1949 articles

Fish; Agnatha, Thelodonti, Placoderm, Acanthodians, Chondrichthyes, Fish, Crossopterygians, Lungfish, Coelocanths, Fish Ichnology, Fish burrows

Amphibians; Temnospondyli ("Labyrinthodons", Early Amphibians), Reptilosauromorph, Lepospondyli, Amphibians

Reptilia; Lower Reptiles (“Anapsids”), Turtles, Diapsida (Lower Lepidosauromorphs), Lizards and snakes, Sphenodonts, Ichthyosaurs, Sauropterygians and Placodontians, Lower Archosauromorpha, “Thecodontia, Pseudosuchia", Crocodilia (Mesosuchia, Eusuchia), Pterosaurs

Dinosaurs; Theropoda, Sauropodomorpha (Sauropoda, Prosauropoda), Ornithischia, Armored dinosaurs, Dinosaurs in general, Aves (Mesozoic)

Synapsids; Pelycosaurs, Theriodontia, Deinocephalia, Mammals (Mesozoic)

Eggs, Ichnology, Palaeopathologies, Gastroliths, Stomach contents, Coprolites, Histology, Soft tissue, Bonebed, Taphonomy,DNA (and Blood), (suppose) Tertiary Dinosaurs, Extinction

Integuments; Feathers, Skin




Genus: Nova (1)

Bryantolepis CAMP, WELLES & GREEN, 1949

Synonym: Nova (1)

Bryantolepis brachycephala (BYRANT, 1932) CAMP, WELLES & GREEN, 1949
= Euryaspis brachycephala BYRANT, 1932

Get Bryantolepis brachycephala = Euryaspis brachycephala CAMP, WELLES & GREEN, 1949



Genus: Nova (1)

Corysodon SAINT-SIENE, 1949

Species: Nova (2)

Chiloscyllium cheikheliasi SIGNEUX, 1949
Corysodon ciriensis SAINT-SEINE, 1949

Synonym: Nova (1)

Triakias curtirostris (DAVIS, 1887) SIGNEUX, 1949
= Thyellina curtirostris DAVIS, 1887
= Scyllium curtirostre (DAVIS, 1887) WOODWARD, 1889

Get Corysodon ciriensis SAINT-SEINE, 1949

Get Chiloscyllium cheikheliasi, Triakias curtirostris = Thyellina curtirostris, = Scyllium curtirostre SIGNEUX, 1949


Genus: Nova (3)

Challaia RUSCONI, 1949
Notodectes DOLGOPOL, 1949
Ostariostoma SCHAFFER, 1949

Species: Nova (10)

Australosomus simplex NIELSON, 1949
Challaia cacheutensis RUSCONI, 1949
Cimolichthys manzadinensis DARTEVELLE & CASIER, 1949
Enchodus elegans DARTEVELLE & CASIER, 1949
Eugnathus aldingeri HEIMBERG, 1949
Eugnathus praelongus SAINT-SIENE, 1949
Gyrodus wagneri SAINT-SEINE, 1949
Notodectes argentinus DOLGOPOL, 1949
Ostariostoma wilseyi SCHAFFER, 1949
Pholidophorus segusianus SAINT-SENE, 1949

Synonym: Nova (2)

Anaethalion knorri (de BLAINVILLE, 1818) SAINT-SEINE, 1949
= Leptolepis knorri (de BLAINVILLE, 1818)
= Clupea knorrii de BLAINVILLE, 1818
= Aethalion inflatus MUNSTER, 1842
= Leptolepis crassus AGASSIZ, 1844
Uroceles elongatus (AGASSIZ, 1839), SAINT-SEINE, 1949
= Megalurus elongatus AGASSIZ, 1839

Get Cimolichthys manzadinensis, Enchodus elegans DARTEVELLE & CASIER, 1949

Get Notodectes argentinus DOLGOPOL, 1949

Get Eugnathus aldingeri HEIMBERG, 1949

Nielsen, E., 1949, Studies on Triassic Fishes II: Meddelelser om Grønland, Band 146, n. 1, p. 1-309. (Australosomus simplex)

Piveteau, J., 1949, Les relations paleogeographiques de Madagascar d'apres les vertebres: Memoirs de L'Institut Scientifique de Madagascar, serie D, Tome 1, p. 117-121. Link to pdf

Rusconi, C., 1949, Sobre un pez Permico de Mendoza : (Challaia cacheutensis)

Saint-Seine, P., 1949, Sur la presence d’un pycnodontide dans le Lias inferieur du Cher: Societe Geologique de France, Bulletin et Comptes Rendus, 5th series, v. 19, p. 334-335. (Anaethalion knorri = Leptolepis knorri, = Clupea knorrii, = Aethalion inflatus, = Leptolepis crassus, Eugnathus praelongus, Gyrodus wagneri, Pholidophorus segusianus, Uroceles elongatus = Megalurus elongates)

Get Ostariostoma wilseyi SCHAFFER, 1949


Species: Nova (1)

Gyroptychius? kiaeri JARVIK, 1949

Get Jarvik, E., 1949, On the Middle Devonian crossopterygians from the Hornelen Field in Western Norway: Arbok, University, Bergen, 1948, p. 1-48.(Gyroptychius? kiaeri)


Species: Nova (1)

Dipnorhynchus lehmanni WESTOLL, 1949

Get Dipnorhynchus lehmanni WESTOLL, 1949


Fish Ichnology

Temnospondyli ("Labyrinthodons", Early Amphibians)

Species: Nova (1)

Chigutisaurus tenax RUSCONI, 1949

Huene, von F., 1949, Classification and Phylogeny of the Tetrapods: Geological Magazine,v. 86, p. 189-195.

Nielsen, E., 1949, On some trails from the Triassic beds of East Greenland: Meddelelser om Grønland, Band 149, n. 4, p. 1-42.

Parrington, F. R., 1949, A theory of the relations of lateral lines to dermal bones: Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, v. 119, p. 65-78.

Rusconi, C., 1949, I. Presencia de Ictiosaurios en el Liasico De San Juan, II Otra especie de Laberintodonte Triasico de Mendoza : Revista del Museo de Historia Natural de Mendoza, v. 3, n. 2, p. 89-94. (Chigutisaurus tenax)

Saint-Seine, P., 1949, Vertebres Autuniens de Bourbon-L'Archambault (Allier): Annales de Paleontologie, v. 55, p. 133-140.


Species: Nova (1)

Melanerpeton sacheti SAINT-SEINE, 1949

Get Melanerpeton sacheti SAINT-SEINE, 1949



Lower Reptiles (“Anapsids”)

Broom, R., 1949, Some new Karroo reptiles, with notes on a few others: Annals of the Transvaal Museum, v. 20, part 3, p. 193-213.

Huene, F. von, 1949, Classification and Phylogeny of the Tetrapods: Geological Magazine,v. 86, p. 189-195.


Allen, P., 1949, Notes on Wealden bone-beds: Proceedings of the Geologist' Association, v. 16, p. 275-283.

Huene, F. von, 1949, Classification and Phylogeny of the Tetrapods: Geological Magazine, v. 86, p. 189-195.

Diapsida (Lower Lepidosauromorphs)

Colbert, E. H., 1949, Giants of the animal Kingdom: Natural History, v. 58, n. 9, p. 418-423, 430-431.

Huene, von F., 1949, Classification and Phylogeny of the Tetrapods: Geological Magazine, v. 86, p. 208-213.

Piveteau, J., 1949, Les relations paleogeographiques de Madagascar d'apres les vertebres: Memoirs de L'Institut Scientifique de Madagascar, serie D, Tome 1, p. 117-121. Link to pdf

Lizards and Snakes

Avnimelech, M., 1949, On vertebrate remains in Senonian Phosphate beds in Transjordan: Ecologae Geologicae Helvetiae, v. 42, p. 486-490.

Huene, F. von, 1949, Classification and Phylogeny of the Tetrapods: Geological Magazine, v. 86, p. 189-195.


Genus: Nova (1)

Elachistosuchus JANENSCH, 1949

Species: Nova (1)

Elachistosuchus huenei JANENSCH, 1949

Huene, F. von, 1949, Classification and phylogeny of the Tetrapods: Geological Magazine, v. 86, p. 189-195.

Janensch, W., 1949, Ein Neües Reptil aus dem Keuper von Halberstadt: Neües Jahrbuch fur Geologie und Palaontologie Monatschefte, Abt B, p. 225-242.( Elachistosuchus huenei)


Species: Nova (4)

Ancanamunia? espinacitense RUSCONI, 1949 (nomen dubium)
Ichthyosaurus incessus HUENE, 1949
Stenopterygius eos HUENE, 1949
Stenopterygius promegacephalus HUENE, 1949

Colbert, E. H., 1949, Giants of the animal Kingdom: Natural History, v. 58, n. 9, p. 418-423, 430-431.

Huene, F. von, 1949, Ein Schadel von Mixosaurus und die Verwandstschaft der Ichthyosaurier: Neües Jahrbuch fur Geologie und Palaontologie, Abhandlungen, B, p. 88-95.

Huene, F. von, 1949, Ein Versuch, die Stenopterygius-Arten des oberen Lias in Zusammenhang zu bringen: Neües Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Geologie und Palaontologie, 1949, p. 80-88. (Ichthyosaurus incessus, Stenopterygius eos, Stenopterygius promegacephalus)

Huene, F. von, 1949, Classification and phylogeny of the tetrapods: Geological Magazine,v. 86, p. 189-195.

Rusconi, C., 1949, I. Presencia de Ictiosaurios en el Liasico De San Juan, II Otra especie de Laberintodonte Triasico de Mendoza: Revista del Museo de Historia Natural de Mendoza, v. 3, n. 2, p. 89-94. (Ancanamunia? espinacitense (nomen dubium))

Sauropterygians and Placodontians

Genus: Nova (1)

Alzadasaurus COLBERT, 1949

Species: Nova (7)

Alzadasaurus pembertoni WELLES & BUMP, 1949
Alzadasaurus tropicus COLBERT, 1949 (nomen dubium)
Cryptocleidus caroli De La TORRE & ROJAS, 1949 (nomen dubium)
Cryptocleidus cuervoi avesadai ROJAS, 1949 (nomen dubium)
Cryptocleidus cuervoi caroli De La TORRE & ROJAS, 1949 (nomen dubium)
Cryptocleidus cuervoi ROJAS, 1949 (nomen dubium)
Elasmosaurus morgani WELLES, 1949

Allen, P., 1949, Notes on Wealden Bone-Beds: Proceedings of the Geologist's Association, v. 16, p. 275-283.

Colbert, E. H., 1949, Giants of the animal Kingdom: Natural History, v. 58, n. 9, p. 418-423, 430-431.

Colbert, E. H., 1949, A new Cretaceous Plesiosaur from Venezuela: American Museum Novitiates, n. 1420, p. 1-22. (Alzadasaurus tropicus)

De la Torre, A., 1949, Hallazgo de un Hueso de Dinosaurio Terrestre en el Jurasico de Vinales, Pinar del Rio, Cuba. Alfredo de la Torre y Callejas, p. 7-19.

Huene, F. von , 1949, Classification and Phylogeny of the Tetrapods: Geological Magazine, v. 86, p. 189-195.

Get Cryptocleidus cuervoi avesadai (nomen dubium), Cryptocleidus cuervoi ROJAS, 1949 (nomen dubium)

Get Cryptocleidus caroli, Cryptocleidus cuervoi caroli De La TORRE & ROJAS, 1949 (nomen dubium)

Welles, S. P., 1949, A new elasmosaur from the Eagle Ford Shale of Texas: University press in Dallas southern Methodist University, Fondren Science Series, v. 1, n. 1, p. 1-28. (Elasmosaurus morgani) Link to pdf

Welles, S. P., and Bump, J. D., 1949, Alzadasaurus pembertoni, a new elasmosaur from the Late Cretaceous of South Dakota: Journal of Paleontology, v. 23, n. 5, p. 521-535. (Alzadasaurus pembertoni)

Lower Archosauromorpha

Huene, F. von, 1949, Classification and Phylogeny of the Tetrapods: Geological Magazine, v. 86, p. 189-195.

Nielsen, E., 1949, On some trails from the Triassic beds of East Greenland: Meddelelser om Grønland, Band 149, n. 4, p. 1-42.

“Thecodontia, Pseudosuchia"

Species: Nova (1)

Paleorhinus scurriensis LANGSTON, 1949

Huene, F. von, 1949, Classification and Phylogeny of the Tetrapods: Geological Magazine, v. 86, p. 189-195.

Langston, W., 1949, A new species of Paleorhinus from the triassic of Texas: American Journal of Science, v. 247, p.324-341. (Paleorhinus scurriensis)

Crocodilia (Mesosuchia, Eusuchia)

Genus: Nova (2)

Peipehsuchus YOUNG, 1949 (nomen dubium)
Tienosuchus YOUNG, 1949 (nomen dubium)

Species: Nova (2)

Peipehsuchus teleorhinus YOUNG, 1949 (nomen dubium)
Tienosuchus hsiangi YOUNG, 1949 (nomen dubium)

Allen, P., 1949, Notes on Wealden bone-beds: Proceedings of the Geologist' Association, v. 16, p. 275-283.

Hills, E. S., 1949, Tertiary Fresh-Water Fishes and Crocodilian Remains from Gladstone and Duaringa, Queensland: Memoirs of the Queensland Museum, v. 12, p. 96-100.

Nielsen, E., 1949, On some trails from the Triassic beds of East Greenland: Meddelelser om Grønland, Band 149, n. 4, p. 1-42.

Peyer, B., 1949, Uber ein Kieferfragment eines Krokodiliers aus dem Dogger des Berner Oberlandes: Schweizerische Palaeontologische Abhandlungen, band 66, p. 3-8.

Get Peipehsuchus teleorhinus (nomen dubium), Tienosuchus hsiangi YOUNG, 1949 (nomen dubium)




Allen, P., 1949, Notes on Wealden Bone-beds: Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, v. 16, p. 275-283.

Colbert, E. H., 1949, Evolutionary growth rates in the Dinosaurs: The Scientific Monthly, v. 69, p. 71-79.

Lavocat, R., 1949, Les gisements de Vertebres cretaces du Sud marocain: Compte rendu sommaire des seances de la Societe de Geologie,1949, n. 7, p. 125-126.

Sternberg, C. M., 1949, The Edmonton fauna and description of a new Triceratops from the Upper Edmonton Member: phylogeny of the ceratopsidae: Annual Report of the National Museum, Bulletin n. 113, p. 33-46.

Wilfarth, M., 1949, Die Lebensweise der Dinosaurier: Schweizerbart, Stuttgart, p. 1-95.

Sauropodomorpha (Sauropoda, Prosauropoda)

Colbert, E. H., 1949, Evolutionary growth rates in the Dinosaurs: The Scientific Monthly, v. 69, p. 71-79.

De la Torre, A., 1949, Hallazgo de un Hueso de Dinosaurio Terrestre en el Jurasico de Vinales, Pinar del Rio, Cuba : Alfredo de la Torre y Callejas, p. 7-19.

Wilfarth, M., 1949, Die Lebensweise der Dinosaurier: Schweizerbart, Stuttgart, p. 1-95.


Species: Nova (1)

Triceratops albertensis STERNBERG, 1949

Synonym: Nova (1)

Monoclonius montanensis (GILMORE, 1914) STERNBERG, 1949
= Brachyceratops montanensis

Colbert, E. H., 1949, Evolutionary growth rates in the Dinosaurs: The Scientific Monthly, v. 69, p. 71-79.

Lull, R. S., and Gray, S. W., 1949, Growth patterns in the Ceratopsia: American Journal of Science, v. 247, p. 492-503.

Russell, L. S., 1949, The relationships of the Alberta Cretaceous Dinosaur "Laosaurus" minimus GILMORE: Journal of Paleontology, v. 23, n. 5, p. 518-520.

Sternberg, C. M., 1949, The Edmonton fauna and description of a new Triceratops from the Upper Edmonton Member: phylogeny of the ceratopsidae: Annual Report of the National Museum, Bulletin n. 113, p. 33-46. (Triceratops albertensis)

Get Monoclonius montanensis = Brachyceratops montanensis STERNBERG, 1949

Wilfarth, M., 1949, Die Lebensweise der Dinosaurier: Schweizerbart, Stuttgart, p. 1-95.

Armored dinosaurs

Colbert, E. H., 1949, Evolutionary growth rates in the Dinosaurs: The Scientific Monthly, v. 69, p. 71-79.

Sternberg, C. M., 1949, The Edmonton fauna and description of a new Triceratops from the Upper Edmonton Member: phylogeny of the ceratopsidae: Annual Report of the National Museum, Bulletin n. 113, p. 33-46.

Wilfarth, M., 1949, Die Lebensweise der Dinosaurier: Schweizerbart, Stuttgart, p. 1-95.

Dinosaurs in general

Colbert, E. H., 1949, Giants of the animal Kingdon: Natural History, v. 58, n. 9, p. 418-423, 430-431.

Colbert, E. H., 1949, Evolutionary growth rates in the Dinosaurs: The Scientific Monthly, v. 69, p. 71-79.

Cowles, R. B., 1949, Additional speculations on the role of heat in evolutionayr processes: Jour. Entom. Zool., v. 41, n. 1, p. 7-26.

Huene, F. von, 1949, Classification and Phylongeny of the Tetrapods: Geological Magazine, p. 139-195.

Sternberg, C. M., 1949, The Edmonton fauna and description of a new Triceratops from the Upper Edmonton Member: phylogeny of the ceratopsidae: Annual Report of the National Museum, Bulletin n. 113, p. 33-46.

Wilfarth, M., 1949, Die Lebensweise der Dinosaurier: Schweizerbart, Stuttgart, p. 1-95.

Aves (Mesozoic)

Nielsen, E., 1949, On some trails from the Triassic beds of East Greenland: Meddelelser om Grønland, Band 149, n. 4, p. 1-42.




Genus: Nova (4)

Homodontosaurus BROOM, 1949b
Lemurosaurus BROOM, 1949b
Protocynodon BROOM, 1949b
Silphedestes BROOM, 1949a

Species: Nova (6)

Cyniscops longiceps BROOM, 1949a
Homodontosaurus kitchingi BROOM, 1949b
Lemurosaurus pricei BROOM, 1949b
Protocynodon pricei BROOM, 1949b
Silphedestes polyodon BROOM, 1949a
Sycosaurus brodiei BROOM, 1949a

Broom, R., 1949a, Some new Karroo reptiles, with notes on a few others: Annals of the Transvaal Museum, v. 20, part 3, p. 193-213.

Broom, R., 1949b, New fossil reptile genera from the Bernard Price collections: Annals of the Transvaal Museum, v. 21, part 2, p. 187-194.

Huene, F. von, 1949, Classification and Phylogeny of the Tetrapods: Geological Magazine,v. 86, p. 189-195.

Kuhne, W. G., 1949, On a Triconodont tooth of a new pattern from a Fissure-filling in South Galamorgan.


Genus: Nova (2)

Myosauroides BROOM, 1949
Silphedestes BROOM, 1949

Species: Nova (5)

Aulacocephalodon brodiei BROOM, 1949
Aulacocephalodon coatoni BROOM, 1949
Dicynodon weatherbyi BROOM, 1949
Lystrosaurus bothai BROOM, 1949
Myosauroides minnaari BROOM, 1949

Broom, R., 1949, Some new Karroo reptiles, with notes on a few others: Annals of the Transvaal Museum, v. 20, part 3, p. 193-213. (Aulacocephalodon brodiei, Aulacocephalodon coatoni, Dicynodon weatherbyi, Lystrosaurus bothai, Myosauroides minnaari)

Huene, F. von, 1949, Classification and Phylogeny of the Tetrapods: Geological Magazine, v. 86, p. 189-195.

Mammals (Mesozoic)

Genus: Nova (1)

Morganucodon KUHNE, 1949

Species: Nova (1)

Morganucodon watsoni KUHNE, 1949

Kuhne, W. G., 1949, On a Triconodont tooth of a new pattern from a Fissure-filling in South Galamorgan. (Morganucodon watsoni)



Nielsen, E., 1949, On some trails from the Triassic beds of East Greenland: Meddelelser om Grønland, Band 149, n. 4, p. 1-42.



Welles, S. P., and Bump, J. D., 1949, Alzadasaurus pembertoni, a new elasmosaur from the Late Cretaceous of South Dakota: Journal of Paleontology, v. 23, n. 5, p. 521-535.

Stomach contents



Soft tissue



DNA (and Blood)

(suppose) Tertiary Dinosaurs





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