1963 articles

Fish; Agnatha, Thelodonti, Placoderm, Acanthodians, Chondrichthyes, Fish, Crossopterygians, Lungfish, Coelocanths, Fish Ichnology, Fish burrows

Amphibians; Temnospondyli ("Labyrinthodons", Early Amphibians), Reptilosauromorph, Lepospondyli, Amphibians

Reptilia; Lower Reptiles (“Anapsids”), Turtles, Diapsida (Lower Lepidosauromorphs), Lizards and snakes, Sphenodonts, Ichthyosaurs, Sauropterygians and Placodontians, Lower Archosauromorpha, “Thecodontia, Pseudosuchia", Crocodilia (Mesosuchia, Eusuchia), Pterosaurs

Dinosaurs; Theropoda, Sauropodomorpha (Sauropoda, Prosauropoda), Ornithischia, Armored dinosaurs, Dinosaurs in general, Aves (Mesozoic)

Synapsids; Pelycosaurs, Theriodontia, Deinocephalia, Mammals (Mesozoic)

Eggs, Ichnology, Palaeopathologies, Gastroliths, Stomach contents, Coprolites, Histology, Soft tissue, Bonebed, Taphonomy,DNA (and Blood), (suppose) Tertiary Dinosaurs, Extinction

Integuments; Feathers, Skin


Genus: Nova (3)

Ariaspis DENISON, 1963
Dikenaspis DEINSON, 1963
Ptomaspis DENISON, 1963

Species: Nova (7)

Ariaspis ornata DENISON, 1963
Dikenaspis yukonensis DEINSON, 1963
Homalaspidella borealis DENISON, 1963
Ptomaspis canadensis DENISON, 1963
Traquairaspis angusta DEINSON, 1963
Vernonaspis bamberi DENISON, 1963
Vernonaspis major DENISON, 1963

Get Ariaspis ornate, Dikenaspis yukonensis, Homalaspidella borealis, Ptomaspis canadensis, Traquairaspis angusta, Vernonaspis bamberi, Vernonaspis major DENISON, 1963

Gross, W., 1963, Drepanaspis gemuendenensis schuluter neuuntersuchung: Palaeontographica, Abta. A., v. 121, p. 133-155.

Isaacs, W. A., Little, K., Currey, J. D., and Tarlo, L. B. H., 1963, Collagen and a cellulose-like substance in fossil dentine and bone: Nature, v. 197, p. 192.



Genus: Nova (7)

Dickosteus MILES & WESTOLL, 1963
Helmerosteus STENSIO, 1963
Parawalterosteus STENSIO, 1963
Stuertzaspis WESTOLL & MILES, 1963
Tapinosteus STENSIO, 1963
Watsonosteus MILES & WESTOLL, 1963
Yunnanolepis LIU, 1963

Species: Nova (13)

Belosteus tuberculatus STENSIO, 1963
Bothriolepis shaokuanensis CHANG, 1963
Brachydeirus bicarinatus STENSIO, 1963
Brachydeirus loefgreeni STENSIO, 1963
Dickosteus threiplandi MILES & WESTOLL, 1963
?Leiosteus brachyrostris STENSIO, 1963
Leiosteus inflatus STENSIO, 1963
Leiosteus koeneni STENSIO, 1963
Parawalterosteus dubius STENSIO, 1963
Parawalterosteus anguticeps STENSIO, 1963
Phyllolepis tolli VASILIAUSKAS, 1963
Tapinosteus heintzi STENSIO, 1963
Yunnanolepis chii LIU, 1963

Synonym: Nova (2)

Stuertzaspis germanica (TRAQUAIR, 1903) WESTOLL & MILES, 1963
= Phylctaenaspis germanica TRAQUAIR, 1903
Watsonosteus fletti (WESTON, 1932) MILES & WESTOLL, 1963
= Cosccosteus fletti WESTON, 1932

Chang, K.-J., 1963, A new species of Bothriolepis from Kwangtung: Vertebrata PalAsiatica, v. 7, n. 4, p. 342-351. (Bothriolepis shaokuanensis)

Isaacs, W. A., Little, K., Currey, J. D., and Tarlo, L. B. H., 1963, Collagen and a cellulose-like substance in fossil dentine and bone: Nature, v. 197, p. 192.

Liu, Y., 1963, On the Antiarchiform Chutsing, Yunnan: Vertebrata PalAsiatica, v. 7, n. 1, p. 39-46. (Yunnanolepis chii)

Get Dickosteus threiplandi MILES & WESTOLL, 1963

Schmidt, W. V., 1963, Ein Rhenanide (Arthrodira) aus dem Unteren Mittle-Devon der Turkei: Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen, v. 118, n. 3, p. 217-230.

Get Belosteus tuberculatus, Brachydeirus bicarinatus, Brachydeirus loefgreeni, ?Leiosteus brachyrostris, Leiosteus inflatus, Leiosteus koeneni, Parawalterosteus dubius, Parawalterosteus anguticeps, Tapinosteus heintzi STENSIO, 1963

Get Phyllolepis tolli

Van Valen, L,. 1063, The head shield of Macropetalichthys (Arthodira): Journal of Paleontology, v. 37, n. 1, . 257-263.

Get Stuertzaspis germanica = Phylctaenaspis germanica, Watsonosteus fletti = Cosccosteus fletti WESTOLL & MILES, 1963



Genus: Nova (2)

Pucapristis SCHAEFFER, 1963
Sinohelicoprion LU & CHANG, 1963

Species: Nova (2)

Pucapristis branisi SCHAEFFER, 1963
Sinohelicoprion changshingensis LIU & CHANG, 1963

Get Sinohelicoprion changshingensis LIU & CHANG, 1963

Get Pucapristis branisi SCHAEFFER, 1963


Species: Nova (9)

Anaethalion langshanensis SU, 1963
Coelodus rosadoi SILVA SANTOS, 1963
Knightia yuyanga LIU, 1963
Lepidotus dixseptiensis SANTOS, 1963
Lycoptera longicephalus LIU, SU, HUANG & CHANG, 1963
Lycoptera polyspondylous LIU, SU, HUANG & CHANG, 1963
Lycoptera lungteensis LIU, SU, HUANG & CHANG, 1963
Lycoptera tungi LIU, SU, HUANG & CHANG, 1963
Lycoptera wangi GAUDANT, 1965

Synonym: Nova (2)

Bananogmius favirostris (COPE, 1877) NELSON, 1963
= Anogmius favirostris COPE, 1877
Lycoptera muroii (TAKAI, 1943) LIU, SU, HUANG & CHANG, 1963
= Asiatolepis muroii TAKAI, 1943

Beltan, L., 1963, Sur l’existence d’un supraoccipital dermique chez un Saurichthys de l’Eotrias de Madagascar: Compte rendu hebdomadaire des seances de l’Academie des Sciences Paris, p. 1318-1320.

Blot, J., and Heyler, D., 1963, Su rune particularite anatomique de certains poisons du Permo-Carbonifere des basins de commentary et Autun: Societe Geologique de France, Bulletin, 7th series, t. 5, p. 64-69.

Get Lycoptera wangi GAUDANT, 1965

Kuhn-Schnyder, E., 1963, I Sauri del Monte San Giorgio: Comunicazioni del’Istituto di Paleontologia del’Universita di Zurigo, n. 20, p. 811-853.

Get Knightia yuyanga LIU, 1963

Liu, T., Liu, H. T., and Su, T., 1963, The discovery of Sinamia zdanskyi from the Ordos Region and its stratigraphical significance: Vertebrata PalAsiatica, v. 7, n. 1, p. 10-35.

Get Lycoptera longicephalus, Lycoptera muroii = Asiatolepis muroii, Lycoptera polyspondylous, Lycoptera lungteensis, Lycoptera tungi LIU, SU, HUANG & CHANG, 1963

Malzahn, E., 1963, Lepidotus elevensis Blanville, aus dem Posidonienschiefer der Dobbertiner Liasscholle mit speziellen untersuchungen zur histology des operculums: Geol. Jb., v. 80, p. 539-560.

Get Bananogmius favirostris = Anogmius favirostris NELSON, 1963

Get Lepidotus dixseptiensis SANTOS, 1963

Get Coelodus rosadoi SILVA SANTOS, 1963

Get Anaethalion langshanensis SU, 1963

Wenz, S., 1963, Remarque sur la nagoire caudale de pachycormus: Compte rendu hebdomadaire des seances de l’Academie des Sciences Paris, p. 3021-3023.



Species: Nova (3)

Ceratodus protopteroides TABASTE, 1963
Ceratodus tiguidensis TABASTE, 1963
Ceratodus tuberculauts TABASTE, 1963

Get Ceratodus protopteroides, Ceratodus tiguidensis, Ceratodus tuberculauts TABASTE, 1963


Genus: Nova (1)

Synaptotylus ECHOLS, 1963

Species: Nova (1)

Mawsonia lavocati TABASTE, 1963

Synonym: (1)

Synaptotylus newelli (HIBBARD, 1933) ECHOLS, 1963
= Coelacanthus newelli HIBBARD, 1933
= Coelacanthus arcuatus HIBBARD, 1933

Echols, J., 1963, A New Genus of Pennsylvanian Fish (Crossopterygii, Coelacanthiformes) from Kansas: University of Kansas Publications, Museum of Natural History, v. 12, n. 10, p. 475-501. (Synaptotylus newelli = Coelacanthus newelli, = Coelacanthus arcuatus)

Kuhn-Schnyder, E., 1963, I Sauri del Monte San Giorgio: Comunicazioni del’Istituto di Paleontologia del’Universita di Zurigo, n. 20, p. 811-853.

Get Mawsonia lavocati TABASTE, 1963

Fish Ichnology

Temnospondyli ("Labyrinthodons", Early Amphibians)

Genus: Nova (1)

Promastodonsaurus BONAPARTE, 1963

Species: Nova (2)

Branchiosaurus brachyrhynchus WATSON, 1963
Promastodonsaurus bellmanni BONAPARTE, 1963

Synonym: Nova (1)

Branchiosaurus levis (BULMAN, 1928) WATSON, 1963
= Leptorophus levis BULMAN, 1928

Barry, T. H., 1963. On the variable occurrence of the tympanum in recent and fossil tetrapods: South African Journal of Science, May, 1963; p. 160-175.

Bonaparte, J. F., 1963, Promastodonsaurus bellmanni n. g. et n. sp, Capitosaurido del Triasico Medio de Argentina (Stereospondyli-Capitosauroidea): Ameghiniana, tomo III, n. 3, p. 67-77. (Promastodonsaurus bellmanni)

Chase, J. N., 1963, The Labyrnthodont dentition: Breviora, n. 187, p. 1-13.

Colbert, E. H., 1963, Fossils of the Connecticut Valley, The Age of Dinosaurs Begins: State Geological and Natural History Survey of Connecticut, Bulletin n. 96, p. 1-31.

Konjukova, E. E., 1963, First discovery of Phyllospondyli in Upper Paleozoic of Kazakhstan: Paleontologischeskii Zhurnal 1963, n. 4, p. 141 (International Geological Review, v. 7, p. 1075.)

Langston, W. Jr., 1963, Fossil vertebrates and the late Palaeozoic Red Beds of Prince Edward Island: National Museum of Natural Science, bulletin v. 187, Geological Series n. 56, p. 1-36.

Parsons, T. S., and Williams, E. E., 1963, The relationships of the modern amphibia: a re-examination: The Quarterly Review of Biology, v. 38, p. 26-53.

Watson, D. M. S., 1963, On growth stages in Brachiosaurs: Paleontology, v. 6, part 3, p. 549-553. (Branchiosaurus brachyrhynchus, Branchiosaurus levis = Leptorophus levis)


Genus: Nova (2)

Neopteroplax ROMER, 1963
Rhinosauriscus KUHN, 1963

Species: Nova (2)

Neopteroplax conemaughensis ROMER, 1963
Neopteroplax relictus ROMER, 1963

Synonym: Nova (2)

Anthracosaurus lancifer (NEWBERRY, 1856) ROMER, 1963
= Rhizodus lancifer NEWBERRY, 1856
= Leptophractus lancifer (NEWBERRY, 1856) ROMER, 1930
= Rhizodus incurvus NEWBERRY, 1856
= Rhizodus quadratus NEWBERRY, 1873
Rhinosauriscus jasikovi (FISCHER von WALDHEIM, 1847) KUHN, 1963
= Rhinosaurus jasikovi FISCHER von WALDHEIM, 1847

Kuhn, O., 1963, In Westphal, F. Editor. Sauria (Supplementum 1): Fossilium Catalogus (1), Animalia, pars 104, p. 1-87. (Rhinosauriscus jasikovi = Rhinosaurus jasikovi)

Parsons, T. S., and Williams, E. E., 1963, The relationships of the modern amphibia: a re-examination: The Quarterly Review of Biology, v. 38, p. 26-53.

Romer, A. S., 1963, The Larger Embolomreous Amphibians of the American Carboniferous: Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard, v. 128, n. 9, p. 415-454. (Anthracosaurus lancifer = Rhizodus lancifer, = Leptophractus lancifer, = Rhizodus incurvus, = Rhizodus quadratus, Neopteroplax conemaughensis, Neopteroplax relictus)


Genus: Nova (1)

Archerpeton CARROLL, 1963 (nomen dubium)

Species: Nova (1)

Archerpeton anthracops CARROLL, 1963 (nomen dubium)

Berrbower, J. R., 1963, Morphology, Paleoecology, and Phylogeny of the Permo-Pennsylvanian Amphibian Diploceraspis: Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, v. 130, n. 2, p. 33-108.

Carroll, R. L., 1963, A microsaur from the Pennsylvanian of Joggins, Nova Scotia: Natural History Papers National Museum of Canada, n.. 22, p. 1-13. (Archerpeton anthracops (nomen dubium))

Hecht, M. K., 1963, A Reevaluation of the Early History of the Frogs. Part II: Systematic Zoology, v. 12, p. 20-35.

Langston, W. Jr., 1963, Fossil vertebrates and the late Palaeozoic Red Beds of Prince Edward Island: National Museum of Natural Science, bulletin v. 187, Geological Series n. 56, p. 1-36.

Parsons, T. S., and Williams, E. E., 1963, The relationships of the modern amphibia: a re-examination: The Quarterly Review of Biology, v. 38, p. 26-53.

Vaughn, P. P., 1963, New information on the structure of Permian Lepospondylous vertebrae-from an unusual source: Bulletin Southern Californian Academy of Sciences, v. 62, part 3, p. 150-158.


Parsons, T. S., and Williams, E. E., 1963, The relationships of the modern amphibia: a re-examination: The Quarterly Review of Biology, v. 38, p. 26-53.

Lower Reptiles (“Anapsids”)

Genus: Nova (1)

Shihtienfenia YOUNG & YEH, 1963

Species: Nova (1)

Shihtienfenia permica YOUNG & YEH, 1963

Colbert, E. H., 1963, Relationships of the Triassic reptilian faunas of Brazil and South Africa: South African Jounral of Science, v. 59, n. 5, p. 248-253.

Colbert, E. H., 1963, Fossils of the Connecticut Valley, The Age of Dinosaurs Begins: State Geological and Natural History Survey of Connecticut, bulletin n. 96, p. 1-31.

Hotton, N., III, and Kitching, J. W., 1963, Speculations on Upper Beaufort Deposition: South African Jounral of Science, v. 59, n. 5, p. 254-258.

Langston, W. Jr., 1963, Fossil vertebrates and the Late Palaeozoic red beds of Prince Edward Island: National Museum of Canada, Bulletin v. 187, Geological Series, n. 56, p. 1-36.

Vaughn, P. P., 1963, New information on the structure of Permian lepospondylous vertebrae-from an unusual source: Bulletin Southern Californian Academy of Sciences, v. 62, part 3, p. 150-158.

Young, C-C, and Yeh, H-K., 1963, On a new Pareiasaur from the Late Permian of Shansi, China: Vertebrata PalAsiatica, v. 7, n. 3, p. 195-212. (Shihtienfenia permica)


Species: Nova (3)

Plesiochelys kwangensis YEH, 1963
Plesiochelys tatsuensis YEH, 1963
Toxochelys atlantica ZANGERL, 1963

Miller, H. W. Jr, 1963, New Faunal Elements from the Cretaceous Arizona: Journal of the Arizona Academy of Science, v. 2, p. 191.

Get Plesiochelys kwangensis, Plesiochelys tatsuensis YEH, 1963

Get Toxochelys atlantica ZANGERL, 1963

Diapsida (Lower Lepidosauromorphs)

Hughes, B., 1963, The earliest archosaurian reptiles: South African Jounral of Science, v. 59, n. 5, p. 221-241.

Lizards and Snakes

Species: Nova (3)

Eichstaettisaurus digitalellus (GRIER, 1914) COCUDE-MICHEL, 1963
= Homoeosaurus digitalellus GRIER, 1914
Mosasaurus hoffmanni ivoensis PERSSON, 1963
Mosasaurus ivoensis PERSSON, 1963

Cocude-Michel, M., 1963, Les Rhynchocephales et les Sauriens des Calcaires Lithographiques (Jurassique-Superieur) d’Europe Occidentale: Nouvelles Archieves du Museum d’Histoire Naturelle De Lyon, Fascicule 7, p. 1-187. (Eichstaettisaurus digitalellus = Homoeosaurus digitalellus)

Persson. P. O., 1963, Studies on Mesozoic Marine Reptilie faunas with particular regard to the plesiosauria: Paleontology and Quaternary Geology, University of Lund Sweden, v. 11, 118pp. (Mosasaurus hoffmanni ivoensis, Mosasaurus ivoensis)

Raab, M., 1963, Fossil fish and reptiles from Late Campanian Phosphatic Deposits of the Negev Region of Israel: Israel Journal of Earth-Science, v. 12, p. 26-40.

Westphal, F., 1963, Animalia, Serpents: Fossilium Catalogus I, (Supplementum I), Pars 103, p. 1-45.

Westphal, F., 1963, Animalia, Sauria: Fossilium Catalogus I, (Supplementum 1), Pars 104, p. 1-87.


Genus: Nova (1)

Kallimodon COCUDE-MICHEL 1963

Species: Nova (3)

Homoeosaurus parvipes COCUDE-MICHEL, 1963
Homoeosaurus solnhofensis COCUDE-MICHEL, 1963
Kallimodon cerinensis COCUDE-MICHEL, 1963

Cocude-Michel, M., 1963, Les Rhynchocephales et les Sauriens des Calcaires Lithographiques (Jurassique-Superieur) d’Europe Occidentale: Nouvelles Archieves du Museum d’Histoire Naturelle De Lyon, Fascicule 7, p. 1-187. () Link to pdf

Malan, M. E., 1963, The dentitions of the South African Rhynchocephalia and thier bearing on teh origion of the Rhynchosaurs: South African Jounral of Science, v. 59, n. 5, p. 214-220.0.


Kuhn-Schnyder, E., 1963, I Sauri del Monte San Giorgio: Comunicazioni del’Istituto di Paleontologia del’Universita di Zurigo, n. 20, p. 811-853.

Shikama, T., 1963, On Reptilian vertebrate from the Cretaceous Formation of Hokkaido: Yokohama National University, Faculty of Liberal Arts and Education, Science Reports, Section 2, Biological and Geological Sciences, n. 9, March 1963, p. 49-50.

Slaughter, B. H., and Hoover, B. R., 1963, Occurrences of ichthyosaurian remains in the Cretaceous of Texas: Texas Journal of Science, v. 15, p. 339-343.

Sauropterygians and Placodontians

Genus: Nova (1)

Micronothosaurus HAAS, 1963

Species: Nova (3)

Micronothosaurus stensioi HAAS, 1963
Myopterygius ezoensis SHIKAMA, 1963
Polyptychodon hudsoni WELLES & SLAUGHTER, 1963

Synonym: Nova (1)

Rhomaleosaurus macrocephalus (BUCKLAND, 1822) PERSSON, 1963
= Plesiosaurus macrocephalus BUCKLAND, 1822

Haas, G., 1963, Micronothosaurus stensioi, ein neuer Nothosauridae aus dem Oberen Muschelkalk des Wadi Ramon, Israel: Palaontologische Zeitschrift, v. 37, n. ¾, p. 161-178. (Micronothosaurus stensioi)

Kuhn, O., 1963, Sauropterygia: Fossilium Catalogus, n. 10, p. 1-72.

Perrson, P. O., 1963, A revision of the classification of the Plesiosauria with a synopsis of the Stratigraphical and geographical distribution of the Group: Lunds Universitets Arksskrift. N. F. Avd. 2, band 59, n 1, p. 60. Link to pdf

Perrson, P. O., 1963, Studies on Mesozoic Marine Reptilie faunas with particular regard to the plesiosauria: Paleontology and Quaternary Geology, University of Lund Sweden, v. 11, 118pp. (Rhomaleosaurus macrocephalus = Plesiosaurus macrocephalus)

Shikama, T., 1963, On Reptilian vertebrate from the Cretaceous Formation of Hokkaido: Yokohama National University, Faculty of Liberal Arts and Education, Science Reports, Section 2, Biological and Geological Sciences, n. 9, March 1963, p. 49-50. ( (Myopterygius ezoensis)

Welles, S. P. and Slaughter, B. H., 1963, The first record of the Plesiosaurian genus Polyptychodon (Pliosauridae) from the New World: Journal of Paleontology, v. 37, n. 1, p. 131-133. (Polyptychodon hudsoni)

Zangerl, R., 1963, Preliminary results of the restudy of Corosaurus alcovensis CASE, the only know New World Nothosaur: Contributions to Geology, v. 2, n. 2, p. 117-124.

Lower Archosauromorpha

Colbert, E. H., 1963, Relationships of the Triassic reptilian faunas of Brazil and South Africa: South African Jounral of Science, v. 59, n. 5, p. 248-253.

Hughes, B., 1963, The earliest archosaurian reptiles: South African Jounral of Science, v. 59, n. 5, p. 221-241.

Kuhn-Schnyder, E., 1963, I Sauri del Monte San Giorgio: Comunicazioni del’Istituto di Paleontologia del’Universita di Zurigo, n. 20, p. 811-853.

Malan, M. E., 1963, The dentitions of the South African Rhynchocephalia and thier bearing on the origin of the Rhynchosaurs: South African Jounral of Science, v. 59, n. 5, p. 214-220.

Young, C-C., 1963, Additional remains of Chasmatosaurus yuani YOUNG from Sinkiang, China: Vertebrata PalAsiatica, v. 7, n. 3, p. 215-222.

“Thecodontia, Pseudosuchia"

Colbert, E. H., 1963, Fossils of the Connecticut Valley, The Age of Dinosaurs Begins: State Geological and Natural History Survey of Connecticut, Bulletin n. 96, p. 1-31.

Colbert, E. H., 1963, Relationships of the Triassic reptilian faunas of Brazil and South Africa: South African Jounral of Science, v. 59, n. 5, p. 248-253.

Guth, C., 1963, Au sujet de restes de reptiles de Madagascar: Compte rendu hebdomadaire des seances de l’Academie des Sciences Paris, p. 2661-2664.

Hughes, B., 1963, The earliest archosaurian reptiles: South African Jounral of Science, v. 59, n. 5, p. 221-241.

Krebs, B., 1963, Bau and funktion des tarsus eines pseudosuchiers aus der Trias des Monte San Giogio (Kanton Tessin, Schweiz): Paläontologische Zeitschrift, v. 37, n. ½, p. 88-95.

Westphal, F., 1963, Phytosaurier-Gattungen und -arten aus dem sudwestdeutschen Keuper (Reptilia, Thecodontia): Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen, v. 118, n. 2, p. 159-176.

Young, C-C., 1963, Additional remains of Chasmatosaurus yuani YOUNG from Sinkiang, China: Vertebrata PalAsiatica, v. 7, n. 3, p. 215-222.

Crocodilia (Mesosuchia, Eusuchia)

Genus: Nova (1)

Triassolestes REIG, 1963

Species: Nova (2)

Diplocynodon levantinicum HUENE, 1963
Triassolestes romeri REIG, 1963

Barry, T. H., 1963. On the variable occurrence of the tympanum in recent and fossil tetrapods: South African Journal of Science, May, 1963; p. 160-175.

Basse de Menorval, E., 1963, Presence d'un Crocodilien Steneosaurus cf. obtusidens. ANDREWS dans le Rauracien superieur (couches a Trigonia clavellata) des environs de Verun (Meuse): Compte rendu sommaire des seances de la Societe de Geologie, v. 3, p. 86-87.

Get Diplocynodon levantinicum HUENE, 1963

Huene, F. von, and Nikoloff, I., 1963, Ein pliozanes Krokodil in Bulgarien: Neües Jahrbuch fur Geologie und Palaontologie, Abhandlungen, Abh, v. 118, n. 3, p. 266-271.

Hughes, B., 1963, The earliest archosaurian reptiles: South African Jounral of Science, v. 59, n. 5, p. 221-241.

Reig, O. A., 1963, La presencia de dinosaurios saurisquios en los “Estratos de Ischigualasto’ (Mesotriasico Superior) de las provincias de San Juan y La Rioja (Republica Argentina): Ameghiniana, v. 3, p. 3-20. (Triassolestes romeri)

Richmond, N. D., 1963. Evidence against the existence of crocodiles in Virgina and Maryland during the Pleistocene: Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington, v. 76, p. 65-68.

Westphal, F., and Westphal, I., 1963, Uber Lias-Krokodile: Natur und Museum, v. 93, n. 9, p. 377-383.

Young, C-C., and Chow M-C., 1963, Cretaceous and Paleocene vertebrate Horizons of North Kwangtung: Scientia Sinica, v. 12, n. 9, p. 411.


Brink, A. S., 1963, The taxonomic position of the synapsida: South African Journal of Science, v. 59, n. 5, p. 153-159.

Rao, C. N., and Shah, S. C., 1963, On the occurrence of pterosaur from the Kota-Maleri Beds of Chanda District, Maharashtra: Records of the Geological Survey of India, v. 92, n. 2, p. 315-318.



Genus: Nova (3)

Herrerasaurus REIG, 1963
Ischisaurus REIG, 1963
Tanystrosuchus KUHN, 1963 (nomen dubium)

Species: Nova (2)

Herrerasaurus ischigualastensis REIG, 1963
Ischisaurus cattoi REIG, 1963

Synonym: Nova (1)

Tanystrosuchus posthumus (HUENE, 1908) KUHN, 1963 (nomen dubium)
= Tanystrophaeus posthumus HUENE, 1908 (nomen dubium)
= Coelophysis posthumus (HUENE, 1908) (nomen dubium)

Colbert, E. H., 1963, Relationships of the Triassic reptilian faunas of Brazil and South Africa: South African Jounral of Science, v. 59, n. 5, p. 248-253.

Hu, S.-Y., 1963, The carnivorous Dinosaurian remains from Fusin, Liaoning: Vertebrata PalAsiatica, v. 7, n. 2, p. 174-176.

Kuhn, O., 1963, Ungelöste probleme der Stammesgeschichte der Amphibien und Reptilien: Jh. Ver. vaterländ. Naturkde. Württemb, v. 118, p. 293-235. Tanystrosuchus posthumus = Tanystrophaeus posthumus (nomen dubium), = Coelophysis posthumus KUHN, 1963 (nomen dubium)

Reig, O. A., 1963, La presencia de dinosaurios Saurisquios en los "Estratos de Ischigualasto" (Mesotirasico Superior) de las Provincias de San Juan Y La Rioja (Repubica Argentina): Ameghiniana, v. 3, n. 1, p. 3-20. ( (Herrerasaurus ischigualastensis, Ischisaurus cattoi)

Sternberg, C. M., 1963, Early discoveries of dinosaurs: Natural History Papers National Museum of Canada, n. 21, 4pp.

Sauropodomorpha (Sauropoda, Prosauropoda)

Attridge, J., 1963, The Upper Triassic Karroo deposits and fauna of Southern Rhodesia: South African Jounral of Science, v. 59, n. 5, p. 242-247.

Casamiquela, R. M., 1963, Consideraciones acerca de Amygdalodon CABRERA (Sauropoda, Cetiosauridae) del Jurasico medio de la Patagonia: Ameghinana, tomo 3, n. 3, p. 79-95.

Chopard, L., 1963, Quel poids avaient les dinosaures?: La Nature, Paris, n. 3334, p. 87-88.

Colbert, E. H., 1963, Fossils of the Connecticut Valley, The Age of Dinosaurs Begins: State Geological and Natural History Survey of Connecticut, Bulletin, n. 96, p. 1-31.

Haas, G., 1963, A proposed reconstruction of the jaw musculature of Diplodocus: Annals of the Carnegie Museum, v. 36, p. 139-157.

Young, C.-C., 1963, Note on a new locality of dinosaurian remains from Taiho, Chiangsi, SE. China: Vertebrata PalAsiatica, v. 7, n. 1, p. 48-51.


Species: Nova (1)

Psittacosaurus youngi CHAO, 1963

Chao, S. T., 1963, New Species of Psittacosaurus from Laiyang, Shantung: Vertebrata PalAsiatica, v. 6, n. 4, p. 349-360. (Psittacosaurus youngi)

Chopard, L., 1963, Quel poids avaient les dinosaures?: La Nature, Paris, n. 3334, p. 87-88.

Miller, H. W. jr., 1963, New faunal elements form the Cretaceous of Arizona: Journal of the Arizona Academy of Science, v. 2, p. 191.

Ostrom, J. H., 1963, Parasaurolophus cyrtocristatus, a Crested Hadrosaurian Dinosaur from New Mexico: Fieldiana, Geology, v. 14, n. 8, p. 143-168.

Young, C.-C., and Chow, M. M., 1963, Cretaceous and Paleocene Vertebrate Horizons of North Kwangtung: Sci. Sinica, v. 12, n. 9, p. 411.

Armored dinosaurs

Dinosaurs in general

Anonymous, 1963, World's Fair Dinosaurs: Science Digest, v. 54, n. 2, p. 48-49.

Chopard, L., 1963, Quel poids avaient les dinosaures?: La Nature, Paris, n. 3334, p. 87-88.

Kuhn, O., 1963, Ichnia tetraodorum: Fossilium Catalogous I. Animalia Pars, 101, 176pp.

Sternberg, C. M., 1963, Early discoveries of dinosaurs: Natural History Papers National Museum of Canada, n. 21, 4pp.

Stucker, G., 1963, Dinosaur Monument and people: a study in interpretation: Curator, v. 6, n. 2, p. 131-142.

Aves (Mesozoic)

Genus: Nova (3)

Ceramornis BRODKORB, 1963a
Lonchodytes BRODKORB, 1963a
Torotix BRODKORB, 1963a

Species: Nova (6)

Ceramornis major BRODKORB, 1963
Cimolopteryx minima BRODKORB, 1963a
Cimolopteryx maxima BRODKORB, 1963a
Lonchodytes estesi BRODKORB, 1963a
Lonchodytes pterygius BRODKORB, 1963a
Torotix clemensi BRODKORB, 1963a

Synonym: Nova (1)

Apatornis retusus (MARSH, 1892) BRODKORB, 1963a
= Cimolopteryx retusus MARSH, 1892

Brodkorb, P., 1963a, Birds from the Upper Cretaceous of Wyoming: Proceedings of the XIII International Ornithological congress, p. 53-70. (Apatornis retusus = Cimolopteryx retusus, Ceramornis major, Cimolopteryx minima, Cimolopteryx maxima, Lonchodytes estesi, Lonchodytes pterygius, Torotix clemensi)

Brodkorb, P., 1963b Catalogue of Fossil Birds. Part 1 (Archaeopterygiformes through Ardeiformes): Bulletin of the Florida State Museum, v. 7, p. 179-293.



Barry, T. H., 1963. On the variable occurrence of the tympanum in recent and fossil tetrapods: South African Journal of Science, May, 1963; p. 160-175.

Boonstra, L. D., 1963, Early dichotomies in the therapsids: South African Jounral of Science, v. 59, n. 5, p. 176-195.

Langston, W. Jr., 1963, Fossil vertebrates and the late Palaeozoic Red Beds of Prince Edward Island: National Museum of Natural Science, bulletin v. 187, Geological Series n. 56, p. 1-36.

Schmidt, H, 1963, Herpetichnus erini n. sp., eine Reptilfahrte aus dem westfalischen Oberkarbon: Paläontologische Zeitschrift, v. 37, n. 3-4, p. 179-184.

Tasch, P., 1963, Paleolimnology, Part 3 Marion and Dickinson counties, Kansas, with additional sections in Harvey and Sedgwick Counties: Stratigraphy and Biota: Journal of Paleontology, v. 37, n. 6, p. 1233-1251.


Genus: Nova (5)

Ischignathus BONPARTE, 1963
Luangwa BRINK, 1963
Moschowhaitsia TATARINOV, 1963
Proexaeretodon BONAPARTE, 1963
Zopherosuchus CHUDINOV, 1963

Species: Nova (5)

Ischignathus sudamericanus BONPARTE, 1963
Luangwa drysdalli BRINK, 1963
Moschowhaitsia vjuschkovi TATARINOV, 1963
Proexaeretodon vincei BONAPARTE, 1963
Zopherosuchus luceus CHUDINOV, 1963

Barry, T. H., 1963. On the variable occurrence of the tympanum in recent and fossil tetrapods: South African Journal of Science, May, 1963; p. 160-175.

Bonaparte, J. F., 1963, Descripcion del Esqueleto postcarneano de Exaeretodon (Cynodontia-Traversodontidae): Acta Geologica Lillona, tomo 4, p. 5-52.

Bonaparte, J. F., 1963, Descripcion de Ischignathus sudamericanus n. gen. n. sp., Nuevo cinodonte gonfondonte del Triasico Medio sueprior de San Juan, Argentina (Cynodontia-Traversodontidae): Acta Geologica Lillona, tomo 4, p. 111-133. (Ischignathus sudamericanus)

Bonaparte, J. F., 1963, La familia Traversodontidae (Terapsida-Cynodontia): Acta Geologica Lillona, tomo 4, p. 163-194. (Proexaeretodon vincei)

Boonstra, L. D., 1963, Early dichotomies in the therapsids: South African Jounral of Science, v. 59, n. 5, p. 176-195.

Brink, A. S., 1963, On Bauria cynops BROOM: Palaeontographica africana, v. 8, p. 34-56.

Brink, A. S. 1963, A new skull of the procynosuchid cynodont Leavachia duvenhagei BROOM: Palaeontographica africana, v. 8, p. 57-75. (Luangwa drysdalli)

Brink, A. S., 1963, Two Cynodonts from the Ntawere Formation in the Luangwa valley of Northern Rhodesia: Palaeontographica africana, v. 8, p. 77-96.

Brink, A. S., 1963, The taxonomic position of the synapsida: South African Journal of Science, v. 59, n. 5, p. 153-159.

Get Zopherosuchus luceus CHUDINOV, 1963

Colbert, E. H., 1963, Fossils of the Connecticut Valley, The Age of Dinosaurs Begins: State Geological and Natural History Survey of Connecticut, bulletin n. 96, p. 1-31.

Colbert, E. H., 1963, Relationships of the Triassic reptilian faunas of Brazil and South Africa: South African Jounral of Science, v. 59, n. 5, p. 248-253.

Crompton, A. W., 1963, Tooth replacement in the cynodont Thrinaxodon liorhinus SEELEY: Annals of the South African Museum, v. 46, n. 20, p. 479-521.

Crompton, A. W., 1963, In Search of the "Insignificant": Discovery, v. 3, p. 23-32.

Drysdall, A. R., and Kitching, J. W., 1963, A re-examination of the Karroo succession and fossil localities of part of the Upper Luangwa Valley: Northern Rhodesia Ministry of Labour and Mines Memoir of the Geological Survey, n. 1, p. 1-62.

Fourie, S., 1963, Tooth replacement in the gomphodont cynodont, Diademondon: South African Jounral of Science, v. 59, n. 5, p. 207-210.

Hotton, N., III, and Kitching, J. W., 1963, Speculations on Upper Beaufort Deposition: South African Jounral of Science, v. 59, n. 5, p. 254-258.

Kermack, K. A., 1963, The cranial structure of the Tricondonts: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, v. 246, B, n. 727, p. 83-103.

Kitching, J. W., 1963, The fossil localities and mammal-like reptiles of the Upper Luangwa Valley, northern Rhodesia: South African Jounral of Science, v. 59, n. 5, p. 259-264.

Sigogneau, D., 1963, Remarks on gorgonopsia: South African Jounral of Science, v. 59, n. 5, p. 207-210.

Sigogneau, D., 1963, Note sur une nouvelle espece de Scaloposauridae: Palaeontographica africana, v. 8, p. 13-37.

Tatarinov, L. P., 1963, A new late Permian therocephalia: Paleontologischeskii Zhural, 1963, n. 4, p. 76-94. (Moschowhaitsia vjuschkovi)


Species: Nova (5)

Lystrosaurus rajurkari TRIPATHI & SATSANGI, 1963
Parakannemeyeria brevirostris SUN, 1963
Parakannemeyeria ningwuensis SUN, 1963
Parakannemeyeria youngi SUN, 1963
Sinokannemeyeria yingchiaoensis SUN, 1963

Barry, T. H., 1963. On the variable occurrence of the tympanum in recent and fossil tetrapods: South African Journal of Science, May, 1963; p. 160-175.

Boonstra, L. D., 1963, Early dichotomies in the therapsids: South African Jounral of Science, v. 59, n. 5, p. 176-195.

Boonstra, L. D., 1963, Diversity within teh South African Dinocephalia: South African Jounral of Science, v. 59, n. 5, p. 196-206.

Colbert, E. H., 1963, Fossils of the Connecticut Valley, The Age of Dinosaurs Begins: State Geological and Natural History Survey of Connecticut, bulletin n. 96, p. 1-31.

Colbert, E. H., 1963, Relationships of the Triassic reptilian faunas of Brazil and South Africa: South African Jounral of Science, v. 59, n. 5, p. 248-253.

Drysdall, A. R., and Kitching, J. W., 1963, A re-examination of the Karroo succession and fossil localities of part of the Upper Luangwa Valley: Northern Rhodesia Ministry of Labour and Mines Memoir of the Geological Survey, n. 1, p. 1-62.

Hotton, N., III, and Kitching, J. W., 1963, Speculations on Upper Beaufort Deposition: South African Jounral of Science, v. 59, n. 5, p. 254-258.

Kitching, J. W., 1963, The fossil localities and mammal-like reptiles of the Upper Luangwa Valley, northern Rhodesia: South African Jounral of Science, v. 59, n. 5, p. 259-264.

Sun, A-L., 1963, The Chinese Kannemeyerids: Palaeontologia Sincica, whole number 147, new series C n. 17, p. 1-109. (Parakannemeyeria brevirostris, Parakannemeyeria ningwuensis, Parakannemeyeria youngi, Sinokannemeyeria yingchiaoensis)

Tripathi, C., and Satsangi, P. P., 1963, Lystrosaurus fauna of the Panchet Series of the Raniganj coalfield: Memoris of the Geological Survey of India. Palaeontologia Indica, v. 37, p. 1-53. (Lystrosaurus rajurkari)

Mammals (Mesozoic)

Species: Nova (2)

Mesodma thompsoni CLEMENS, 1963
Morganucodon oehleri RIGNEY, 1963

Brink, A. S., 1963, The taxonomic position of the synapsida: South African Journal of Science, v. 59, n. 5, p. 153-159.

Clemens, W. A. jr., 1963, Wealden Mammalian Fossils: Paleontology, v. 6, part 1, p. 55-69.

Clemens, W. A. jr., 1963, Late Jurassic Mammalian Fossils in the Sedgwick Museum, Cambridge: Paleontology, v. 6, part 2, p. 373-377.

Clemens, W. A. jr., 1963, Fossil mammals of the Type Lance Formation, Wyoming, Part I. introduction and Multituberculata: University of California Publications in geological Sciences, v. 48, p. 1-105. (Mesodma thompsoni)

Crompton, A. W.., 1963, A preliminary description of a new mammal from the Late Triassic of South Africa: Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, v. 142, p. 441-452.

Kermack, K. A., 1963, The cranial structure of the Tricondonts: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, v. 246, B, n. 727, p. 83-103.

Rigney, H. W., 1963, A Specimen of Morganucodon from Yunnan: Nature, v. 197, p. 1122-1123. (Morganucodon oehleri)


Young, C.-C., and Chow, M. M., 1963, Cretaceous and Paleocene Vertebrate Horizons of North Kwangtung: Sci. Sinica, v. 12, n. 9, p. 411.


Ichnogenus: Nova (17)

Caseipus ELLNEBERGER, 1963
Hydromedichnus KUHN, 1963
Purbeckopus DELAIR, 1963
Taupezia DELAIR, 1963

Ichnospecies: Nova (26)

Acutipes decessus HEYLER & LESSERTISSEUR, 1963
Auxipes major HEYLER & LESSERTISSEUR, 1963
Auxipes minor HEYLER & LESSERTISSEUR, 1963
Caseipus curvus ELLNEBERGER, 1963
?Chelichnus brachydactylus KUHN, 1963
?Chelichnus kablikae KUHN, 1963
Crenipes abrectus HEYLER & LESSERTISSEUR, 1963

Cyclopus aequalis HEYLER & LESSERTISSEUR, 1963
Cyrtopus dissimilis HEYLER & LESSERTISSEUR, 1963
Devipes caudatus HEYLER & LESSERTISSEUR, 1963
Distopus divergens HEYLER & LESSERTISSEUR, 1963
Diversipes proclivis HEYLER & LESSERTISSEUR, 1963
Eumekichnium staigeri KUHN, 1963
Herpetichnus alternas KUHN, 1963
Herpetichnus erini SCHMIDT, 1963
Herpetichnus ernier SCHMIDT, 1963
Herpetichnus? pabsti (NOPCSA, 1923) KUHN, 1963
Ichniotherium leisnerianum KUHN, 1963
Korynichnium minor KUHN, 1963
Nanipes minutus HEYLER & LESSERTISSEUR, 1963
Opistopus ellenbergeri HEYLER & LESSERTISSEUR, 1963
Procolophonichnium nopcsai KUHN, 1963
Purbeckopus pentadactylus DELAIR, 1963
Serripes pectinatus HEYLER & LESSERTISSEUR, 1963
Strictipes regularis HEYLER & LESSERTISSEUR, 1963
Taupezia landeri DELAIR, 1963

Synonym: Nova (8)

Brontopus giganteus (HAUBOLD, 1963) HEYLER & LESSERTISSEUR, 1963
= Ichniotherium giganteus HAUBOLD, 1963
Coelurosaurichnus thomasi (SOLLAS, 1879) KUHN, 1963
= Anchisauripus thomasi SOLLAS, 1879
= Brontozoum thomasi SOLLAS, 1879

Foliipes caudifer (FRITISCH, 1895) HEYLER & LESSERTISSEUR, 1963
= Saurichnites caudifer FRITISCH, 1895
= Jacobiichnus caudifer (FRITISCH, 1895) HAUBOLD, 1970
Foliipes abscurvus HEYLER & LESSERTISSEUR, 1963
= Crenipes abscurvus HEYLER & LESSERTISSEUR, 1963
= Acutipes descessus HEYLER & LESSERTISSEUR, 1963
Foliipes obscisus (GILMORE, 1927) HEYLER & LESSERTISSEUR, 1963
= Batrachichnus obscurus GILMORE, 1927
Herpetichnus acrodactylus (PABST, 1897) KUHN, 1963
= Chirotherium pabsti NOPCSA, 1923
Hydromedichnus fimbriatus (ALDRICH & JONES, 1930) KUHN, 1963
= Hydromeda fimbriata ALDRICH & JONES, 1930
Nanipes delicatulus (LULL, 1918) HEYLER & LESSERTISSEUR, 1963
= Exocampe delicatulus LULL, 1918

Baird, D., 1963, Fossil Footprints or Stump Holes?: Transactions Kansas Academy of Science, p. 397-400.

Delair, J. B., 1963, Notes on Purbeck fossil footprints, with descriptions of two hitherto unkown forms from Dorset: Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society, v. 84, p. 92-100. (Taupezia landeri, Purbeckopus pentadactylus)

Get Caseipus curvus ELLNEBERGER, 1963

Ellenberger, F., Ellenberger, P., Fabre, J., and Mendrez, C., 1963, Deux nouvelles dalles a pistes de Vetebres fossiles decouvertes au Baustoland (Afrique du Sud): Compte rendu sommaire des seances de la Societe de Geologie, France, 1963, n. 9, p. 315-317.

Heintz, N., 1963, Casting Dinosaur Footprints at Spitsbergen: Curator, v. 6, p. 217-235.

Heintz, N., 1963, Dinosaur-footprints and polar wandering: Norsk Polarinstitutt-Arbok, 1962, Norsk Polarinstitut, Oslo, 1963, p. 35-43.

Get Acutipes decessus, Auxipes major, Auxipes minor, Brontopus giganteus = Ichniotherium giganteus, Cyclopus aequalis, Cyrtopus dissimilis, Devipes caudatus, Distopus divergens, Diversipes proclivis, Foliipes caudifer = Saurichnites caudifer, Foliipes abscurvus = Crenipes abscurvus, = Acutipes descessus, Foliipes caudatus = Devipes caudatus, = Crenipes abrectus, Foliipes obscisus = Batrachichnus obscurus, Nanipes delicatulus = Exocampe delicatulus, Nanipes minutus, Opistopus Ellenbergeri, Serripes pectinatus, Strictipes regularis HEYLER & LESSERTISSEUR, 1963

Kuhn, O., 1963, Ichnia tetrapodorum: Fossilium Catalogous I. Animalia Pars, 101, 176pp. (?Chelichnus brachydactylus, ?Chelichnus kablikae, Coelurosaurichnus thomasi = Anchisauripus thomasi, = Brontozoum thomasi, Eumekichnium stagier, Herpetichnus acrodactylus = Chirotherium pabsti, Herpetichnus alternas, Herpetichnus? Pabsti, Hydromedichnus fimbriatus = Hydromeda fimbriata, Ichniotherium leisnerianum, Korynichnium minor, Procolophonichnium nopcsai)

Schmidt, H., 1963, Herpetichnus erini n. sp., eine Reptilfahrte aus dem westfalischen Oberkarbon: Palaontologische Zeitschrift, v. 37, n. 3-4, p. 179-184. (Herpetichnus erini, Herpetichnus ernier)


Isaacs, W. A., Little, K., Currey, J. D., and Tarlo, L. B. H., 1963, Collagen and a cellulose-like substance in fossil dentine and bone: Nature, v. 197, p. 192.

Ostrom, J. H., 1963, Parasaurolophus cyrtocristatus, a Crested Hadrosaurian Dinosaur from New Mexico: Fieldiana, Geology, v. 14, n. 8, p. 143-168.


Stomach contents


Vaughn, P. P., 1963, New information on the structure of Permian Lepospondylous vertebrae-from an unusual source: Bulletin Southern Californian Academy of Sciences, v. 62, part 3, p. 150-158.


Soft tissue



DNA (and Blood)

(suppose) Tertiary Dinosaurs


Eaton, T. H. jr., 1963, Caterpillar versus Dinosaur?: Journal of Reserach on the Lepidopteria, v. 1, n. 2, p. 114-116.




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