1957 articles

Fish; Agnatha, Thelodonti, Placoderm, Acanthodians, Chondrichthyes, Fish, Crossopterygians, Lungfish, Coelocanths, Fish Ichnology, Fish burrows

Amphibians; Temnospondyli ("Labyrinthodons", Early Amphibians), Reptilosauromorph, Lepospondyli, Amphibians

Reptilia; Lower Reptiles (“Anapsids”), Turtles, Diapsida (Lower Lepidosauromorphs), Lizards and snakes, Sphenodonts, Ichthyosaurs, Sauropterygians and Placodontians, Lower Archosauromorpha, “Thecodontia, Pseudosuchia", Crocodilia (Mesosuchia, Eusuchia), Pterosaurs

Dinosaurs; Theropoda, Sauropodomorpha (Sauropoda, Prosauropoda), Ornithischia, Armored dinosaurs, Dinosaurs in general, Aves (Mesozoic)

Synapsids; Pelycosaurs, Theriodontia, Deinocephalia, Mammals (Mesozoic)

Eggs, Ichnology, Palaeopathologies, Gastroliths, Stomach contents, Coprolites, Histology, Soft tissue, Bonebed, Taphonomy,DNA (and Blood), (suppose) Tertiary Dinosaurs, Extinction

Integuments; Feathers, Skin


Genus: Nova (2)

Alaspis ØRVIG, 1957
Escuminaspis ØRVIG, 1957

Species: Nova (2)

Alaspis macrotuberculata ØRVIG, 1957
Pteraspis (Pteraspis) dairydinglensis WHITE, 1957

Synonym: Nova (2)

Alaspis rosmundae (ROBERTSON, 1937) ØRVIG, 1957
= Cephalaspis rosamundae ROBRTSON, 1937
Escuminaspis laticeps (TRAQUAIR, 1899) ØRVIG, 1957
= Cephalaspis laticeps (TRAQUAIR, 1899

Fahlbusch, K., 1957, Pteraspis dunensis Roemer eine neubearbeitung der pteraspidenfunde (Agnathen) von overath (Bez. Koln): Palaeontolographica, Abt. A., v. 108, p. 1-56.

Heintz, A., 1957, The dorsal shield of Psammolepis paradoxa Agassis: Journal of the Palaeontological Society of India, v. 2, p. 153-162.

Get Alaspis rosmundae = Cephalaspis rosamundae, Alaspis macrotuberculata, Escuminaspis laticeps = Cephalaspis laticeps ØRVIG, 1957

Get Pteraspis (Pteraspis) dairydinglensis WHITE, 1957



Genus: Nova (7)

Devonema KULCZYCKI, 1957
Ellopetalichthys ØRVIG, 1957
Luetkeichthys BYSTROW, 1957
Malerosteus KULCZYCKI, 1957
Operchallosteus KULCZYCKI, 1957
Sedowichthys BYSTROW, 1957
Tollichtys BYSTROW, 1957

Species: Nova (10)

Devonema obrucevi KULCZCKI, 1957
Dinichthys ceterus KULCZYCKI, 1957 (nomen dubium)
Dinichthys denisoni KULCZYCKI, 1957
Luetkeichthys borealis BYSTROW, 1957
Malerosteus grizdroae KULCZYCKI, 1957
Operchallosteus vialowi KULCZYCKI, 1957
Sedowichthys terraboreae BYSTROW, 1957
Titanichthys kozlowskii KULCZYCKI, 1957
Tollichtys polaris BYSTROW, 1957
Tomaiosteus grossi KULCZYCKI, 1957

Synonym: Nova (1)

Ellopetalichthys scheii (KIAER, 1915), ØRVIG, 1957
= Macropetalichthys scheii KAIER, 1915

Get Sedowichthys terraboreae, Tollichtys polaris BYSTROW, 1957

Kulczycki, J., 1957, Upper Devonian Fishes from the Holy Cross Mountains (Poland): Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, v. 2, n. 4, p. 285-382 (Devonema obrucevi, Dinichthys ceterus (nomen dubium), Dinichthys denisoni, Luetkeichthys borealis, Malerosteus grizdroae, Operchallosteus vialowi, Titanichthys kozlowskii, Tomaiosteus grossi)

Get t Ellopetalichthys scheii = Macropetalichthys scheii ØRVIG, 1957


Genus: Nova (3)

Alienacanthus KULZCYCKI, 1957 (nomen dubium)
Sentacanthus KULZCYCKI, 1957 (nomen dubium)
Sinacanthus P’AN, 1957

Species: Nova (3)

Alienacanthus malkowskii KULZCYCKI, 1957 (nomen dubium)
Sentacanthus zelichowskae KULZCYCKI, 1957 (nomen dubium)
Sinacanthus wuchangensis P’AN, 1957

Groß, W., 1957, Mundzahne und hautzahne der acanthodier und arthrodiren: Palaeontographica, Abt. A., v. 109, p. 1-40.

Hoehne, K., 1957, Fischschuppen im Vitrit unterrotliegender Steinkohlenflöze von Stockheim in Oberfranken und Manebach in Thüringen: Geologie, Zeitschrift für das gesamtgebiet der Geologie und Mineralogie sowie der Angwandten Geophysik, Jahrgang 6, heft 5, p. 528-540.

Get Alienacanthus malkowskii, Sentacanthus zelichowskae KULZCYCKI, 1957 (nomen dubium)

Get Sinacanthus wuchangensis P’AN, 1957


Genus: Nova (3)

Paraisurus GILKMAN, 1957
Pseudisurus GLIKMAN, 1957

Species: Nova (1)

Petalodus jewetti MILLER, 1957

Synonym: Nova (2)

Paraisurus macrorhiza (PICTET & CAMPICHE, 1858) GILKMAN, 1957
= Oxyrhina macrorhiza PICTET & CAMPICHE, 1858
Pseudisurus tomosus GLIKMAN, 1957
= Lamna appendiculata (AGASSIZ) WOODWARD, 1894

Baird, D., 1957, A Physonemus spine from the Pennsylvanian of West Virginia: Journal of Paleontology, v. 31, n. 5, p. 1010-1018.

Get Paraisurus macrorhiza = Oxyrhina macrorhiza, Pseudisurus tomosus = Lamna appendiculata GLIKMAN, 1957

Miller, H. W. jr., 1957, Petalodus jewetti, a new species of fossil bradyodont fish from Kansas: Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science, v. 60, n. 1, p. 82-85. (Petalodus jewetti)


Genus: Nova (4)

Laminospondylus SPRINGER, 1957
Paraisurus GILKMAN, 1957
Pseudisurus GLIKMAN, 1957
Sunolepis LIU, 1957

Species: Nova (3)

Pholidophrous porro BELLOTTI, 1957
Saurichthys huanshenensis CHOU & LIU, 1957
Sunolepis yumenensis LIU, 1957

Synonym: Nova (1)

Laminospondylus transversus SPRINGER, 1957
= Leptichthys agilis JORDAN, 1924

Get Pholidophrous porro BELLOTTI, 1957

Burgl, H., 1957, Biostratigrafia de la Sabana de Bogota y sus alreedores: Boletin Geologico, v. 5, n. 1, p. 118-147.

Get Saurichthys huanshenensis CHOU & LIU, 1957

Liu, H. T., 1957, A new Cretaceous Palaeoniscoid fish from Yumen of the Chiuchuan Basin, Western Kansu: Vertebrata PalAsiatica, v. 1, n. 2, p. 103-122. (Sunolepis yumenensis)

Get Laminospondylus transversus = Leptichthys agilis SPRINGER, 1957

Vangebow, E. F., 1957, Mikroplaontologisehe untersuchungen in den kohlscheide schichten im Wurmrevier bei Aachen: Geognostische Jahreshefte, Cassel, Band 73, p. 457-506.


Vangebow, E. F., 1957, Mikroplaontologisehe untersuchungen in den kohlscheide schichten im Wurmrevier bei Aachen: Geognostische Jahreshefte, Cassel, Band 73, p. 457-506.


Species: Nova (2)

Ceratodus youngi LIU & YEH, 1957
Ceratodus minor LIU & YEH, 1957

Get Ceratodus youngi, Ceratodus minor LIU & YEH, 1957


Species: Nova (1)

Macropoma speciosum REUSS, 1957

Get Macropoma speciosum REUSS, 1957

Vangebow, E. F., 1957, Mikroplaontologisehe untersuchungen in den kohlscheide schichten im Wurmrevier bei Aachen: Geognostische Jahreshefte, Cassel, Band 73, p. 457-506.

Fish Ichnology

Temnospondyli ("Labyrinthodons", Early Amphibians)

Genus: Nova (1)

Laidleria KITCHING, 1957

Species: Nova (1)

Laidleria gracilis KITCHING, 1957

Synonym: Nova (1)

Branchiosaurus fayoli (THEVENIN, 1906) HEYLER, 1957
= Protriton fayoli THEVENIN, 1906
= Actinodon fayoli (THEVENIN, 1906)

Colbert, E. H., and Gregory J. T., 1957, Correlation of Continental Triassic Sediments by Vertebrate Fossils: Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, v. 68, p. 1456-1467.

Enlow, E. H., and Brown, S. O., 1957, a comparative histological study of fossil and recent bone tissues. Part II: Texas Journal of Science, p. 186-214.

Heyler, D., 1957, Revision des Branchiosaurus de la region d'Autun: Annales de Paleontology, tomo v. 43, p. 47-111. (Branchiosaurus fayoli = Protriton fayoli, = Actinodon fayoli)

Kitching, J. W., 1957, A new small stereospondylous labyrinthodont from the Triassic beds of SouthAfrica: Palaeontologica africana, v. 5, 67-82. (Laidleria gracilis)

Lehman, J-P., 1957, Les stegacephales sahariens: Compte rendu hebdomadaire des seances de l’Academie des Sciences Paris, v. 245, p. 551-552.

Lehman, J.-P., 1957, Les Stegocephales Sahariens: Annales de Paleontologie, tomo 44, p. 139-146.

Romer, A. S., 1957, Origin of the amniote egg: The Scientific Monthly, v. 85, p. 57-63.

Welles, S. P., 1957, New Name for a Brachyopid Labyrinthodont: Journal of Paleontology, v. 31, n. 5, p. 982.


Genus: Nova (3)

Buzulukia VJUSCHKOV, 1957
Bystrowiana VJUSCHKOV, 1957
Chroniosuchus VJUSCHKOV, 1957

Species: Nova (4)

Buzulukia butsuri VJUSCHKOV, 1957
Bystrowiana permica VJUSCHKOV, 1957
Chroniosuchus paradoxus VJUSCHKOV, 1957
Chroniosuchus mirabilis VJUSCHKOV, 1957

Romer, A. S., 1957, The appendicular skeleton of the Permian embolomerous amphibian Archeria: Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan, v. 13, n. 5, p. 103-159.

Get Buzulukia butsuri, Bystrowiana permica, Chroniosuchus paradoxus, Chroniosuchus mirabilis VJUSCHKOV, 1957



Genus: Nova (1)

Eodiscoglossus VILLALTA, in MELENDEZ, 1957

Species: Nova (1)

Eodiscoglossus santonjae VILLALTA, in MELENDEZ, 1957

Reig, O. A., 1957, El <<Comp-ejo porfirico de la Patagonia Extraandina>>. 2. Los Anuros del Matildense: Acta Geologia Lilloana, v. 2, p. 231-297.

Get Eodiscoglossus santonjae VILLALTA, in MELENDEZ, 1957

Lower Reptiles (“Anapsids”)

Genus: Nova (3)

Gecatogomphius VJUSHKOV & CHUDINOV, 1957
Neoprocolophon YOUNG, 1957
Tricispisaurus ROBINSON, 1957

Species: Nova (4)

Gecatogomphius kavejevi VJUSHKOV & CHUDINOV, 1957
Millerosaurus nuffieldi WATSTON, 1957
Neoprocolophon asiaticus YOUNG, 1957
Tricispisaurus thomasi ROBINSON, 1957

Enlow, E. H., and Brown, S. O., 1957, A comparative histological study of fossil and recent bone tissues. Part II: Texas Journal of Science, p. 186-214.

Robinson, P. L., 1957, The Mesozoic Fissures of the Bristol Channel Area and their Vertebrate faunas: Journal of the Linnean Society, Zoology, v. 43, n. 291, p. 260-282. (Tricispisaurus thomasi)

Romer, A. S., 1957, The appendicular skeleton of the Permian embolomerous amphibian Archeria: Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan,v. 13, n. 5, p. 103-159.

Romer, A. S., 1957, Origin of the amniote egg: The Scientific Monthly, v. 85, p. 57-63.

Vjushkov, B. P. and Chudinov, P. K., 1957, The discovery of Captorhinidae in the Late Permian of the USSR: Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, v. 112, p. 523-526. (Gecatogomphius kavejevi)

Watson, D. M. S., 1957, On Millerosaurus and the early history of the Sauropsid Reptiles: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, series B, n. 673, v. 240, p. 325-400. (Millerosaurus nuffieldi)

Young, C-C., 1957, Neoprocolophon asiaticus, a new cotylosaurian reptile from China: Vertebrata PalAsiatica, v. 1, p. 1-7. (Neoprocolophon asiaticus)


Genus: Nova (1)

Trachyaspis BERGOUNIOUX, 1957

Species: Nova (1)

Trachyaspis turbulensis BERGOUNIUX, 1957

Get Trachyaspis turbulensis BERGOUNIUX, 1957

Enlow, E. H., and Brown, S. O., 1957, a comparative histological study of fossil and recent bone tissues. Part II: Texas Journal of Science, p. 186-214.

Diapsida (Lower Lepidosauromorphs)

Enlow, E. H., and Brown, S. O., 1957, a comparative histological study of fossil and recent bone tissues. Part II: Texas Journal of Science, p. 186-214.

Kruytzer, E. M., 1957, De Mosasaurus van Bemelen, Mosasaurus hoffmanni Mantel (avec un resume): Natuurhistorich Maanblad, p. 125-127.

Price, L. I., 1957, A presenca de Globidens no Cretacico Superior do Brasil: Ministerio de Argicultura, Departmento Nacinoal da PRoducao Mineral, Divisao de Geologia E Mineralogia, Boletim no. 169, p. 1-24,

Sphenodonts s s


Enlow, E. H., and Brown, S. O., 1957, a comparative histological study of fossil and recent bone tissues. Part II: Texas Journal of Science, p. 186-214.

Kuhn, O., 1957, Atlas and epistropheus von Platypterygius und Bermerkungen zum system der Ichthyosauria: Neües Jahrbuch fur Geologie und Palaontologie Monatschefte, 1957, p. 147-151.

Sauropterygians and Placodontians

Species: Nova (2)

Psephosaurus (?) mosis BROTZEN, 1957 (nomen dubium)
Psephosaurus (?) picardi BROTZEN, 1957 (nomen dubium)

Brotzen, F., 1957, Stratigraphical studies on the Triassic vertebrate fossils from Wadi Ramon, Israel: Arkiv for Mineralogi och Geologi, band 2, n. 9, p. 191-217. (Psephosaurus (?) mosis (nomen dubium), Psephosaurus (?) picardi (nomen dubium))

Enlow, E. H., and Brown, S. O., 1957, a comparative histological study of fossil and recent bone tissues. Part II: Texas Journal of Science, p. 186-214.

Huene, F. von , 1957, Ein neuer Primitiver Nothosauride aus Braunschweig: Palaeontologische Zeitschrift, v. 31, n. ½, p. 92-98.

Tarlo, L. G., 1957, The scapula of Pliosaurus macromerus PHILLIPS: Palaeontology, v. 1, part 3, p. 193-199.

Lower Archosauromorpha

Genus: Nova (3)

Hadrokkosaurus WELLES, 1957
Tricuspisaurus ROBINSON, 1957
Variodens ROBINSON, 1957

Species: Nova (2)

Tricuspisaurus thomasi ROBINSON, 1957
Variodens inopinatus ROBINSON, 1957

Synonym: Nova (1)

Hadrokkosaurus bradyi (WELLES, 1947) WELLES, 1957
= Taphrognathus bradyi WELLES, 1947

Enlow, E. H., and Brown, S. O., 1957, a comparative histological study of fossil and recent bone tissues. Part II: Texas Journal of Science, p. 186-214.

Robinson, P. L., 1957, The Mesozoic Fissures of the Bristol Channel Area and their Vertebrate faunas: Journal of the Linnean Society, Zoology, v. 43, n. 291, p. 260-282. (Tricuspisaurus thomasi, Variodens inopinatus)

Welles, S. P., 1957, New Name for a Bryachyopid Laybrinthodont: Journal of Paleontology, v. 31. n 5, p. 982. (Hadrokkosaurus bradyi = Taphrognathus bradyi)

“Thecodontia, Pseudosuchia"

Colbert, E. H., and Gregory, J. T., 1957, Correlation of Continental Triassic Sediments by Vertebrate Fossils: Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, v. 68, p. 1456-1467.

Enlow, E. H., and Brown, S. O., 1957, a comparative histological study of fossil and recent bone tissues. Part II: Texas Journal of Science, p. 186-214.

Lapparent, A. F. de, 1957, Les œufs de Dinosauriens fossiles de Rousset (Bouches-du-Rhone): Compte rendu hebdomadaire des seances de l’Academie des Sciences Paris, v. 245, p 546-549.

Crocodilia (Mesosuchia, Eusuchia)

Species: Nova (3)

Dakosaurus lapparenti DEBLEMAS & STRANNOLOUBSKY, 1957
Gavialosuchus americanus var. lusitanicus ZBYSZEWSKI, 1957
Notosuchus lepidus SAEZ, 1957

Auffenberg, W., 1957, Notes on fossil Crocodilians from Southeastern United States: Quarterly Journal of the Florida Academy of Science, v. 20, n. 2, p. 107-113.

Colbert, E. H., and Gregory, J. T., 1957, Correlation of Continental Triassic Sediments by Vertebrate Fossils: Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, v. 68, p. 1456-1467.

Debelmas, J., 1957, Sur la persistance du genre Dacosaurus dans le Neocomien de la Haute-Provence: Compte rendu hebdomadaire des seances de l’Academie des Sciences Paris, tomo 244, p. 1238-1240.

Debelmas, J., and Strannoloubsky A., 1957, Decouverte d'Un Crocodilien dans le Neocomien des environs de la marte (Var) Dacosaurus lapparenti nov. sp: Travaux du Laboratoire de geologie de la Faculte des sciences de l’Universite de Grenoble, v. 23, p. 89-99. (Dakosaurus lapparenti)

Enlow, E. H., and Brown, S. O., 1957, a comparative histological study of fossil and recent bone tissues. Part II: Texas Journal of Science, p. 186-214.

Ennouchi, E., 1957, Un fragment de crane de Dyrosaurus phosphaticus (THOMAS) des phosphates de Khouribga (Maroc): Compte rendu sommaire des seances de la Societe de Geologie, p. 72-73.

Saez, M. D. de, 1957, Crocodiloideos Fosiles Argentinos un nuevo Crocodilo del Mesozoico Argentino: Ameghinana, n. ½, p. 49-50. (Notosuchus lepidus)

Stokes, W. L., 1957, Pterodactyl Tracks from the Morrison Formation: Journal of Paleontology, v. 31, n. 5, p. 952-954.

Zbyszewski, G., 1957, Le Burdigalien de Lisbonne: Com. Ser. Geol. Port, v. 38, p. 91-226. (Gavialosuchus americanus var. lusitanicus)


Holst, E. von, 1957, Der Saurierflug: Palaeontologische Zeitschrift, v. 31, n. ½, p. 15-22.

Holst, E. von, 1957, Wie flog Rhamphorhynchus? Natur und Volk, Band 87, Heft 3, p. 81-87.

Stokes, W. L., 1957, Pterodactyl Tracks from the Morrison Formation: Journal of Paleontology, v. 31, n. 5, p. 952-954.



Species: Nova (1)

Megalosaruus? pombali LAPPARENT & ZBYSZEWSKI, 1957 (nomen dubium)

Colbert, E. H., and Gregory, J. T., 1957, Correlation of Continental Triassic Sediments by Vertebrate Fossils: Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, v. 68, p. 1456-1467.

Lapparent, A. F. de. 1957, The Cretaceous Dinosaurs of Africa and India: Journal of the Palaeontological society of India, v. 2, p. 109-112.

Lapparent, A. F. de, and Zbyszewski, G., 1957, Les Dinosauriens du Portugal: Services Geologiques du Portugal, memoire n. 2, new series, p. 1-63. (Megalosaruus? pombali)

Russell, L. S., 1957, Fossil vertebrates of Southern Alberta: ASPG, 7th Ann. Field Conf. Guidebook, Waterton, September, p. 64-71.

Young, C.-C., and Sun, A.-L.. 1957, Note on a fragmentary Carnosaurian mandible from Turfan, Sinkiang: Vertebrata PalAsiatica, v. 1, n. 2, p. 159-162.

Sauropodomorpha (Sauropoda, Prosauropoda)

Species: Nova (2)

Apatosaurus alenquerensis de LAPPAERENT & ZBYSZEWSKI, 1957
Brachiosaurus? atalaiensis de LAPPARENT & ZBYSZEWSKI, 1957

Colbert, E. H., and Gregory, J. T., 1957, Correlation of Continental Triassic Sediments by Vertebrate Fossils: Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, v. 68, p. 1456-1467.

Enlow, D. H., and Brown, S. O., 1957, A Comparative Histological Study of Fossil and Recent Bone Tissues. Part II: Texas Journal of Science, p. 186-214.

Lapparent, A. F. de. 1957, The Cretaceous Dinosaurs of Africa and India: Journal of the Palaeontological society of India, v. 2, p. 109-112.

Lapparent, A. F. de., 1957, Les oeufs de Dinosauriens du "Continental intercalaire" du Sahara central: Compte rendu hebdomadaire des seances de l’Academie des Sciences Paris, v. 246, p. 546-549.

Lapparent, A. F. de, and Aguirre, E. S. J., 1957, Presencia de dinosauridos en el Cretaceo superior de la cuenca del Tremp (Provincia de Lerida, Espana): Notas Comun. Inst. Geol. Min. Esp. v. 47, p. 147-152.

Lapparent, A. F. de., Quintero, I., and Tregueros, E., 1957, Descubrimientos de huseos de dinosaurios en el Cretaceo terminal de Cubilia (Provincia de Soria): Notas Comun. Inst. Geol. Min. Esp., v. 45, p. 59-63.

Lapparent, A. F. de, and Zbyszewski, G., 1957, Les Dinosauriens du Portugal: Services Geologiques du Portugal, memoire n. 2, new series, p. 1-63. (Apatosaurus alenquerensis, Brachiosaurus? atalaiensis)


Edmund, A. G., 1957, On the special foramina in the jaws of many Ornithischian Dinosaurs: Contributions of the Royal Ontario Museum Division of Zoology and Palaeontology, v. 48, p. 1-14.

Enlow, D. H., and Brown, S. O.. 1957, A Comparative Histological Study of Fossil and Recent Bone Tissues. Part II: Texas Journal of Science, p. 186-214.

Lapparent, A. F. de. 1957, The Cretaceous Dinosaurs of Africa and India: Journal of the Palaeontological society of India, v. 2, p. 109-112.

Lapparent, A. F. de, and Aguirre, E. S. J., 1957, Presencia de dinosauridos en el Cretaceo superior de la cuenca del Tremp (Provincia de Lerida, Espana): Notas Comun. Inst. Geol. Min. Esp. v. 47, p. 147-152.

Lapparent, A. F. de., Quintero, I., and Tregueros, E., 1957, Descubrimientos de huseos de dinosaurios en el Cretaceo terminal de Cubilia (Provincia de Soria): Notas Comun. Inst. Geol. Min. Esp., v. 45, p. 59-63.

Lapparent, A. F. de, and Zbyszewski, G., 1957, Les Dinosauriens du Portugal: Services Geologiques du Portugal, memoire n. 2, new series, p. 1-63.

Rozhdestvensky, A. K., 1957, A duckbilled dinosaur, a sauroloph from the Upper Cretaceous of Mongolia: Vertebrata PalAsiatic, v. 1, n. 2, p. 129-149.

Rozhdestvensky, A. K., 1957, Dinosaurian localities of the Upper Cretaceous on the Amur River: Vertebrata PalAsiatic, v. 1, n. 4, p. 285-291.

Russell, L. S., 1957, Fossil vertebrates of Southern Alberta: ASPG, 7th Ann. Field Conf. Guidebook, Waterton, September, p. 64-71.

Armored dinosaurs

Genus: Nova (2)

Lexovisaurus HOFFSTETTER 1957
Lusitanosaurus de LAPPARENT & ZBYSZEWSKI, 1957

Species: Nova (2)

Astrodon pusillus LAPPARENT & ZBYSEWSKI 1957
Lusitanosaurus liasicus de LAPPARENT & ZBYSZEWSKI, 1957

Synonym: Nova (2)

Lexovisaurus durobrivensis (HULKE, 1887) HOFFSTETTER 1957
= Omosaurus durobrivensis HULKE, 1887
= Omosaurus leedsi SEELEY 1901
Omosaurus (Dacentrurus) vetustus (HUENE, 1910) HOFFSTETTER, 1957 (nomen dubium)
= Omosaurus vetustus HUENE, 1910 (nomen dubium)
= Dacentrurus vetustus (HUENE, 1910) HENNING, 1915 (nomen dubium)

Enlow, D. H., and Brown, S. O., 1957, A Comparative Histological Study of Fossil and Recent Bone Tissues. Part II: Texas Journal of Science, p. 186-214.

Hoffstetter, R., 1957, Quelques observations sur le Stegosaurines: Bulletin du Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, 2nd series, v. 29, p. 537-547. (Lexovisaurus durobrivensis = Omosaurus durobrivensis, = Omosaurus leedsi, Omosaurus (Dacentrurus) vetustus = Omosaurus vetustus (nomen dubium), = Dacentrurus vetustus (nomen dubium))

Lapparent, A. F. de. 1957, The Cretaceous Dinosaurs of Africa and India: Journal of the Palaeontological society of India, v. 2, p. 109-112.

Lapparent, A. F. de, and Zbyszewski, G., 1957, Les Dinosauriens du Portugal: Services Geologiques du Portugal, memoire n. 2, new series, p. 1-63. (Astrodon pusillus, Lusitanosaurus liasicus)

Russell, L. S., 1957, Fossil vertebrates of Southern Alberta: ASPG, 7th Ann. Field Conf. Guidebook, Waterton, September, p. 64-71.

Dinosaurs in general

Rozhdestvensky, A. K., 1957, Dinosaurian localities of the Upper Cretaceous on the Amur River: Vertebrata PalAsiatic, v. 1, n. 4, p. 285-291.

Russell, L. S., 1957, Fossil vertebrates of Southern Alberta: ASPG, 7th Ann. Field Conf. Guidebook, Waterton, September, p. 64-71.

Aves (Mesozoic)



Species: Nova (1)

Edaphosaurus ecordi PEABODY, 1957

Enlow, E. H., and Brown, S. O., 1957, a comparative histological study of fossil and recent bone tissues. Part II: Texas Journal of Science, p. 186-214.

Peabody, F. E., 1957, Pennsylvanian reptiles of Garnett, Kansas: Edaphosaurs: Journal of Paleontology, v. 31, n. 5, p. 947-949. (Edaphosaurus ecordi)

Romer, A. S., 1957, The appendicular skeleton of the Permian embolomerous amphibian Archeria: Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan, v. 13, n. 5, p. 103-159.

Romer, A. S., 1957, Origin of the amniote egg: The Scientific Monthly, v. 85, p. 57-63.


Genus: Nova (2)

Colbertosaurus MINOPRIO, 1957
Scalenodontoides CROMPTON & ELLENBERGER, 1957

Species: Nova (1)

Scalenodontoides macrodontes CROMPTON & ELLENBERGER, 1957

Synonym: Nova (1)

Colbertosaurus muralis (MINOPRIO, 1954) MINOPRIO, 1957
= Colbertia muralis MINOPRIO, 1954

Crompton, A. W., and Ellenberg, F., 1957, On a new cyndont from the Molteno beds and the origin of the Tritylodontids: Annals of the South African Museum, p. 1-14. (Scalenodontoides macrodontes)

Enlow, E. H., and Brown, S. O., 1957, a comparative histological study of fossil and recent bone tissues. Part II: Texas Journal of Science, p. 186-214.

Kuhne, W. G., 1957, Die Tritylodontiden: Paläontologische Zeitschrift, v. 31, n. 1-2, p. 53-54.

Mionoprio, J. L., 1957, Nota aclaratoria sobre Colberta muralis: Ameghiniana, v. 1, p. 144. (Colbertosaurus muralis = Colbertia muralis)


Species: Nova (1)

Moschops koupensis BOONSTRA, 1957

Anonymous, 1957, Progress of the excavation and the preparation of a nearly complete skeleton of a large dicynodont belonging probabably to Sinokannemeyeria: Vertebrata PalAsatica, v. 1, p. 59-60.

Boonstra, L. D., 1957, The moschopid skulls in the South African Museum: Annals of the South African Museum, v. 44, p. 15-58. (Moschops koupensis)

Colbert, E. H., and Gregory, J. T., 1957, Correlation of Continental Triassic Sediments by Vertebrate Fossils: Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, v. 68, p. 1456-1467.

Mammals (Mesozoic)

Enlow, E. H., and Brown. S. O., 1957, a comparative histological study of fossil and recent bone tissues. Part II: Texas Journal of Science, p. 186-214.

Ride, W. D. L., 1957, The affinities of Plagiaulax (Multituberculata): Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, v. 128, p. 397-402.


Lapparent, A. F. de., 1957, Les oeufs de Dinosauriens du "Continental intercalaire" du Sahara Central: Compte rendu hebdomadaire des seances de l’Academie des Sciences Paris, v. 246, p. 546-549.

Lapparent, A. F. de, and Zbyszewski, G., 1957, Les Dinosauriens du Portugal: Services Geologiques du Portugal, memoire n. 2, new series, p. 1-63.

Romer, A. S., 1957, Origin of the amniote egg: The Scientific Monthly, v. 85, p. 57-63.

Sahni, M. R., 1957, A fossil reptilian egg from the Uttatturs (Cenomanian) of Southern India, being the first Record of a Vertebrate Egg in India: Records of the Geological Survey of India, v. 87, part 4, p. 671-674.


Ichnogenus: Nova (2)

Apatopus BAIRD, 1957
Pteraichnus STOKES, 1957

Ichnospecies: Nova (4)

Brachychirotherium coburgense AUMANN, 1957
Chirotherium eyermani BAIRD, 1957
Grallator sulcatus BAIRD, 1957
Pteraichnus saltwashensis STOKES, 1957

Synonym: Nova (3)

Apatopus lineatus (BOCK, 1952) BAIRD, 1957
= Otozoum (?) lineatus BOCK, 1952
Otouphepus minusculus (E. HITCHCOCK, 1858) BAIRD, 1957
= Brotozoum minusculus E. HITCHCOCK, 1858
= Brontozoum minusculum E. HITCHCOCK, 1858
= Grallator minusculus (E. HITCHCOCK, 1858), LULL, 1915
Rhynchosauriodes howelli (BOCK, 1947) BAIRD, 1957
= Orthodactylus howelli BOCK, 1952

Get Brachychirotherium coburgense AUMANN, 1957

Baird, D., 1957, Triassic reptile footprint faunules from Milford, New Jersey: Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College, v. 117, n. 5, p. 449-524. (Apatopus lineatus = Otozoum (?) lineatus, Chirotherium eyermani, Grallator sulcatus, Otouphepus minusculus = Brotozoum minusculus, = Brontozoum minusculum, = Grallator minusculus, Rhynchosauriodes howelli = Orthodactylus howelli)

Bunker, C. M., 1957, Theropod saurischian footprint discovery in the Wingate (Triassic) Formation: Journal of Paleontology, v. 31, n. 5, p. 973.

Stokes, W. L., 1957, Pterodactyl tracks from the Morrison Formation: Journal of Paleontology, v. 31, n. 5, p. 952-954. (Pteraichnus saltwashensis)


Lapparent, A. F. de., 1957, Les oeufs de Dinosauriens du "Continental intercalaire" du Sahara Central: Compte rendu hebdomadaire des seances de l’Academie des Sciences Paris, v. 246, p. 546-549.


Stomach contents



Soft tissue



DNA (and Blood)

(suppose) Tertiary Dinosaurs





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