saunders, p. 259.

Olson, E. C., 1971, Vertebrate Paleozoology. Wiley-Interscience, 839pp.


Genus: Nova (2)

Broilina STENSIO, 1971
Desmoporella ORVIG, 1971

Species: Nova (3)

Desmoporella minor ORVIG, 1971
Broilina heroldi STENSIO, 1971
Holonema westolli MILES, 1971

Dunkle, D. H., and Lane, N. G., 1971, Devonian Fishes from California: Kirtlandia, n. 15, p. 1-5.

Fletcher, H. O., 1971, Catalogue of Type Specimens in the Australian Museum, Sydney: The Australian Museum, Memoir, n. 13, p. 1-167.

Miles, R. S., 1971, The holonematidae (Placoderm fishes), a review based on new specimens of Holonema from the Upper Devonian of western Ausralia: Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B, v. 263, n. 849, p. 101-234. (Holonema westolli)

Mitchell, S. W., 1971, A new occurrence of the Devonian arthrodire Holonema: The Ohio Journal of Science, v. 71, n. 2, p. 120-124.

Moy-Thomas, Second Edition extensively revised by Miles, R. S., 1971, Paleozoic Fishes. Saunders, p. 259.

Olson, E. C., 1971, Vertebrate Paleozoology: Wiley-Interscience, 839pp.

Get Desmoporella minor ORVIG, 1971

Ritchie, A., 1971, Fossil Fish Discoveries in Antarctica: Australian Natural History, September , 1971, p. 65-71.

Simons, J. R., 1971, Sharks, Aeroplanes and Evolution: Australian Natural History, June 1971, p. 59-64.

Get Broilina heroldi STENSIO, 1971

Thomson, K. S., 1971, The adaptation and evolution of early fishes: Quarterly Review of Biology, v. 46, p. 139-166.


Genus: Nova (1)

Gomphonchus GROß, 1971

Synonym: Nova (1)

Gomphonchus sandelensis (PANDER, 1856) GROß, 1971
= Thelolepis volborthi ROHON, 1893
= Onchus roemeri HOPPE 1931
= Gomphodus longifromis BROTZEN, 1934
= Gomphodus rhomboidalis BROTZEN, 1934
= Acanthodes devonicus BROTZEN, 1934
= Acanthodes laevigatus BROTZEN, 1934
= Acanthoides inornatus BROTZEN, 1934
= Acanthoides exscuplatus BROTZEN, 1934
= Acanthoides undulatus BROTZEN, 1934
= Poracanthodes punctatus BROTZEN, 1934
= Poracanthodes asper BROTZEN, 1934
= Poracanthodes biblicus LEHMAN, 1937
= Gomphodus hoppei GROß, 1968

Fletcher, H. O., 1971, Catalogue of Type Specimens in the Australian Museum, Sydney: The Australian Museum, Memoir, n. 13, p. 1-167.

Groß, W., 1971. Downtonische und Dittonische Acanthodier-reste des ostseegebietes: Palaeontographica, Abt. A., v. 136, lfg. 1-6, p. 1-82. (Gomphonchus sandelensis = Thelolepis volborthi, = Onchus roemeri = Gomphodus longifromis, = Gomphodus rhomboidalis, = Acanthodes devonicus, = Acanthodes laevigatus, = Acanthoides inornatus, = Acanthoides exscuplatus, = Acanthoides undulates, = Poracanthodes punctatus, = Poracanthodes asper, = Poracanthodes biblicus, = Gomphodus hoppei)

Olson, E. C., 1971, Vertebrate Paleozoology: Wiley-Interscience, 839pp.

Thomson, K. S., 1971, The adaptation and evolution of early fishes: Quarterly Review of Biology, v. 46, p. 139-166.


Genus: Nova (2)

Eoanacorax GLUCKMAN & SHVAZHAITE, 1971
Palaeonacorx GLUCKMAN 1971 in CLUCKMAN & SHVAZAITE, 1971

Species: Nova (8)

Dalatias barnstonensis SYKES, 1971
Hybodus butleri THURMOND, 1971
?Hypolophus mcnultyi THURMOND, 1971
Lonchidion anitae THURMOND, 1971
Onchopristis dunklei praecursor THURMOND, 1971
Palaeoanacorax volgensis GLICKMAN in GLICKMAN & SHVAZHAITE, 1971
Ptychotrygon trinangularis McNULTY & SLAUGHTER, 1971
Squalicorax intermedius GLUCKMAN, in GLUCKMAN & SHVAZHAITE, 1971

Broin, F. de, Grenot, C., and Vernet, R., 1971, Sur la decouverte d'un nouveau gisement de vertebres dans le Continental Intercalaire saharien: la Gara Samani (Algerie): Compte rendu hebdomadaire des seances de l’Academie des Sciences Paris, tomo 272, Serie D, p. 1219-1221.

Dunkle, D. H., and Lane, N. G., 1971, Devonian Fishes from California: Kirtlandia, n. 15, p. 1-5.

Fletcher, H. O., 1971, Catalogue of Type Specimens in the Australian Museum, Sydney: The Australian Museum, Memoir, n. 13, p. 1-167.

Get Palaeoanacorax volgensis, Squalicorax intermedius GLUCKMAN, in GLUCKMAN & SHVAZHAITE, 1971

Get Ptychotrygon trinangularis McNULTY & SLAUGHTER, 1971

Moy-Thomas, Second Edition extensively revised by Miles, R. S., 1971, Paleozoic Fishes. Saunders, p. 259.

Olson, E. C., 1971, Vertebrate Paleozoology: Wiley-Interscience, 839pp.

Simons, J. R., 1971, Sharks, Aeroplanes and Evolution: Australian Natural History, June 1971, p. 59-64.

Get Dalatias barnstonensis SYKES, 1971

Thomson, K. S., 1971, The adaptation and evolution of early fishes: Quarterly Review of Biology, v. 46, p. 139-166.

Thurmond, J. T., 1971, Cartilaginous fishes of the Trinity Group and related rocks (Lower Cretaceous) of North Cental Texas: Southeastern Geology, v. 13, n. 3, p. 207-227. (Hybodus butleri, ?Hypolophus mcnultyi, Lonchidion anitae, Onchopristis dunklei praecursor)


Genus: Nova (4)

Albuloideorum’ WEILER, 1971
Koonwarria WALDMAN, 1971
Paraelops SANTOS, 1971
Wadeichthys WALDMAN, 1971

Species: Nova (8)

‘Albuloideorum’ ventralis WEILER, 1971
Coccolepis woodwardi WALDMAN, 1971
“Diplomystus” solignaci GAUDANT & GAUDANT, 1971
Koonwarria manifrons WALDMAN, 1971
Leptolepis koonwarri WALDMAN, 1971
Paraelops cearensis SANTOS, 1971
Wadeichthys oxyops WALDMAN, 1971

Benedetto, J. L., and Sanchez, T. M., 1971, El Hallazgo de peces Pycnodontiformes (Holostei) en la formacion Yacoraite (Cretaceo Superior) de la Provincia de Salta (Argentina) y su importancia paleoecologica : Acta Geologica Lilloana, tomo 11, p. 153-175.

Broin, F. de, Grenot, C., and Vernet, R., 1971, Sur la decouverte d'un nouveau gisement de vertebres dans le Continental Intercalaire saharien: la Gara Samani (Algerie): Compte rendu hebdomadaire des seances de l’Academie des Sciences Paris, tomo 272, Serie D, p. 1219-1221.

Dunkle, D. H., 1971, Notes on an addition to the Fish Fauna of the Mowry Shale (Cretaceous) of Wyoming: Kirtlandia, n. 14, p. 1-8.

Fletcher, H. O., 1971, Catalogue of Type Specimens in the Australian Museum, Sydney: The Australian Museum, Memoir, n. 13, p. 1-167.

Get “Diplomystus” solignaci GAUDANT & GAUDANT, 1971

Keast, A., 1971, Continental dirft and the evolution of the biota on southern continents: The Quarterly Review of Biology, v. 46, n. 4, p. 335-378.

Moy-Thomas, Second Edition extensively revised by Miles, R. S., 1971, Paleozoic Fishes. Saunders, p. 259.

Olson, E. C., 1971, Vertebrate Paleozoology: Wiley-Interscience, 839pp.

Santos, R. de S., 1971, Nouveau Genre et Espece d’Elopidae du Bassin Sedimentaire de la Chapad do Ararip: Anias da Academia Brasiliera de Ciencias,v. 43, n. 2, p. 439-442. (Paraelops cearensis)

Thomson, K. S., 1971, The adaptation and evolution of early fishes: Quarterly Review of Biology, v. 46, p. 139-166.

Waldman, M., 1971, Fish from the Fresh-water Lower Cretaceous of Victoria, Australia, with comments on the Palaeo-environment: Special Papers in Paleontology, n. 9, p. 1-124. (Coccolepis woodwardi, Koonwarria manifrons, Leptolepis koonwarri, Wadeichthys oxyops)

Get ‘Albuloideorum’ ventralis WEILER, 1971


Species: Nova (1)

Thursius talsiensis VOROBYEVA, 1971

Fletcher, H. O., 1971, Catalogue of Type Specimens in the Australian Museum, Sydney: The Australian Museum, Memoir, 13, p. 1-167.

Moy-Thomas, Second Edition extensively revised by Miles, R. S., 1971. Paleozoic Fishes. Saunders, p. 259.

Olson, E. C., 1971, Vertebrate Paleozoology: Wiley-Interscience, 839pp.

Ritchie, A., 1971, Fossil Fish Discoveries in Antarctica: Australian Natural History, September , 1971, p. 65-71.

Thomson, K. S., 1971, The adaptation and evolution of early fishes: Quarterly Review of Biology, v. 46, p. 139-166.

Get Vorobyeva, E. I., 1971, Novyj vid Osteolepidid iz srednego devon Latvii [A new species of Osteolopidid from the Middle Devonian of Latvia]: Paleontologiya I stratigrafiya Pribaltiki I Belorussi, p. 209-213. (Thursius talsiensis)


Broin, F. de, Grenot, C., and Vernet, R. 1971, Sur la decouverte d'un nouveau gisement de vertebres dans le Continental Intercalaire saharien: la Gara Samani (Algerie) : Compte rendu hebdomadaire des seances de l’Academie des Sciences Paris, tomo 272, serie D, p. 1219-1221.

Fletcher, H. O., 1971, Catalogue of Type Specimens in the Australian Museum, Sydney: The Australian Museum, Memoir, n. 13, p. 1-167.

Moy-Thomas, Second Edition extensively revised by R. S. Miles, 1971, Paleozoic Fishes. Saunders: 259.

Olson, E. C., 1971, Vertebrate Paleozoology: Wiley-Interscience, 839pp.

Perkins, P. L., 1971, The Dipnoan Fish Dipterus from the Middle Devoniani (Givetian) of Alaska: Journal of Paleontology.

Thomson, K. S., 1971, The adaptation and evolution of early fishes: Quarterly Review of Biology, v. 46, p. 139-166.

Waldman, M., 1971, Fish from the Fresh-water Lower Cretaceous of Victoria, Australia, with comments on the Palaeo-environment: Special Papers in Paleontology, n. 9, p. 1-124.


Broin, F. de, Grenot, C., and Vernet, R., 1971, Sur la decouverte d'un nouveau gisement de vertebres dans le Continental Intercalaire saharien: la Gara Samani (Algerie): Compte rendu hebdomadaire des seances de l’Academie des Sciences Paris, tomo 272, Serie D, p. 1219-1221.

Fletcher, H. O., 1971, Catalogue of Type Specimens in the Australian Museum, Sydney: The Australian Museum, Memoir, n. 13, p. 1-167.

Moy-Thomas, Second Edition extensively revised by Miles, R. S., 1971. Paleozoic Fishes: Saunders, 259pp.

Olson, E., C., 1971: Vertebrate Paleozoology. Wiley-Interscience, 839pp.

Thomson, K. S., 1971, The adaptation and evolution of early fishes: Quarterly Review of Biology, v. 46, p. 139-166.

Fish Ichnology

Fish Burrows

Temnospondyli ("Labyrinthodons", Early Amphibians)

Genus: Nova (2)

Astreptorhachis VAUGHN, 1971
Wellesaurus LEHMAN, 1971

Species: Nova (3)

Astreptorhachis ohioensis VAUGHN, 1971
Parotosaurus lapparenti LEHMAN, 1971
Wellesaurus bussoni LEHMAN, 1971

Synonym: Nova (1)

Wellesaurus peabodyi (WELLES & COSGRIFF, 1965) LEHMAN, 1971
= Parotosaurus peabodyi WELLES & COSGRIFF, 1965

Boy, J. A., 1971, Zur Problematik der Branchoiosaurier (Amphibia, Karbon-Perm): Palaeontologische Zeitschrift, v. 45, n. ¾, p. 107-119.

Colbert, E. H., 1971, Tetrapods and continents: The Quarterly Review of Biology, v. 48, p. 250-269.

Fletcher, H. O., 1971, Catalogue of type specimens in the Australian Museum, Sydney: The Australian Museum, memoir 13, p. 1-167.

Keast, A., 1971, Continental dirft and the evolution of the biota on southern continents: The Quarterly Review of Biology, v. 46, n. 4, p. 335-378.

Lehman, J-P., 1971, Nouveaux vertebres fossiles du Trias de la Serie de Zarzaitine: Annales de Paleontologie (Vertebres). t. 57, f. I, p. 25. (Parotosaurus lapparenti, Wellesaurus bussoni, Wellesaurus peabodyi = Parotosaurus peabodyi)

Murphy, J. L., 1971, Eryposid remains from the Conemaugh Group, Braxtion County, West Virginia: Southeastern Geology, v. 13, n. 4, p. 265-273.

Rayner, D. H., 1971, Data on the environment and preservation of Late Palaeozoic Tetrapods: Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society, v. 38, part 4, n. 20, p. 437-495.

Robinson, P. L., 1971, A problem of faunal replacement on Permo-Triassic continents: Palaeontology, v. 14, part 1, p. 131-153.

Vaughn, P. P., 1971, A Platyhystrix-like amphibian with fused vertebrae, from the Late Pennsylvanian of Ohio: Journal of Paleontology, v. 45, n. 3, p. 464-469. (Astreptorhachis ohioensis)


Genus: Nova (1)

Chroniosaurus TVERDOCHLEBOVA, 1971

Species: Nova (1)

Chroniosaurus dongusensis TVERDOCHLEBOVA, 1971

Get Chroniosaurus dongusensis TVERDOCHLEBOVA, 1971


Genus: Nova (1)

Batropetes CARROLL & GASKILLL, 1971

Synonym: Nova (2)

Batropetes fritschia (GEINITZ & DEICHMULLER, 1882) CARROLL & GASKILLL, 1971
= Hyloplesion fritschia GEINITZ & DEICHMULLER, 1882
Batropetes truncates (CREDNER, 1890) CARROLL & GASKILLL, 1971
= Petrobates truncatus CREDNER, 1890

Carroll, R. A., and Gaskill. P., 1971, A captorhinomorph Reptile from the Early Permian of Europe: Journal of Paleontology, v. 45, n. 3, p. 450-463. (Batropetes fritschia = Hyloplesion fritschia, Batropetes truncates = Petrobates truncates)

Olson, E. C., 1971, A skeleton of Lysorophus tricarinatus (Amphibia: Lepospondyli) from the Hennessey Formation (Permian) of Oklahoma: Journal of Paleontology, v. 45, n. 3, p. 443-449.

Rayner, D. H., 1971, Data on the environment and preservation of Late Palaeozoic Tetrapods: Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society, v. 38, part 4, n. 20, p. 437-495.

Robinson, P. L., 1971, A problem of faunal replacement on Permo-Triassic continents: Palaeontology, v. 14, part 1, p. 131-153.


Dodson, P., 1971, Sedimentology and Taphonomy of the Oldman Formation, (Campanian), Dinosaur Provincial Park, Alberta (Canada): Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, v. 10, p. 21-74.

Lower Reptiles (“Anapsids”)

Genus: Nova (1)

Milleropsis GOW, 1971

Synonym: Nova (1)

Milleropsis pricei (WATSON, 1951) GOW, 1971
= Millerosaurus pricei WATSON, 1951

Berman, D. S., 1971, A small skull of the Early Permian reptile Diadectes from the Washington Formation, Dunkard Group, West Virginia: Annals of Carnegie Museum, v. 43, article 3, p. 33-46.

Brodkorb, P., 1971, Origin and Evolution of Birds: Avian Biology, v. 1, p. 19-55.

Carroll, R. L., and Gaskill, P. 1971. A captorhinomorph Reptile from the Early Permian of Europe. Journal of Paleontology, Vol. 45, No. 3: 450-463.

Gow, C. E., 1971, The osteology and relationships of the Millerettidae (Reptilia: Cotylosauria): Journal of Zoology, London,v. 167, p. 219-264. (Milleropsis pricei = Millerosaurus pricei)

Haubold, H., 1971, Die Tetrapodenfahrten aus dem Permosiles (Stefan und Rotligendes) der Thuringer Waldes: Abh. Ber. Mus. Nat. Gotha, p. 15-41.

Keast, A., 1971, Continental dirft and the evolution of the biota on southern continents: The Quarterly Review of Biology, v. 46, n. 4, p. 335-378.

Lehman, J.-P. 1971, Nouveaux Vertebres Fossiles du Trias de la Serie de Zarzaitine: Annales de Paleontologie (Vertebres), tomo 62, fascicule I, p. 93.

Rayner, D. H., 1971, Data on the environment and preservation of Late Palaeozoic Tetrapods: Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society, v. 38, part 4, n. 20, p. 437-495.

Robinson, P. L., 1971, A problem of faunal replacement on Permo-Triassic continents: Palaeontology, v. 14, part 1, p. 131-153.


Genus: Nova (3)

Dollochelys ZANGERL, 1971
Mongolemys KHOSATZKY & MLYNARSKI, 1971
Stygiochelys GAFFNEY & HIATT, 1971

Species: Nova (3)

Mongolemys elegans KHOSATZKY & MLYNARSKI, 1971
Roxochelys? vilavilensis DE BROIN, 1971
Stygiochelys estesi GAFFNEY & HIATT, 1971

Synonym: Nova (1)

Dollochelys atlantica (ZANGERL, 1953) ZANGERL, 1971
= Toxochelys atlantica ZANGERL, 1963

de Broin, F., 1971, "Une espece nouvelle de Tortue pleurodire (?Roxochelys vilavilensis n. sp.) dans le cretace superieur de Bolivie: Bulletin de la societie geologiques de France, 7th series, v. 8, n. 3-4, p. 445-452. (Roxochelys? vilavilensis)

de Broin, F., Grenot, C., and Vernet, R., 1971, Sur la decouverte d'un nouveau gisement de vertebres dans le Continental Intercalaire saharien: la Gara Samani (Algerie): Compte rendu hebdomadaire des seances de l’Academie des Sciences Paris, tomo 272, serie D, p. 1219-1221.

Dinca, A., Tocorjescu, M., and Stilla, A., 1971, Despre virsta depozitelor continentale cu Dinozaurieni din bazinele Hateg si Rusca Montana: Dari de seama ale sedintelor, v. 58, p. 83-94.

Dodson, P., 1971, Sedimentology and Taphonomy of the Oldman Formation, (Campanian), Dinosaur Provincial Park, Alberta (Canada): Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, v. 10, p. 21-74.

Fletcher, H. O., 1971, Catalogue of Type Specimens in the Australian Museum, Sydney: The Australian Museum, Memoir 13, p. 1-167.

Gaffney, E. S., and Hiatt, R. A., 1971, A new baenid turtle from the Upper Cretaceous of Montana: American Museum Novitates, n. 2443, p. 1-9. (Stygiochelys estesi)

Khosatzky, L. I., and Mlynarski, M., 1971, Chelonians from the Late Cretaceous of the Gobi Desert, Mongolia: Palaeontologia Polonica, n. 25, p. 131-144. (Mongolemys elegans)

Robinson, P. L., 1971, A problem of faunal replacement on Permo-Triassic continents: Palaeontology, v. 14, part 1, p. 131-153.

Taylor, D. A., and Storer, J. E., 1971, Dinosaurs, Upper Edmonton Formation near Drumheller: Museum and Archives Notes, n. 11, p. 1-4.

Zangerl, R., 1971, Two Toxochelyid Sea Turtles from the Landenian sands of erquelinnes (Hainaut), of Belgium: Institut Royal des Sciences Naturellers de Belgique, n. 169, p. 3-32. (Dollochelys atlantica = Lytoloma angusta, = Toxochelys atlantica)

Diapsida (Lower Lepidosauromorphs)

Brodkorb, P., 1971, Origin and Evolution of Birds: Avian Biology, v. 1, p. 19-55.

Haubold, H., 1971, Die Tetrapodenfahrten aus dem Permosiles (Stefan und Rotligendes) der Thuringer Waldes: Abh. Ber. Mus. Nat. Gotha, p. 15-41.

Kuhn-Schnyder, E., 1971, Uber einen Schultergurtel von Askeptosaurus italicus NOPCSA aus der anisischen Stuve der Trias des Monte San Giorgio, (Kt. Tessin, Schweiz): Ecologae Geologicae Helvetiae, v. 53, n. 2, p. 805-810.

Rayner, D. H., 1971, Data on the environment and preservation of Late Palaeozoic Tetrapods: Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society, v. 38, part 4, n. 20, p. 437-495.

Robinson, P. L., 1971, A problem of faunal replacement on Permo-Triassic continents: Palaeontology, v. 14, part 1, p. 131-153.

Lizards and Snakes

Species: Nova (2)

Mosasaurus mokoroa WELLES & GREGG, 1971
Prognathodon waiparaensis WELLES & GREGG, 1971

Dodson, P., 1971, Sedimentology and Taphonomy of the Oldman Formation, (Campanian), Dinosaur Provincial Park, Alberta (Canada): Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, v. 10, p. 21-74.

Keast, A., 1971, Continental dirft and the evolution of the biota on southern continents: The Quarterly Review of Biology, v. 46, n. 4, p. 335-378.

Welles, S. P., and Gregg, D. R., 1971, Late Cretaceous Marine Reptiles of New Zealand: Records of the Canterbury Museum, v. 9, n. 1, p. 1-111. (Mosasaurus mokoroa, Prognathodon waiparaensis)



Adam, K. D., 1971, Von der Herzoglichen Kunstkammer zum Staatlichen Museum fur Naturkunde in Stuttgart. Das Naturkundemuseum braucht unsere Hilfe: Katalog zur Ausstellung in der Girokasse. Offentliche Bank und Sparkasse Stuttgart, Konigstrasse 3, vom 8. Februar, bis 5. Marz 1971, p. 1-11.

Adam, K. D., 1971. Ichthyosaurier aus dem schwabischen Jura Ein Beitrag zur Forschungsgechichte. Das Naturkundemuseum braucht unsere Hilfe: Katalog zur Ausstellung in der Girokasse. Offentliche Bank und Sparkasse Stuttgart, Konigstrasse 3, vom 8. Februar, bis 5. Marz 1971, p. 12-16.

Adams, T., 2007, A new marine vertebrate fauna from the Late Triassic (Middle Norian) of southeast Alaska: Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, v. 27, supplement to n. 3, 67 annual meeting, The Jackson School of Geosciences, University of Texas, p. 39a.

Fletcher, H. O., 1971, Catalogue of Type Specimens in the Australian Museum, Sydney: The Australian Museum, Memoir 13, p. 1-167.

Sauropterygians and Placodontians

Species: Nova (1)

Pliosaurus weiyuanensis YOUNG, 1971

Synonym: Nova (1)

Liopleurodon rossicus (NOVZHILOW, 1948) HALSTEAD, 1971
= Pliosaurus? grandis ROZHDESTVENSKY, 1947
= Pliosaurus rossicus NOVZHILOV, 1948

Fletcher, H. O., 1971, Catalogue of Type Specimens in the Australian Museum, Sydney: The Australian Museum, Memoir 13, p. 1-167.

Halstead, L. B., 1971, Liopleurodon rossicus (NOVOZHILOV)-A Pliosaur from the Lower Volgian of the Moscow Basin: Palaeontology, v. 14, part 4, p. 566-570. (Liopleurodon rossicus = Pliosaurus? grandis, = Pliosaurus rossicus)

Welles, S. P., and Gregg, D. R., 1971, Late Cretaceous Marine Reptiles of New Zealand: Records of the Canterbury Museum, v. 9, n. 1, p. 1-111.

Wellnhofer, P., 1971, Ergänzenden bermerkungen zu Plesiosaurier-resten aus Bayern: Mitt. Bayer. Staatssamml. Paläont. Hist. Geol. v. 118, p. 123-124.

Get Pliosaurus weiyuanensis YOUNG, 1971

Lower Archosauromorpha

Genus: Nova (1)

Podopteryx SHAROV, 1971

Species: Nova (1)

Podopteryx mirabilis SHAROV, 1971

Barberena, M. C., 1971, Algumas Consideracoes Sobre o Desenvolvimento de Rincossaurios: Anias da Academia Brasiliera de Ciencias, v. 43, p. 403-409.

Robinson, P. L., 1971, A problem of faunal replacement on Permo-Triassic continents: Palaeontology, v. 14, part 1, p. 131-153.

Sharov, A. G., 1971, Nouveletayushche reptilli iz Mesozoy a Kazakhstanai i Kirgizii [New flying reptiles from the Mesozoic of Kazakhstan and Kirgizstan]: Trudy Paleontol, Inst. Akad. Nauk. SSSR, v. 130, p. 104-113. (Podopteryx mirabilis)

Taylor, D. A., and Storer, J. E., 1971, Dinosaurs, Upper Edmonton Formation near Drumheller: Museum and Archives Notes, n. 11, p. 1-4.

“Thecodontia, Pseudosuchia"

Genus: Nova (3)

Chanaresuchus ROMER, 1971c
Gualosuchus ROMER, 1971c
Luperosuchus ROMER, 1971a

Species: Nova (3)

Chanaresuchus bonapartei ROMER, 1971c
Gualosuchus reigi ROMER, 1971c
Luperosuchus ferox ROMER, 1971a

Bonaparte, J. F., 1971, Cerritosaurus binsfeldi Price, Tipo de una Nueva Famila de tecodontes (Pseudosuchia-Proterochampsia): Annais Academia Brasil, Ci, v. 43, p. 417-422.

Bonaparte, J. F., 1971, Los tertrapodos del sector Superior de la Formacion Los Colorados, La Rioja, Argentina (Triasico Superior): Opera Lilloana, v. 12, p. 1-183.

Brodkorb, P., 1971, Origin and Evolution of Birds: Avian Biology, v. 1, p. 19-55.

Colbert, E. H., 1971, Tetrapods and continents: The Quarterly Review of Biology, v. 48, p. 250-269.

Keast, A., 1971, Continental dirft and the evolution of the biota on southern continents: The Quarterly Review of Biology, v. 46, n. 4, p. 335-378.

Lehman, J-P., 1971, Nouveaux vertebres fossiles du Trias de la Serie de Zarzaitine: Annales de Paleontologie (Vertebres). t. 57, f. I, p. 25.

Robinson, P. L., 1971, A problem of faunal replacement on Permo-Triassic continents: Palaeontology, v. 14, part 1, p. 131-153.

Romer, A. S., 1971a, The Chanares (Argentina) Triassic Reptile Fauna. VIII. A Fragmentary skull of a large Thecodont, Luperosuchus fractus: Breviora, n. 373, p. 1-8. (Luperosuchus ferox)

Romer, A. S., 1971b, The Chanares (Argentina) Triassic Reptile Fauna X. Two new but incompletely known long-limbed Pseudosuchians: Breviora, n. 378, p. 1-10.

Romer, A. S., 1971c, The Chanares (Argentina) Triassic Reptile Fauna XI. Two new long-snouted thecodonts, Chanaresuchus and Gualosuchus: Breviora, n. 379, p. 1-22. (Chanaresuchus bonapartei, Gualosuchus reigi)

Sharov, A. G., 1971, Nouveletayushche reptilli iz Mesozoy a Kazakhstanai i Kirgizii: Trudy Paleontol, Inst. Akad. Nauk. SSSR, v. 130, p. 104-113.

Crocodilia (Mesosuchia, Eusuchia)

Species: Nova (2)

Alligatorellus beaumonti beaumonti WELLNHOFER, 1971
Alligatorellus beaumonti bavaricus WELLNHOFER, 1971

Bonaparte, J. F., 1971, Los tertrapodos del sector Superior de la Formacion Los Colorados, La Rioja, Argentina (Triasico Superior): Opera Lilloana, v. 12, p. 1-183.

de Broin, F., 1971, "Une espece nouvelle de Tortue pleurodire (?Roxochelys vilavilensis n. sp.) dans le cretace superieur de Bolivie: Bulletin de la societie geologiques de France, 7th series, v. 8, n. 3-4, p. 445-452.

de Broin, F., Grenot, C., and Vernet, R., 1971, Sur la decouverte d'un nouveau gisement de vertebres dans le Continental Intercalaire saharien: la Gara Samani (Algerie): Compte rendu hebdomadaire des seances de l’Academie des Sciences Paris, tomo 272, serie D, p. 1219-1221.

Dinca, A., Tocorjescu, M., and Stilla, A., 1971, Despre virsta depozitelor continentale cu Dinozaurieni din bazinele Hateg si Rusca Montana: Dari de seama ale sedintelor, v. 58, p. 83-94.

Dodson, P., 1971, Sedimentology and Taphonomy of the Oldman Formation, (Campanian), Dinosaur Provincial Park, Alberta (Canada): Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, v. 10, p. 21-74.

Fletcher, H. O., 1971, Catalogue of Type Specimens in the Australian Museum, Sydney: The Australian Museum, Memoir 13, p. 1-167.

Galton, P. M., 1971, The Prosauropod Dinosaur Ammosaurus, the Crocodile Protosuchus, and their bearing on the age of the Navajo Sandstone of Northeastern Arizona: Journal of Paleontology, v. 45, n. 5, p. 781-795.

Gasparini, Z. B., 1971, Los Nostosuchia del Cretacico de America del sur como un nuevo infraorden de Los Mesosuchia (Crocodilia): Ameghinana, v. 8, n. 2, p. 83-103.

Neill, W. T., 1971, The Last of the Ruling Reptiles, Alligators, Crocodiles, and Their Kin: Cambridge University Press, 486pp.

Ostrom, J. H., 1971, On the systematic position of Macelognathus vagans: Postilla, n. 153, p. 3-10.

Robinson, P. L., 1971, A problem of faunal replacement on Permo-Triassic continents: Palaeontology, v. 14, part 1, p. 131-153.

Voorhies, M. R., 1971, Paleoclimatic significance of Crocodilian remains from the Ogallala Group (Upper Tertiary) in Northeastern Nebraska: Journal of Paleontology, v. 45, n. 1, p. 119-121.

Wellnhofer, P., 1971, Die Atoposauridae (Crocodylia, Mesosuchia) der Oberjura-Plattenkalke Bayerns: Palaeontographica Abt. A, v. 138, n. 5-6, p. 133-165. (Alligatorellus beaumonti beaumonti, Alligatorellus beaumonti bavaricus)


Genus: Nova (6)

Araripesaurus PRICE, 1971
Pteranodon Subgenus: Longicepia MILLER, 1971
Pteranodon Subgenus Nyctosaurus MILLER, 1971
Pteranodon Subgenus: Occidentalia MILLER, 1971
Pteranodon Subgenus: Sternbergia MILLER, 1971
Sordes SHAROV, 1971

Species: Nova (3)

Araripesaurus castilhoi PRICE, 1971
Dorygnathus mistelgauensis WILD, 1971
Sordes pilosus SHAROV, 1971

Synonym: Nova (8)

Pteranodon (Nyctosaurus) gracilis (MARSH, 1876) MILLER, 1971
= Nyctosaurus gracilis MARSH, 1876
= Nyctodactylus gracilis (MARSH, 1876)
= Pteranodon gracilis (MARSH, 1876)
= Nyctosaurus leptodactylus WILLISTON, 1903
Pteranodon (Longicepia) ingens (MARSH, 1872) MILLER, 1971
= Pterodactylus ingens MARSH, 1872
= Pteranodon ingens (MARSH, 1872) MARSH, 1876
= Ornithostoma ingens (MARSH, 1872)
Pteranodon (Longicepia) longiceps (MARSH, 1876) MILLER, 1971
= Pteranodon longiceps MARSH, 1876
Pteranodon (Longicepia) marshi MILLER, 1971
Pteranodon (Nyctosaurus) bonneri MILLER, 1971
Pteranodon (Occidentalia) eatoni MILLER, 1971
Pteranodon (Sternbergia) sternbergi (HARKSEN, 1966) MILLER, 1971
= Pteranodon sternbergi HARKSEN, 1966
Pteranodon (Sternbergia) walkeri MILLER, 1971

Bonaparte, J. F., 1971, Descripcion del craneo y mandibulas de Pterodaustro guinazui (Pterodactyloidea-Pterodaustriidae nov.), de la Formacion Lagarcito, San Luis, Argentina: Publicaciones del Museo Municipal de Ciencias Naturales de Mar del Plata, v. 1, n. 9, p. 263-272.

Bramwel, C. D., 1971, Aerodynamics of Pteranodon: Journal of the Linnean Society, Biology, v. 3, n.4, p. 313-328.

Brodkorb, P., 1971, Origin and Evolution of Birds: Avian Biology, v. 1, p. 19-55.

Dinca, A., Tocorjescu, M., and Stilla, A., 1971, Despre virsta depozitelor continentale cu Dinozaurieni din bazinele Hateg si Rusca Montana: Dari de seama ale sedintelor, v. 68, p. 83-94.

Heptonstall, W. B., 1971, An analysis of the flight of the Cretaceous pterodactyl Pteranodon ingens (Marsh): Scottish Journal of Geology, v. 7, n. 1, p. 61-78.

Miller, H. W., 1971, The Taxonomy of the Pteranodon Species From Kansas: Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science, v. 74, n. 1, p. 1-19. (Pteranodon (Nyctosaurus) gracilis = Nyctosaurus gracilis, = Nyctodactylus gracilis, = Pteranodon gracilis, = Nyctosaurus leptodactylus, Pteranodon (Longicepia) ingens, = Pterodactylus ingens, = Pteranodon ingens, = Ornithostoma ingens, Pteranodon (Longicepia) longiceps = Pteranodon longiceps, Pteranodon (Longicepia) marshi, Pteranodon (Nyctosaurus) bonneri, Pteranodon (Occidentalia) eatoni, Pteranodon (Sternbergia) sternbergi = Pteranodon sternbergi, Pteranodon (Sternbergia) walkeri)

Miller, H. W., 1971, A Skull of Pteranodon (Longicepia) longiceps Marsh Associated With Wing and Body bones: Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science, v. 74, n. 1, p. 20-33.

Price, L. I., 1971, A Presenca de Pterosauria no Cretaceo Inferior da Chapada do Araripe, Brasil: Anais Academia Brasil, Ci, v. 43, p. 452-461. (Araripesaurus castilhoi)

Sharov, A. G., 1971, Nouveletayushche reptilli iz Mesozoy a Kazakhstanai i Kirgizii [New flying reptiles from the Mesozoic of Kazakhstan and Kirgizstan]: Trudy Paleontol, Inst. Akad. Nauk. SSSR, v. 130, p. 104-113. (Sordes pilosus)

Urreta, M. B. A., and Ramos, V. A., 1971, Estratigrafia y Paleontologia de la alta cuenca del Rio Roble Cordillera Patagonica-Provicia de Santa Cruz: VIII Congreso Geologico Argention, San Luis (20-26 setiembre, 1981) Actas 3, p. 103-138.

Wild, R., 1971, Dorygnathus mistelgauensis n. sp., ein neuer Flugsaurier aus dem Lias Epsilon von Mistelgau (Frankischer Jura): Geol. Blatter No-Bayern, v. 21, n. 4, p. 178-195. (Dorygnathus mistelgauensis)



Genus: Nova (2)

Lagerpeton ROMER, 1971
Lagosuchus ROMER, 1971

Species: Nova (3)

Caenagnathus sternbergi CRACRAFT, 1971
Lagerpeton chanarensis ROMER, 1971
Lagosuchus talampayensis ROMER, 1971

Bonaparte, J. F., 1971, Los Tetrapodos del sector superior de la Formacion Los Colorados, La Rioja, Argentina (Triassic Superior): Opera Lilloana, v. 22, p. 1-183.

Broin, F. de, Grenot, C., and Vernet, R., 1971, Sur la decouverte d'un nouveau gisement de vertebres dans le Continental Intercalaire saharien: la Gara Samani (Algerie): Compte rendu hebdomadaire des seances de l’Academie des Sciences Paris, tomo 272, serie D, p. 1219-1221.

Cracraft, J., 1971, Caenagnathiformes: Cretaceous birds convergent in jaw mechanism to dicynodont reptiles: Journal of Paleontology, v. 45, n. 5, p. 805-809. (Caenagnathus sternbergi)

Dinca, A., Tocorjescu, M., and Stilla, A., 1971, Despre virsta depozitelor continentale cu Dinozaurieni din bazinele Hateg si Rusca Montana: Dari de seama ale sedintelor, v. 58, p. 83-94.

Dodson, P., 1971, Sedimentology and Taphonomy of the Oldman Formation (Campanian), Dinosaur Provincial Park, Alberta (Canada): Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, v. 101, p. 21-74.

Galton, P. M., 1971, Manus movements of the coelurosaurian dinosaur Syntarsus and opposability of the theropod hallux: Arnoldia, n. 15, v. 5, p. 1-8.

Galton, P. M., 1971, The prosauropod dinosaur Ammosaurus, the crocodile Protosuchus, and their bearing on the age of the Navajo Sandstone of Northeastern Arizona: Journal of Paleontology, v. 45, n. 5, p. 781-795.

Romer, A. S., 1971, The Chanares (Argentina) Triassic Reptile Fauna X. Two new but incompletely known long-limbed Pseudosuchians: Breviora, n. 378, p. 1-10. (Lagerpeton chanarensis, Lagosuchus talampayensis)

Taylor, D. A., and Storer, J. E., 1971, Dinosaurs, Upper Edmonton Formation near Drumheller: Museum and Archives Notes, n. 11, p. 1-4.

Sauropodomorpha (Sauropoda, Prosauropoda)

Genus: Nova (1)

Nemegtosaurus NOWINSKI, 1971

Species: Nova (1)

Nemegtosaurus mongoliensis NOWINSKI, 1971

Bakker, R. T., 1971, Ecology of the Brontosaurs: Nature, v. 229, p. 172-174.

Bonaparte, J. F., 1971, Los Tetrapodos del sector superior de la Formacion Los Colorados, La Rioja, Argentina (Triassic Superior): Opera Lilloana, v. 22, p. 1-183.

de Broin, F., Grenot, C., and Vernet, R., 1971, Sur la decouverte d'un nouveau gisement de vertebres dans le Continental Intercalaire saharien: la Gara Samani (Algerie): Compte rendu hebdomadaire des seances de l’Academie des Sciences Paris, tomo 272, serie D, p. 1219-1221.

Dinca, A., Tocorjescu, M., and Stilla, A., 1971, Despre virsta depozitelor continentale cu Dinozaurieni din bazinele Hateg si Rusca Montana: Dari de seama ale sedintelor, v. 58, p. 83-94.

Galton, P. M., 1971, The prosauropod dinosaur Ammosaurus, the crocodile Protosuchus, and their bearing on the age of the Navajo Sandstone of Northeastern Arizona: Journal of Paleontology, v. 45, n. 5, p. 781-795.

Keast, A., 1971, Continental dirft and the evolution of the biota on southern continents: The Quarterly Review of Biology, v. 46, n. 4, p. 335-378.

Lehman, J.-P., 1971, Nouveaux verteberes fossiles du Trias de la serie de Zarzaitine: Annales de Paleontologie, (Vertebrata), tomo 67, fasc. 1, p. 3-25.

Nowinski, A., 1971, Nemegtosaurus mongoliensis n. gen., n. sp. (Sauropoda) from the Uppermost Cretaceous of Mongolia: Palaeontologica Polonica, n. 25, p. 57-81. (Nemegtosaurus mongoliensis)


Genus: Nova (1)

Yaverlandia GALTON, 1971

Species: Nova (1)

Yaverlandia bitholus GALTON, 1971

Dinca, A., Tocorjescu, M., and Stilla, A., 1971, Despre virsta depozitelor continentale cu Dinozaurieni din bazinele Hateg si Rusca Montana: Dari de seama ale sedintelor, v. 58, p. 83-94.

Dodson, P., 1971, Sedimentology and Taphonomy of the Oldman Formation (Campanian), Dinosaur Provincial Park, Alberta (Canada): Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, v. 101, p. 21-74.

Galton, P. M., 1971, The mode of life of Hypsilophodon, the supposedly arboreal ornithopod dinosaur: Lethia, v. 4, n. 4, p. 453-465.

Galton, P. M., 1971, A primitive dome-headed dinosaur (Ornithischia: Pachycephalosauridae) from the Lower Cretaceous of England and the Function of the Dome of Pachycephalosaurids: Journal of Paleontology, v. 45, n. 1, p. 40-47.

Galton, P. M., 1971, Hypsilophodon, the cursorial non-arboreal dinosaur: Nature, v. 231, p. 159-161.

Galton, P. M., 1971, A primitive dome-headed dinosaur (Ornithischia: Pachycephalosauridae) from the Lower Cretaceous of England and the Function of the Dome of Pachycephalosaurids: Journal of Paleontology, v. 45, n. 1, p. 40-47. (Yaverlandia bitholus)

Keast, A., 1971, Continental dirft and the evolution of the biota on southern continents: The Quarterly Review of Biology, v. 46, n. 4, p. 335-378.

Morris, W. J., 1971, A new View of Duckbilled Dinosaurs: Fauna, v. 1, p. 26-29.

Taylor, D. A., and Storer, J. E., 1971, Dinosaurs, Upper Edmonton Formation near Drumheller: Museum and Archives Notes, n. 11, p. 1-4.

Thulborn, R. A., 1971, Tooth wear and jaw action in the Triassic ornithischian dinosaur Fabrosaurus: Journal of Zoology, London, v. 164, p. 165-179.

Thulborn, R. A., 1971, The systematic position of the Triassic ornithischian dinosaur Lycorhinus angustidens: Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, v. 49, p. 235-245.

Armored dinosaurs

Synonym: Nova (1)

Paranthodon africanus (BROOM, 1910) COOMBS, 1971 (nomen scriptum)
= Palaeoscincus africanus BROOM, 1910
= Anthodon serrarius OWEN, 1876 (partim)
= Paranthodon oweni NOPCSA, 1929

Note: NOPCSA, 1929 erected the genus Paranthodon oweni, but that and BROOM, 1910 genus Palaeoscincus africanus are one and the same specimen. In COOMBS thesis (1971) he corrected the species name, but it wasn’t until OLSHEVSKY, 1978 who officially published the COOMBS correction..

Coombs, W. P. jr., 1971, The Ankylosauria: Unpublished thesis. University Microfilms, n. 72-1291, 487pp. (Paranthodon africanus (nomen scriptum), = Palaeoscincus africanus, = Anthodon serrarius (partim), = Paranthodon oweni)

Dinca, A., Tocorjescu, M., and Stilla, A., 1971, Despre virsta depozitelor continentale cu Dinozaurieni din bazinele Hateg si Rusca Montana: Dari de seama ale sedintelor, v. 58, p. 83-94.

Dodson, P., 1971, Sedimentology and Taphonomy of the Oldman Formation (Campanian), Dinosaur Provincial Park, Alberta (Canada): Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, v. 101, p. 21-74.

Dodson, P., 1971, Sedimentology and Taphonomy of the Oldman Formation (Campanian), Dinosaur Provincial Park, Alberta (Canada): Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, v. 101, p. 21-74.

Maryanaska, T., 1971, New data on the skull of Pinacosaurus grangeri (Ankylosauria): Palaeontologica Polonica, v. 25, p. 45-53. Link to pdf

Taylor, D. A., and Storer, J. E., 1971, Dinosaurs, Upper Edmonton Formation near Drumheller: Museum and Archives Notes, n. 11, p. 1-4.

Dinosaurs in general

Bakker, R. T., 1971, Dinosaur physiology and the origin of Mammals: Evolution, v. 25, p. 636-658.

Barsbold, R., Voronin, V. J., and Zhegalo, V. I., 1971, [Narrative of the work of the Sovit-Mongolian palaeontological expedition in 1969-1971]: Paläontologische Zeitschrift, 1971, n. 2, p. 139-143.

Colbert, E. H., 1971, Tetrapods and continents: The Quarterly Review of Biology, v. 48, p. 250-269.

Dodson, P., 1971, Sedimentology and Taphonomy of the Oldman Formation (Campanian), Dinosaur Provincial Park, Alberta (Canada): Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, v. 101, p. 21-74.

Fritz, M. A., 1971, William Arthur Parks, Ph.D., LL.D., F.R.S. 1868-1936: Royal Ontario Museum Life Sciences Miscellaneous Publications, p. 1-18.

Keast, A., 1971, Continental dirft and the evolution of the biota on southern continents: The Quarterly Review of Biology, v. 46, n. 4, p. 335-378.

Morris, W. J., 1971, A new View of Duckbilled Dinosaurs: Fauna, v. 1, p. 26-29.

Russell, L. S., 1971, Those Remarkable Dinosaurs. A Rotunda reprint.

Thulborn, R. A., 1971, Tooth wear and jaw action in the Triassic ornithischian dinosaur Fabrosaurus: Journal of Zoology, London, v. 164, p. 165-179.

Thulborn, R. A., 1971, Origins and Evolution of Ornithischian Dinosaurs: Nature, v. 234, p. 75-78.

Aves (Mesozoic)

Brodkorb, P., 1971, Catalogue of Fossil Birds: Part 4 (Columbiformes through Piciformes): Bulletin of the Florida State Museum, v. 15, n. 4, p. 163-266.

Brodkorb, P., 1971, Origin and Evolution of Birds: Avian Biology, v. 1, p. 19-55.

Cracraft, J., 1971, Caenagnathiformes: Cretaceous birds convergent in jaw mechanism to dicynodont reptiles: Journal of Paleontology, v. 45, n. 5, p. 805-809.



Haubold, H., 1971, Die Tetrapodenfahrten aus dem Permosiles (Stefan und Rotligendes) der Thuringer Waldes: Abh. Ber. Mus. Nat. Gotha, p. 15-41.

Rayner, D. H., 1971, Data on the environment and preservation of Late Palaeozoic Tetrapods: Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society, v. 38, part 4, n. 20, p. 437-495.

Robinson, P. L., 1971, A problem of faunal replacement on Permo-Triassic continents: Palaeontology, v. 14, part 1, p. 131-153.


Boonstra, L. D., 1971, The early Therapsids: Annals of the South African Museum, v. 59, n. 2, p. 17-46.

Colbert, E. H., 1971, Tetrapods and continents: The Quarterly Review of Biology, v. 48, p. 250-269.

Cys, J. M., 1971, The palate and affinites of Mirotenthes (Reptilia: Theriodontia): Journal of Paleontology, v. 45, n. 1, p. 122-125.

Hopson, J. A., 1971, Postcanine replacemnet in the gomphodont cynodont Diademodon: In: Early Mammals, Supplement 1 to the Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, v. 50, p.1-22.

Jenkins, F. A. jr., 1971, The Postcranial Skeleton of African Cynodonts: Peabody Museum of Natural History Yale University, Bulletin n. 36, p. 1-216.

Keast, A., 1971, Continental dirft and the evolution of the biota on southern continents: The Quarterly Review of Biology, v. 46, n. 4, p. 335-378.

Parrington, F. R., 1971, On the Late Triassic Mammals: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, series B, v. 261, p. 231-271.

Rayner, D. H., 1971, Data on the environment and preservation of Late Palaeozoic Tetrapods: Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society, v. 38, part 4, n. 20, p. 437-495.

Robinson, P. L., 1971, A problem of faunal replacement on Permo-Triassic continents: Palaeontology, v. 14, part 1, p. 131-153.

Simpson, G. S., 1971, Recent Literature on Mesozoic Mammals: Journal of Paleontology, v. 45, n. 5, p. 862-868.


Genus: Nova (2)

Jachaleria BONAPARTE, 1971
Uralokannemeyeria DANILOV, 1971

Species: Nova (2)

Jachaleria colorata BONAPARTE, 1971
Uralokannemeyeria vjuschkovi DANILOV, 1971

Bonaparte, J. F., 1971, Annotated list of the South American Triassic tetrapods: In: Proceedings and Papers: 2nd IVGS Gondwana Symposium. Pretoria, South Africa, Haughton S. H., Editor, CSIR 1970, p. 665-682. (Jachaleria colorata)

Boonstra, L. D., 1971, The early Therapsids: Annals of the South African Museum, v. 59, n. 2, p. 17-46.

Cluver, M. A., 1971, The Cranial morphology of the Dicynodont Genus Lystrosaurus: Annals of the South African Museum, v. 56, part 5, p. 155-274.

Colbert, E. H., 1971, Tetrapods and continents: The Quarterly Review of Biology, v. 48, p. 250-269.

Danilov, A. I., 1971, A new dicynodont from the Middle Triassic of Souther Cisural: Paleontological Journal, v. 5, p. 265-268. (Uralokannemeyeria vjuschkovi)

Keast, A., 1971, Continental dirft and the evolution of the biota on southern continents: The Quarterly Review of Biology, v. 46, n. 4, p. 335-378.

Rayner, D. H., 1971, Data on the environment and preservation of Late Palaeozoic Tetrapods: Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society, v. 38, part 4, n. 20, p. 437-495.

Robinson, P. L., 1971, A problem of faunal replacement on Permo-Triassic continents: Palaeontology, v. 14, part 1, p. 131-153.

Mammals (Mesozoic)

Genus: Nova (4)

Albertatherium FOX, 1971a
Aquiladelphis FOX, 1971a
Kermackia SLAUGHTER, 1971
Viridomys FOX, 1971b

Species: Nova (15)

Albertatherium primus FOX, 1971a
Alphadon austrinum SIGE, 1971a
Alphadon creber FOX, 1971a
Aquiladelphis minor FOX, 1971a
Cimexomys antiquus FOX, 1971b
Cimexomys magister FOX, 1971b
Cimolodon electus FOX, 1971b
Cimolodon similis FOX, 1971b
Kermackia texana SLAUGHTER, 1971
Melanodon hodsoni CLEMENS & LEES, 1971
Meniscoessus ferox FOX, 1971b
Mesodma senecta FOX, 1971b
Pediomys exiguus FOX, 1971a
Spalacotherium taylori CLEMENS & LEES, 1971
Viridomys orbatus FOX, 1971b

Clemens, W. A. jr., 1971, Mammalian evolution in the Cretaceous: In: Early Mammals, edited by Kermack, D. M., and Kermack, K. A., Supplement 1 to the Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, v. 50, p. 165-180.

Clemens, W. A. jr. and Lees, P. M., 1971, A review of English Early Cretaceous mammals: In: Early Mammals. Edited by Kermack, D. M., and Kermack, K. A., Supplement 1 to the Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, v. 50, p. 117-130. (Melanodon hodsoni, Spalacotherium taylori)

Clemens, W. A. jr, and Millls, J. R. E., 1971, Review of Peramus tenuirsotris OWEN (Eupantotheria, Mammalia): The British Museum (Natural History), Geology, v. 20, n. 3, p. 88-113.

Crompton, A. W., 1971, The origin of the tribosphenic molar: In: Early Mammals, edited by Kermack, D. M., and Kermack, K. A., supplement n. 1, to the Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, v. 50, p. 65-88.

Every, R. G. and Kuhne, W. G., 1971, Bimodal wear of mammailan teeth: In: Early Mammals edited by Kermack, D. M., and Kermack, K. A., supplement n. 1, to the Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, v. 50, p. 23-28.

Fox, R. C., 1971a, Marsupipal mammals from the Early Campanian Milk River Formation, Alberta, Canada: In: Early Mammals. Edited by Kermack, D. M., and Kermack, K. A., Supplement 1 to the Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, v. 50, p. 145-164. (Albertatherium primus, Alphadon austrinum, Alphadon creber, Aquiladelphis minor, Pediomys exiguous)

Fox, R. C., 1971b, Early Campanian Multituberculates (Mammalia: Allotheira) from the Upper Malk River Formation, Alberta: Canadian Journal of Earth Science, v. 8, p. 916-938. (Cimexomys antiquus, Cimexomys magister, Cimolodon electus, Cimolodon similis, Meniscoessus ferox, Mesodma senecta, Viridomys orbatus)

Hahn, G., 1971, The Dentition of the Paulchoffatiidae (Multituberculata, Late Jurassic). Contribuicao Para o conhecimento da Fauna do Kimeridgiano da Mina de lignito Guimarota (Leiria, Portugal), II Parte: Servicos Geologicos de Portugal, Memora n. 17, p. 7-39.

Keast, A., 1971, Continental dirft and the evolution of the biota on southern continents: The Quarterly Review of Biology, v. 46, n. 4, p. 335-378.

Kermack, K. A., and Kielan-Joworowska, Z., 1971, Therian and non-therian mammals: In: Early Mammals, edited by Kermack, D. M., and Kermack, K. A., supplement 1 to the Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, v. 50, p. 103-116.

Kielan-Jaworowska, Z., 1971, Skull structure and affinities of the Multituberculata: Palaeontologica Polonica, v. 25, p. 5-41.

Krebs, B., 1971, Evolution of the mandible and lower dentition in dryolestids (Panthotheria, Mammalia): In: Early Mammals, edited by Kermack D. M., and Kermack K. A., supplement 1 to the Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, v. 50, p. 89-102.

McKenna, M. C., Mellett, J. S., and Szalay, F. S., 1971, Relationships of the Cretaceous mammal Deltatheridium: Journal of Paleontology, v. 43, n. 3, p. 441-442.

Mills, J. R. E., 1971, The dentition of Morganucodon: In: Early Mammals, edited by Kermack, D. M., and Kermack, K. A., supplement 1 to the Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, v. 50, p. 29-64.

Parrington, F. R., 1971, On the Late Triassic Mammals: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, v. 261, series B, p. 231-271.

Sige, M. B., 1971, Les Didelphoidea de Laguna Umayo (formatioin Vilquechico, Certace superieur, Perou) et la peuplement marsupial d’Amerique du Sud: Compte rendu hebdomadaire des seances de l’Academie des Sciences Paris, tomo 273, p. 2479-2481.

Simpson, G. G., 1971, Recent Literature on Mesozoic Mammals: Journal of Paleontology, v. 45, n. 5, p. 862-868.

Simpson, G. G., 1971, Concluding remarks: Mesozoic mammals revisited: In: Early Mammals, edited by Kermack, D. M., and Kermack, K. A., supplement 1 to the Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, v. 50, p. 181-198.

Slaughter, B. H., 1971, Mid-Cretaceous (Albain) therians of the Butler Farm local Fauna, Texas: In: Early Mammals. Edited by Kermack, D. M., and Kermack, K. A., Supplement 1 to the Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, v. 50, p. 131-144. (Kermackia texana)

Taylor, D. A., and Storer, J. E., 1971, Dinosaurs, Upper Edmonton Formation near Drumheller: Museum and Archives Notes, n. 11, p. 1-4.


Sochava, A. V., 1971, Two types of eggshell in Senonian Dinosaurs: Palaeontological Journal, v. 5, n. 3, p. 353-361.


Genus: Nova (12)

Amphisauropus HAUBOLD, 1971
Bipedopus HAUBOLD, 1971
Delairichnus HAUBOLD, 1971
Dilophosauripus WELLES, 1971
Gilmoreichnus HAUBOLD, 1971
Hopiichnus WELLES, 1971
Isochirotherium HAUBOLD, 1971
Kayentapus WELLES, 1971
Lacertipus HAUBOLD, 1971
Lapparentichnus HAUBOLD, 1971
Semibipedopus HAUBOLD, 1971
Tyrannosauropus HAUBOLD, 1971

Species: Nova (19)

Bipedopus coloradensis HAUBOLD, 1971
Changpeipus bartholomaii HAUBOLD, 1971
Columbosauripus amouraensis HAUBOLD, 1971 emened BELLAIR & LAPPARENT, 1948
Delairichnus annanensis HAUBOLD, 1971
Dilophosauripus williamsi WELLES, 1971

Kayentapus hopii WELLES, 1971
Kalosauropus pollex ELLENBERGER, 1971
Kalosauropus pollex victor ELLENBERGER, 1971 (nomen nudum)
Kalosauropus pollex minor ELLENBERGER, 1971 (nomen nudum)
Kalosauropus pollex minusculus ELLENBERGER, 1971 (nomen nudum)
Lacertipus navajoensis HAUBOLD, 1971
Laoporus robustus (DELAIR, 1966) HAUBOLD
Lapparentichnus oleronensis HAUBOLD, 1971
Megalosauropus glenrosensis HAUBOLD, 1971 (nomen dubium)
Megalosauropus brionensis HAUBOLD, 1971
Palmichnus tambachensis HAUBOLD, 1971
Semibipedopus meekerensis HAUBOLD, 1971
Tyrannosauropus petersoni HAUBOLD, 1971
Varanopus langstoni SARJEANT, 1971

Synonym: Nova (37)

Amphisauropus latus HAUBOLD, 1971
= Ichnium pachydactylum von friedrichroda PABST, 1900
= Ichnium pachydactylum albendorfense PABST, 1900
= Ichnium pachydactylum friedrichrodanum PABST, 1908
Amphisauropus imminutus HAUBOLD, 1971
= Saurichnites salamandroides FRITSCH, 1901
= Saurichnites incurvatus FRITISCH, 1901
= Ichnium pachydactylum albendorfense PABST, 1908
= Ichnium pachydactylum rossitzense PABST, 1908
= Ichnium rhopalodactylum kalnanum PABST, 1908
= Ichnium rhopalodactylum rossitzense PABST, 1908
= Ichnium brachydactylum kabarzense PABST, 1908
? Amphisauropus intermedius (FRITSCH, 1895) HAUBOLD, 1971
= Saurichnites intermedius FRITSCH, 1895
Anhomoiichnium diversum (SCHMIDT, 1959) HAUBOLD, 1971
= Akropus diversus SCHMIDT, 1959
Anomalopus? kablikae (GEINITZ, 1882) HAUBOLD, 1971
= Ichnium brachydactylum kalnanum PABST, 1909
= ?Chelichnus kablikae KUHN, 1963
Anomalopus supaiensis (GILMORE, 1927) HAUBOLD, 1971
= Tridentichnus supaiensis GILMORE, 1927
= Ammobatrachus turbatans GILMORE, 1928
Anthracopus saxoniae (SCHMIDT, 1927) HAUBOLD, 1971
= Cursipes saxoniae SCHMIDT, 1927
Asperipes aduncus (BRANSON, 1910) HAUBOLD, 1971
= Dromopus aduncus BRANSON, 1910
Batrachichnus parvus (GILMORE, 1927) HAUBOLD, 1971
= Dromillopus parvus GILMORE, 1927
Brachychirotherium hessei (SOERGEL, 1925) HAUBOLD, 1971
= Chirotherium hessei SOERGEL, 1925
Brachychirotherium eyermani (BAIRD, 1957) HAUBOLD, 1971
= Chirotherium eyermani BAIRD, 1957
Dimetropus leisnerianus (GEINITZ, 1863) HAUGOLD, 1971
= Saurichnites lieisnerianus GEINITZ, 1863
Gilmoreichnus hermitanus (GILMORE, 1927) HAUBOLD, 1971
= Hylopus hermitanus GILMORE, 1927
Ichniotherium gilmorei HAUBOLD, 1971
= Parabaropus coloradensis GILMORE, 1928
Isochirotherium marshalli (PEABODY, 1948) HAUBOLD, 1971
= Chirotherium marshalli PEABODY, 1948
Isochirotherium coltoni (PEABODY, 1948) HAUBOLD, 1971
= Chirotherium coltoni PEABODY, 1948
Isochirotherium coureli (DEMATHIEU, 1970) HAUBOLD, 1971
= Chirotherium coureli DEMATHIEU, 1970
Isochirotherium lomasi (BAIRD, 1954) HAUBOLD, 1971
= Chirotherium storetonense LULL, 1904
Isochirotherium soergeil (HAUBOLD, 1967) HAUBOLD, 1971
= Chirotherium soergeil HAUBOLD, 1967
Isochirotherium demathieui (HAUBOLD, 1970) HAUBOLD, 1971
= Chirotherium demathieui HAUBOLD, 1970

Isochirotherium hessebergense (HAUBOLD, 1971) HAUBOLD, 1971
= Chirotherium hessebergense HAUBOLD, 1971
Isochirotherium jenense (HAUBOLD, 1971) HAUBOLD, 1971
= Chirotherium jenense HAUBOLD, 1971
Laoporus ambiguus (JARDINE, 1853) HAUBOLD, 1971
= Chelichnus ambiguus JARDINE, 1853
Laoporous matheri (GILMORE, 1926) HAUBOLD, 1971
= Agostopus matheri GILMORE, 1926
Laoporus medius (GILMORE, 1926) HAUBOLD, 1971
= Agostopus medius GILMORE, 1926
= Nanopus maximus GILMORE, 1927
= Laoporus maximus (GILMORE, 1927)
= Barypodus palmatus GILMORE, 1926
= Laoporus palmatus (GILMORE, 1926)
= Barypodus metszeri GILMORE, 1927
= Laoporus metszeri (GILMORE, 1927)
= Barypodus tridactylus GILMORE, 1927
= Laoporus tridactylus (GILMORE, 1927)
Laoporus dolloi (SCHMIDTGEN, 1928) HAUBOLD, 1971
= Ichnium dolloi SCHMIDTGEN, 1928
Laoporus gravis subspecies junior (SCHMIDT, 1959) HAUBOLD, 1971
= Barypodus gravis subspecies junior SCHMIDT, 1959
Laoporus gravis subspecies major (SCHMIDT, 1959) HAUBOLD, 1971
= Barypodus gravis subspecies major SCHMIDT, 1959
Laoporus mildei (SCHMIDT, 1959) HAUBOLD, 1971
= Barypodus milldei SCHMIDT, 1959
Pseudobradypus ohioensis (CARMAN, 1927) HAUBOLD, 1971
= Anomoeichnus ohioensis CARMAN, 1927
Pseudobradypus ortoni (CARMAN, 1927) HAUBOLD, 1971
= Ancylopus ortoni CARMAN, 1927
Pseudobradypus longidigitatus (STERNBERG, 1933) HAUBOLD, 1971
= Herpetichnus longidigitatus STERNBERG, 1933
= Asperipes longidigitatus (STERNBERG, 1933)
Pseudobradypus ernier (SCHMIDT, 1963) HAUBOLD, 1971
= Herpetichnus ernier SCHMIDT, 1963
Rotodactylus (?) tumidus (MORTON, 1897) HAUBOLD, 1971
= Rhynchosaurus tumidus MORTON, 1897
Thecodontichnus verrucae (THOMMASI, 1886) HAUBOLD, 1971
= Ichnites verrucae THOMMASI, 1886
Varanopus microdactylus (PABST, 1896) HAUBOLD, 1971
= Ichnium microdactylus PABST, 1886

Bassoullet, J.-P., 1971, Decouverte d’emprientes de pas de Reptiles dans l’Infralias de la region d’Ain-Sefra (Atals shaarien-Algerie): Compte rendu sommaire des seances de la Societe de Geologie, France, v. 7, p. 358-359.

Casanovas-Cladellas, M. L., and Santafe Llopis, J.-V., 1971, Icnitas de reptiles mesozoicos en la provincia de Logrono: Acta Geologica Hispanica, tomo 6, n. 5, p. 139-142.

Demathieu, G. R., 1971, Cinq nouvelles especes d’empreintes de Reptiles du Trias de la bordure nord-est du Massif Central: Compte rendu hebdomadaire des seances de l’Academie des Sciences Paris, tomo 272, serie D, p. 812-814.

Get Kalosauropus pollex, Kalosauropus pollex victor (nomen nudum), Kalosauropus pollex minor, (nomen nudum), Kalosauropus pollex minusculus ELLENBERGER, 1971 (nomen nudum)

Gand, G., 1971, Decouverte de documents Ichnologiques nouveaux dans les carrieres de la Pissoire (Plateau d’Antully-Saone-&-Loire): Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. Autun, new series, v. 58, p. 3-14.

Haubold, H., 1971, Ichnia Amphibiorum et Reptiliorum fossilium: Handbuch der Palaoherpetologie, Teil 18, p. 1-124. (Amphisauropus latus = Ichnium pachydactylum von friedrichroda, = Ichnium pachydactylum albendorfense, = Ichnium pachydactylum friedrichrodanum, Amphisauropus imminutus = Saurichnites salamandroides, = Saurichnites incurvatus, = Ichnium pachydactylum albendorfense, = Ichnium pachydactylum rossitzense, = Ichnium rhopalodactylum kalnanum, = Ichnium rhopalodactylum rossitzense, = Ichnium brachydactylum kabarzense, ?Amphisauropus intermedius = Saurichnites intermedius, Anhomoiichnium diversum = Akropus diversus, Anomalopus? kablikae = Ichnium brachydactylum kalnanum, = ?Chelichnus kablikae, Anomalopus supaiensis = Tridentichnus supaiensis, = Ammobatrachus turbatans, Anthracopus saxoniae = Cursipes saxoniae, Asperipes aduncus = Dromopus aduncus, Batrachichnus parvus = Dromillopus parvus, Bipedopus coloradensis, Brachychirotherium hessei = Chirotherium hessei, Brachychirotherium eyermani = Chirotherium eyermani, Changpeipus bartholomaii, Columbosauripus amouraensis, Delairichnus annanensis, Dimetropus leisnerianus = Saurichnites lieisnerianus, Gilmoreichnus hermitanus = Hylopus hermitanus, Ichniotherium gilmorei = Parabaropus coloradensis, Isochirotherium marshalli = Chirotherium marshalli, Isochirotherium coltoni = Chirotherium coltoni, Isochirotherium coureli = Chirotherium coureli, Isochirotherium lomasi = Chirotherium storetonense, Isochirotherium soergeil = Chirotherium soergeil, Isochirotherium demathieui= Chirotherium demathieui, Isochirotherium hessebergense = Chirotherium hessebergense, Isochirotherium jenense = Chirotherium jenense, Lacertipus navajoensis, Laoporus ambiguus = Chelichnus ambiguous, Laoporous matheri = Agostopus matheri, Laoporus medius = Agostopus medius, = Nanopus maximus, = Laoporus maximus, = Barypodus palmatus, = Laoporus palmatus, = Barypodus metszeri, = Laoporus metszeri, = Barypodus tridactylus, = Laoporus tridactylus, Laoporus dolloi = Ichnium dolloi, Laoporus gravis subspecies junior = Barypodus gravis subspecies junior, Laoporus gravis subspecies major = Barypodus gravis subspecies major, Laoporus mildei = Barypodus milldei, Laoporus robustus, Lapparentichnus oleronensis, Megalosauropus glenrosensis (nomen dubium), Megalosauropus brionensis, Palmichnus tambachensis, Pseudobradypus ohioensis = Anomoeichnus ohioensis, Pseudobradypus ortoni, = Ancylopus ortoni, Pseudobradypus longidigitatus = Herpetichnus longidigitatus, = Asperipes longidigitatus, Pseudobradypus ernier, = Herpetichnus ernier, Rotodactylus (?) tumidus = Rhynchosaurus tumidus, Semibipedopus meekerensis, Thecodontichnus verrucae = Ichnites verrucae, Tyrannosauropus petersoni, Varanopus microdactylus = Ichnium microdactylus)

Haubold, H., 1971, Die Tetrapodenfahrten aus dem Permosiles (Stefan und Rotligendes) der Thuringer Waldes: Abh. Ber. Mus. Nat. Gotha, p. 15-41.

Keast, A., 1971, Continental dirft and the evolution of the biota on southern continents: The Quarterly Review of Biology, v. 46, n. 4, p. 335-378.

Malz, H., 1971, Ein fossiler, wildwechsel’ im wiehenbebirge: Natur und Museum, v. 101, n. 10, p. 431-436.

Perkins, B. F., and Stewart, C. L., 1971, Stop 7: Dinosaur Valley State Park: In: Trace Fossils. A field guide to selected localities in Pennsylvanian, Permian, Cretaceous and Tertiary Rocks of Texas and Related Papers. The Society of Economic Paleontologist and Mineralogist Field Trip-April 1-3, 1971. The School of Geoscience, Louisiana State University, Miscellaneous Publication 71-1, p. 56-59.

Get Varanopus langstoni SARJEANT, 1971

Warrington, G., and Thompson, D. B., 1971, The Triassic Rocks of Alderley Edge, Cheshire: The Mercian Geologist, v. 4, p. 69-72.

Welles, S. P., 1971, Dinosaur Footprints from the Kayenta Formation of Northern Arizona: Plateau, v. 44, n. 1, p. 27-38. (Dilophosauripus williamsi, Hopiichnus shingi, Kayentapus hopii)


Sochava, A. V., 1971, Two types of eggshell in Senonian Dinosaurs: Palaeontological Journal, v. 5, n. 3, p. 353-361.


Stomach contents



Soft tissue


Dodson, P., 1971, Sedimentology and Taphonomy of the Oldman Formation (Campanian), Dinosaur Provincial Park, Alberta (Canada): Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, v. 101, p. 21-74.


DNA (and Blood)

(suppose) Tertiary Dinosaurs


Russell, D. A., 1971, The disappearance of the dinosaurs: Canadian Geographic Journal, v. 83, n. 6, p. 204-215.

Russell, D. A., and Tucker, W., 1971, Supernovae and the Extinction of the Dinosaurs: Nature, v. 229, p. 553-554.

Worsley, T. R., 1971, Terminal Cretaceous events: Nature, v. 230, p. 318-320.



Sharov, A. G., 1971, Nouveletayushche reptilli iz Mesozoy a Kazakhstanai i Kirgizii: Trudy Paleontol, Inst. Akad. Nauk. SSSR, v. 130, p. 104-113.


Morris, W. J., 1971, A new View of Duckbilled Dinosaurs: Fauna, v. 1, p. 26-29.

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