1927 articles

Fish; Agnatha, Thelodonti, Placoderm, Acanthodians, Chondrichthyes, Fish, Crossopterygians, Lungfish, Coelocanths, Fish burrows

Amphibians; Temnospondyli ("Labyrinthodons", Early Amphibians), Reptilosauromorph, Lepospondyli, Amphibians

Reptilia; Lower Reptiles (“Anapsids”), Turtles, Diapsida (Lower Lepidosauromorphs), Lizards and snakes, Sphenodonts, Ichthyosaurs, Sauropterygians and Placodontians, Lower Archosauromorpha, “Thecodontia, Pseudosuchia", Crocodilia (Mesosuchia, Eusuchia), Pterosaurs

Dinosaurs; Theropoda, Sauropodomorpha (Sauropoda, Prosauropoda), Ornithischia, Armored dinosaurs, Dinosaurs in general, Aves (Mesozoic)

Synapsids; Pelycosaurs, Theriodontia, Deinocephalia, Mammals (Mesozoic)

Eggs, Ichnology, Palaeopathologies, Gastroliths, Stomach contents, Coprolites, Histology, Soft tissue, Bonebed, DNA (and Blood), (suppose) Tertiary Dinosaurs, Extinction

Integuments; Feathers, Skin


Genus: Nova (4)

Archegonaspis JAEKEL, 1927
Benneviaspis STENSIO, 1927
Boreaspis STENSIO, 1927
Kiaeraspis STENSIO, 1927

Species: Nova (23)

Benneviaspis holtesdahli STENSIO, 1927
Boreaspis rostrata STENSIO, 1927
Cephalaspis? acutirostris STENSIÖ, 1927
Cephalaspis borealis STENSIO, 1927 (nomen dubium)
Cephalaspis hoeli STENSIO, 1927
Cephalaspis hoegi STENSIO, 1927 (nomen dubium)
Cephalaspis isachseni STENSIO, 1927
Cephalaspis lata STENSIO, 1927
Cephalaspis laticornis STENSIO, 1927
Cephalaspis oblongus STENSIO, 1927
Cephalaspis staxrudi STENSIO, 1927
Cephalaspis? watneliei STENSIO, 1927
Kiaeraspis auchenaspidoides STENSIO, 1927
Pteraspis latissima ZYCH, 1927
Pteraspis lerichei sp. n., mut. latissima mut n. ZYCH, 1927
Pteraspis lerichei sp. n. mut. lata mut, n. ZYCH, 1927
Pteraspis lerichi sp. n., mut. longirostra mut. Nov., ZYCH, 1927
Pteraspis lerichei sp. n. mut. major ZYCH, 1927
Pteraspis lerichei sp. n. mut. rostrata ZYCH, 1927
Pteraspis lerichei mut rostrata ZYCH, 1927
Pteraspis major ZYCH, 1927
Pteraspis sturi mut. elongata ZYCH, 1927
Pteraspis sturi ALTH, 1927

Get Pteraspis sturi ALTH, 1927

Get Benneviaspis holtesdahli, Boreaspis rostrata, Cephalaspis? acutirostris, Cephalaspis borealis (nomen dubium), Cephalaspis hoeli, Cephalaspis hoegi (nomen dubium), Cephalaspis isachseni, Cephalaspis lata, Cephalaspis laticornis, Cephalaspis oblongus, Cephalaspis staxrudi, Cephalaspis? watneliei, Kiaeraspis auchenaspidoides STENSIO, 1927

Get Pteraspis latissima, Pteraspis lerichei sp. n., mut. latissima mut n., Pteraspis lerichei sp. n. mut. lata mut, n., Pteraspis lerichi sp. n., mut. longirostra mut. Nov., Pteraspis lerichei sp. n. mut. major, Pteraspis lerichei sp. n. mut. rostrata, Pteraspis lerichei mut rostrata, Pteraspis major, Pteraspis sturi mut. elongata ZYCH, 1927



Genus: Nova (4)

Angarichthys OBRUCHEV, 1927
Auchenosteus JAEKEL, 1927 (nomen nudum)
Brachyosteus JAEKEL, 1927
Trematosteus JAEKEL, 1927

Species: Nova (2)

Angarichthys hyperboreus OBRUCHEV, 1927
Bothrolepis traudscholdi JAEKEL, 1927

Get Auchenosteus, Bothrolepis traudscholdi, Brachyosteus JAEKEL, 1927

Get Angarichthys hyperboreus OBRUCHEV, 1927


Species: Nova (1)

Acanthodes ovensi WHITE, 1927

Get Acanthodes ovensi WHITE, 1927


Genus: Nova (4)

Angarichthys OBRUCHEV, 1927
Auchenosteus JAEKEL, 1927 (nomen nudum)
Brachyosteus JAEKEL, 1927
Trematosteus JAEKEL, 1927

Species: Nova (8)

Asteracanthus aegyptiacus STROMER, 1927
Cladodus corrugatus CRONES, 1927
Corax baharijensis STROMER, 1927
Hybodus aschersoni STROMER, 1927
?Lamna appendiculata STROMER, 1927
Otodus biauriculatus STROMER, 1927
?Scapanorhynchus subulatus STROMER, 1927
Squatina aegyptiaca STROMER, 1927

Get Cladodus corrugatus CRONES, 1927

Stromer, E., 1927, Ergebnisse der Forschungsreisen Prof. E. Stromers in den Wusten Agyptens, II. Wirbeltier-Reste der Baharje-Stufe (unterstes Cenoman). 9. Die Plagiostomen, mit einem Anhang uber kano- und mesozoische Ruckenflossentacheln von Elasmobranchiern: Abhandlungen der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Abteilung 31, Band 5, p. 3-64. (Asteracanthus aegyptiacus, Corax baharijensis, Hybodus aschersoni, ?Lamna appendiculata, Otodus biauriculatus, ?Scapanorhynchus subulatus, Squatina aegyptiaca)


Genus: Nova (7)

Aetheretmon WHITE, 1927
Carboveles WHITE, 1927
Fouldenia WHITE, 1927
Haplospondylus CABRERA, 1927
Kindlea JORDAN, 1927
Paraeurynotes CHABOKAV, 1927
Strepheoschema WHITE, 1927

Species: Nova (8)

Aetheretmon valentiacum WHITE, 1927
Aetheretomon valentiacum var. ovensi WHITE, 1927
Carboveles ovensi WHITE, 1927
Fouldenia ottadinica WHITE, 1927
Haplospondylus clupeoides CABRERA, 1927
Kindleia fragosa JORDAN, 1927
Strepheoschema fouldensis WHITE, 1927

Synonym: Nova (1)

Strephesochema ramsayi (TRAQUAIR, 1881) WHITE, 1927
= Canobius ramsayi TRAQUAIR, 1881

Get Haplospondylus clupeoides CABRERA, 1927

Drevermann, 1927,Versteinerungen in ultraviolettem Licht: Natur und Museum, v. 57, Heft 5, p. 193-201.

Gregory, W. K., 1927, The palaeomorphology of the human head: ten structural stages from fish to man, Part 1. The skul in norma lateralis: Quarterly Review of Biology, v. 2, n. 1, p. 267-279.

Get Kindleia fragosa JORDAN, 1927

Schmidt, H., 1927, Die Exkursionen. Exkursionnach Holzen (Ob. Jura und Unt. Kredie): Palaeontologische Zeitschaft, band 9, heft 1/3, p. 4-5.

Get Aetheretmon valentiacum, Aetheretomon valentiacum var. ovensi, Carboveles ovensi, Fouldenia ottadinica, Strephesochema ramsayi = Canobius ramsayi, Strepheoschema fouldensis WHITE, 1927


Gregory, W. K., 1927, The palaeomorphology of the human head: ten structural stages from fish to man, Part 1. The skull in norma lateralis: Quarterly Review of Biology, v. 2, n. 1, p. 267-279.


Genus: Nova (1)

Dipnorhynchus JAEKEL, 1927

Synonym: Nova (1)

Dipnorhynchus sussmilchi (ETHERIDGE, 1906) JAEKEL, 1927
= Ganorhynchus sussmilchi ETHERIDGE, 1906

Get Dipnorhynchus sussmilchi = Ganorhynchus sussmilchi JAEKEL, 1927


Genus: Nova (1)

Euporosteus JAEKEL, 1927

Species: Nova (2)

Euporosteus eifeliensis JAEKEL, 1927
Rhomboderma gorskyi CHABAKOV, 1927

Get Rhomboderma gorskyi CHABAKOV, 1927

Get Euporosteus eifeliensis JAEKEL, 1927

Temnospondyli ("Labyrinthodons", Early Amphibians)

Genus: Nova (1)

Anningia BROOM, 1927 (nomen vanum)

Species: Nova (4)

Anningia megalops BROOM, 1927 (nomen vanum)
Capitosaurus semiclausus SWINTON, 1927
Rhinesuchus nyasaensis HAUGHTON, 1927
Trematosuchus (?) jakovlevi RIABININ, 1927

Broili, F., 1927, Uber die Hautbedeckung der Archegosauridae und Actinodonitidae: Zeitschrift der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft, v. 29, p. 375-384.

Broom, R., 1927, On a new type of mammal-like reptile from the South African Karroo Beds (Anningia megalops): Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 1927, p. 227-232. (Anningia megalops (nomen vanum))

Gregory, W. K., 1927, The palaeomorphology of the human head: ten structural stages from fish to man, Part 1. The skul in norma lateralis: Quarterly Review of Biology, v. 2, n. 1, p. 267-279.

Get Rhinesuchus nyasaensis HAUGHTON, 1927

Piveteau, J., 1927, Sur un Amphibien du Trias de Luneville: Bulletin de la societie geologiques de France, 4th series, n. 27, C. r., p. 119.

Get Trematosuchus (?) jakovlevi RIABININ, 1927

Swinton, W. E., 1927, A new species of Capitosaurus from the Trias of the Black Forest: Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 9th series, p. 177-186. (Capitosaurus semiclausus)




Lower Reptiles (“Anapsids”)

Gregory, W. K., 1927, The palaeomorphology of the human head: ten structural stages from fish to man, Part 1. The skul in norma lateralis: Quarterly Review of Biology, v. 2, n. 1, p. 267-279.

Sushkin, P. P., 1927, Contributions to the cranial morphology of Captorhinus COPE (Reptilia, Cotylosauria, Captorhinidae), p. 263-280.


Royo y Gomez, J., 1927, Sur la facies wealdien d'Esapange: Bulletin de la societie geologiques de France, 4th series, v. 27, p. 125-128.

Diapsida (Lower Lepidosauromorphs)

Lizards and Snakes

Genus: Nova (1)

Ancylocentrum SCHMIDT, 1927

Synonym: Nova (1)

Ancylocentrum overtoni (WILLISTON, 1897) SCHMIDT, 1927
= undrescribed genus overtoni WILLISTON, 1895
= Brachysaurus overtoni WILLISTON, 1897

Corroy, G., 1927, Sur la presence d'ossements de Mosasaure dans le Lantonien de l'Aude: Bulletin de la societie geologiques de France, 4th series 27, Compt. Rendus, p. 135-137.

Gilmore, C. W., 1927, Note on a second occurrence of the mosasaurian reptile Globidens: Science, v. 66, p. 452.

Schmidt, K. P., 1927, New reptilian generic names: Copeia, v. 3, p. 58-59. (Ancylocentrum overtoni = undrescribed genus overtone, = Brachysaurus overtone)



Genus: Nova (1)

Myobradypterygius HUENE, 1927

Species: Nova (1)

Myobradypterygius hauthali HUENE, 1927

Synonym: Nova (2)

Leptopterygius? leucopetraceus (BURMEISTER & GIEBEL, 1862) HUENE, 1927 (nomen dubium)
= Ichthyosaurus leucoptraeus BURMEISTER & GIEBEL, 1862 (nomen dubium)
= Macropterygius? leucopetraeus (BURMEISTER & GIEBEL, 1862) HUENE, 1922 (nomen dubium)
Opthalmosaurus bodenbenderi (DAMES, 1893) HUENE, 1927 (nomen dubium)
= Macropterygius? bodenbenderi (DAMES, 1893) HUENE, 1922 (nomen dubium)
= Ichthyosaurus bodenbenderi DAMES, 1893 (nomen dubium)

Huene, F. von, 1927, Beitrag zur Kenntnis mariner mesozoischer Wirbeltiere in Argentinien: Centralblatt fur Mineralogie, Geologie und Palaontologie, Stuttgart, Beilageband, n. 1, p. 22-29. (Leptopterygius? leucopetraceus (nomen dubium), = Ichthyosaurus leucoptraeus (nomen dubium), = Macropterygius? leucopetraeus (nomen dubium), Myobradypterygius hauthali, Opthalmosaurus bodenbenderi (nomen dubium), = Macropterygius? bodenbenderi (nomen dubium), = Ichthyosaurus bodenbenderi (nomen dubium))

Sauropterygians and Placodontians

Genus: Nova (1)

Lamprosauroides SCHMIDT, 1927 (nomen dubium)
Pachypleurosaurus BROILI, 1927
Rhaticonia BROILI 1927

Species: Nova (1)

Rhaeticonia rothpletzi BROILI, 1927

Synonym: Nova (2)

Lamprosauroides goepperti (MEYER, 1860) SCHMIDT, 1927 (nomen dubium)
= Lamprosaurus goepperti MEYER, 1860 (nomen dubium)
Pachypleurosaurus (Pachypleura) edwardsii (CORNALIA, 1854) BROILI, 1927
= Pachypleura edwardsii CORNALIA, 1854
= Neusticosaurus (Pachypleura) edwardsii (CORNALIA, 1854) LYDEKKER, 1889

Broili, F., 1927, Ein Sauropterygier aus den Arlbergschichten: Sitzungsberichte der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschafte, Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Abteilung, p. 205-228. (Pachypleurosaurus (Pachypleura) edwardsii = Pachypleura edwardsii, = Neusticosaurus (Pachypleura) edwardsii, Rhaeticonia rothpletzi)

Huene, F. von, 1927, Beitrag zur Kenntnis mariner mesozoischer Wirbeltiere in Argentinien: Centralblatt fur Mineralogie, Geologie und Palaontologie, Stuttgart, Beilageband, n. 1, p. 22-29.

Schmidt, K. P., 1927, New reptilian generic names: Copeia, v. 163, p. 58-59. (Lamprosauroides goepperti (nomen dubium), = Lamprosaurus goepperti (nomen dubium))

Lower Archosauromorpha

Species: Nova (1)

Champsosaurus albertensis PARKS, 1927

Case, E. C., 1927, Genus Coelophysis in the Upper Triassic beds of Western Texas: Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, v. 38, p. 227.

Case, E. C., 1927, The vertebral column of Coelophysis sp. Cope: Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan,v. 2, p. 209-222.

Parks, W. A., 1927, Champsosaurus albertensis, a New Species of Rhynchocephalian from the Edmonton Formation of Alberta: Univeristy of Toronto Studies, Geological series, n. 25, p. 1-48. (Champsosaurus albertensis)

“Thecodontia, Pseudosuchia"

Case, E. C., 1927, A complete phytosaur pelvis from the triassic beds of Western Texas: Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan, v. 2, p. 227-229.

Case, E. C., 1927, The vertebral column of Coelophysis COPE: Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan, v. 2, n. 10, p. 209-222.

Heilmann, G., 1927, The Origin of Birds: New York, D. Appleton and Company, MCMZZVII, 210pp.

Crocodilia (Mesosuchia, Eusuchia)

Species: Nova (3)

Steneosaurus gerthi HUENE, 1927 (nomen dubium)
Tomistoma cairense MULLER, 1927
Tomistoma tenuirostre MULLER, 1927

Huene, F. von, 1927, Beitrag zur Kenntnis mariner mesozoischer Wirbeltiere in Argentinien: Centralblatt fur Mineralogie, Geologie und Palaontologie, Stuttgart, Abt. B. v. 1, p. 22-29. (Steneosaurus gerthi (nomen dubium))

Mook, C. C., 1927, The skull characters of Crocodilus megarhinus ANDREWS: American Museum Novitiates, n. 289, p. 1-8.

Get Tomistoma cairense, Tomistoma tenuirostre MULLER, 1927

Piveteau, J., 1927, Etudes sur queleques amphibiens et reptiles fossiles: Annales de Paleontologie, v. 16, p. 24-37.

Royo y Gomez, J., 1927, Sur la facies wealdien d'Esapange: Bulletin de la societie geologiques de France, 4th series, v. 27, p. 125-128.

Schmidt, H., 1927, Die Exkursionen. Exkursionnach Holzen (Ob. Jura und Unt. Kredie): Paläontologische Zeitschrift, band 9, heft 1/3, p. 4-5.


Species: Nova (1)

Pterodactylus westmani WIMAN, 1927

Get Broili, F, 1927, Ein Rhamphorhynchus mit spuren von Haarbedeckung: Sber. Bayer. Akad. Wiss., Math.-nat. Abt, p. 49-57.

Wiman, C., 1927, Einige Beobachtungen an Flugsauriern. (Pterodactylus westmani)



Case, E. C., 1927, Genus Coelophysis in the Upper Triassic beds of Western Texas: Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, v. 38, p. 227.

Case, E. C., 1927, The vertebral column of Coelophysis sp. Cope: Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan,v. 2, p. 209-222.

Gregory, H. E., 1927, Gaps in the Mongolian Life Record: Scientific Monthly, v. 24, p. 169-181.

Heilmann, G., 1927, The Origin of Birds: New York D. Appleton and Company, 210pp.

Romer, A. S., 1927, The pelvic musculature of orntihsichian dinosaurs: Acta Zoologica, v. 8, p. 225-275.

Royo y Gomez, J., 1927, Sur le facies wealdien d'Espange: Bulletin de la societie geologiques de France, 4th series, v. 27, CR, p. 125-128.

Sauropodomorpha (Sauropoda, Prosauropoda)

Genus: Nova (1)

Cetiosauriscus HUENE, 1927

Synonym: Nova (1)

Cetiosauriscus leedsii (WOODWARD, 1905) HUENE, 1927
= Cetiosaurus leedsii WOODARD, 1905 non HULKE, 1887
Note: Huene, 1927a named Cetiosauriscus leedsi for Ceitosaurus leedsii, but not the type of C. leedsi, but for the referred specimen published by WOODWARD, 1905. His 1927a paper was confusing, but his 1927b paper explained it better. Charig, 1980 followed his first paper and renamed the species to stewarti. This is unwarranted because genera can have the same species name and is here emended back to Huene’s original description. The ICZN ruled in favor of CHARIG in 1995 therefore the correct species is stewarti and not leedsii.

Drevermann, F., 1927, Expeditionen des American Museum of Natural History in Zentralasien: Natur und Museum, Band 57, Heft 12, p. 553-567.

Gregory, H. E., 1927, Gaps in the Mongolian Life Record: Scientific Monthly, v. 24, p. 169-181.

Huene, F. von, 1927a, Sichtung der Grundlagen der Jetzigen Kenntnis der Sauropoden: Eclogae geologicae Helvetiae, v. 20, p. 444-470. (Cetiosauriscus leedsii = Cetiosaurus leedsii)

Huene, F. von, 1927b, Short review of the present knowledge of the Sauropoda: Memories of the Queensland Museum, v. 9, p. 121-126.

Janensch, W., 1927, Ueber Magebstine bei Dinosaurien us Deutsch-Ostafrika: Sitzungsberichte der Gesellschaft Naturforschender Freunde zu Berlin, 1926, p. 34-36.

Migeod, F. W. H., 1927, The Dinosaurs of Tendaguru: Nature, v. 2991, p. 320-322.

Royo y Gomez, J., 1927, Nuevos descubrimientos paleontologicos en la facies wealdica de Levante : Bol. Soc. Espan. Hist. Nat., v. 27, p. 114.

Royo y Gomez, J., 1927, Sur le facies wealdien d'Espange: Bulletin de la societie geologiques de France, 4th series, v. 27, CR, p. 125-128.


Drevermann, F., 1927, Expeditionen des American Museum of Natural History in Zentralasien: Natur und Museum, Band 57, Heft 12, p. 553-567.

Gregory, W. K., 1927, Gaps in the Mongolian Life Record: Scientific Monthly, v. 24, p. 169-181.

Heilmann, G., 1927, The Origin of Birds: New York D. Appleton and Company, 210pp.

Romer, A. S., 1927, The pelvic musculature of orntihsichian dinosaurs: Acta Zoologica, v. 8, p. 225-275.

Royo y Gomez, J., 1927, Sur le facies wealdien d'Espange: Bulletin de la societie geologiques de France, 4th series, v. 27, CR, p. 125-128.

Sternberg, C. M., 1927, Homologies of Certain Bones of the Ceratopsian skull: Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada, Section 4, p. 135-143.

Sternberg, C. M., 1927, Horned Dinosaur group in the National Museum of Canada: The Canadian Field-Naturalist, v. 41, n. 4, p . 67-73.

Armored dinosaurs

Romer, A. S., 1927, The pelvic musculature of orntihsichian dinosaurs: Acta Zoologica, v. 8, p. 225-275.

Royo y Gomez, J., 1927, Sur le facies wealdien d'Espange: Bulletin de la societie geologiques de France, 4th series, v. 27, CR, p. 125-128.

Dinosaurs in general

Anonymous, 1927, Extinct Animals, The Hall of Dinosaurs: Natural History, v. 27, n. 2, p. 185-186.

Gilmore, C. W., 1927, Dinosaur's Last Roundup To Be Explored: Science News Letter, For May 22, 1937, p. 329.

Gregory, W. K., 1927, Gaps in the Mongolian Life Record: Scientific Monthly, v. 24, p. 169-181.

Migeod, F. W. H., 1927, The Dinosaurs of Tendaguru: Nature, v. 2991, p. 320-322.

Romer, A. S., 1927, The pelvic musculature of orntihsichian dinosaurs: Acta Zoologica, v. 8, p. 225-275.

Aves (Mesozoic)

Heilmann, G., 1927, The Origin of Birds: New York D. Appleton and Company, 210pp.

Petronievics, B., 1927, Nouvelles recherches sur l'osteologie des Archaeornithes: Anatomischer Anzeiger, v. 16, p. 39-55.



Broom, R., 1927, On a new type of mammal like reptile from the South African Karroo Beds (Anningia megalops): Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 1927, p. 227-232.

Gregory, W. K., 1927, The palaeomorphology of the human head: ten structural stages from fish to man, Part 1. The skul in norma lateralis: Quarterly Review of Biology, v. 2, n. 1, p. 267-279.

Romer, A. S., 1927, Notes on the Permo Carboniferous Reptile Dimetrodon: The Journal of Geology, v. 35, n. 8, p. 673-689.


Genus: Nova (2)

Amalitzkia PROVOSLAVLEV, 1927
Cynosaurus SCHMIDT, 1927

Species: Nova (3)

Amalitzkia annae PRAVOSLAVLEV, 1927
Amalitzkia vladimiri PRAVOSLAVLEV, 1927
?Inostrancevia parva PRAVOSLAVELV, 1927

Synonym: Nova (1)

Cynosaurus suppostus (OWEN, 1876) SCHMIDT, 1927
= Cynosuchus suppostus OWEN, 1876

Gregory, W. K., 1927, The palaeomorphology of the human head: ten structural stages from fish to man, Part 1. The skul in norma lateralis: Quarterly Review of Biology, v. 2, n. 1, p. 267-279.

Henning, E., 1927, Die pioniere des saugetier-Stammes: Natur und Museum, band, 57, nheft 5, p. 201-209.

Get Amalitzkia annae, Amalitzkia vladimiri, ?Inostrancevia parva PRAVOSLAVELV, 1927

Get Cynosaurus suppostus = Cynosuchus suppostus SCHMIDT, 1927


Genus: Nova (4)

Criocephalus BROOM, 1928 b
Mnemeiosaurus NOPSCA, 1928
Taurocephalus BROOM, 1928b
Uraniskosaurus NOPSCA, 1928

Species: Nova (7)

Criocephalus vanderbyli BROOM, 1928b
Dicynodon milletti BROOM, 1928a
Dicynodon vanderbyli BROOM, 1928a
Dicynodon wilmanae BROOM, 1928a
Mnemeiosaurus jubilaei NOPSCA, 1928
Taurocephalus lerouxi BROOM, 1928b
Uraniskosaurus watsoni NOPSCA, 1928

Broom, R., 1928a, On Three new Species of Dicynodon: Annals of the South African Museum, v. 22, p. 421-425. (Dicynodon milletti, Dicynodon vanderbyli, Dicynodon wilmanae)

Broom, R., 1928b, On Tapinocephalus and two other dinocephalians: Annals of the South African Museum, v. 22, n. 3, p. 427-438. (Criocephalus vanderbyli, Taurocephalus lerouxi)

Edinger, T., 1928-29, Skleralring und Periorbitalring: Anatomischer Anzeiger, v. 66, p. 172-183.

Nopcsa, F., 1928, Palaeontological notes on Reptiles: Geologica Hungarica, Series Palaeontologica, tomus I, fasc I, p. 1-73. (Mnemeiosaurus jubilaei, Uraniskosaurus watsoni)

Mammals (Mesozoic)

Genus: Nova (18)

Alphadon SIMPSON, 1927b
Archaeotrigon SIMPSON, 1927a
Brancatherulum DIETRICH, 1927
Delphodon SIMPSON, 1927b
Diaphorodon SIMPSON, 1927b
Essonodon SIMPSON, 1927c
Euthlastus SIMPSON, 1927a
Gypsonictops SIMPSON, 1927c
Herpetairus SIMPSON, 1927a
Kepolestes SIMPSON, 1927a
Laolestes SIMPSON, 1927a
Malthacolestes SIMPSON, 1927a
Melanodon SIMPSON, 1927a
Miccylotyrans SIMPSON, 1927a
Nyssodon SIMPSON, 1927b
Pelicopsis SIMPSON, 1927a
Psalodon SIMPSON, 1925d
Tathiodon SIMPSON, 1927a

Species: Nova (16)

Alphadon marshi SIMPSON, 1927b
Amblotherium debilis SIMPSON, 1927a
Archaeotrigon brevimaxillus SIMPSON, 1927a
Brancatherulum tendagurense DIETRICH, 1927
Ectoconodon montanensis SIMPSON, 1927c
Essonodon browni SIMPSON, 1927c
Euthlastus cordiformis SIMPSON, 1927a
Gypsonictops hypoconus SIMPSON, 1927c
Kepolestes coloradensis SIMPSON, 1927a
Laolestes eminens SIMPSON, 1927 a
Malthacolestes osborni SIMPSON, 1927a
Melanodon oweni SIMPSON, 1927a
Meniscoessus borealis SIMPSON, 1927c
Miccylotyrans minimus SIMPSON, 1927a
Nyssodon punctidens SIMPSON, 1927b
Pelicopsis dubius SIMPSON, 1927a
Tathiodon agilis SIMPSON, 1927a

Synonym: Nova (7)

Amblotherium gracile (MARSH, 1879) SIMPSON, 1927a
= Stylacodon gracilis MARSH, 1879
Delphodon comptus (MARSH, 1889) SIMPSON, 1927b
= Didelphodon comptus MARSH, 1889
Diaphorodon curtus (MARSH, 1889) SIMPSON, 1927b
= Cimolestes curtus MARSH, 1889
Herpetairus arcuatus (MARSH, 1879) SIMPSON, 1927a
= Dryolestes arcuatus MARSH, 1879
Laolestes segnis (MARSH, 1887) SIMPSON, 1927a
= Asthenodon segnis MARSH, 1887
Laolestes vorax (MARSH, 1879) SIMPSON, 1927a
= Dryolestes vorax MARSH, 1879
Psalodon potens (MARSH, 1887) SIMPSON, 1925d
= Ctenacodon potens MARSH, 1887

Dietrich, W. O., 1927, Brancatherulum n. g., ein Proplacentalier aus dem obersten Jura des Tendaguru in Deutsch-Ostafrika: Centralblatt fur Mineralogie, Geologie, Palaontologie, Abt B, 1927, n. 10, p. 423-426. (Brancatherulum tendagurense)

Gregory, W. K., 1927, Mongolian mammals of the “Age of Reptiles”: The Scientific Monthly, v. 24, p. 225-235.

Gregory, W. K., 1927, The palaeomorphology of the human head: ten structural stages from fish to man, Part 1. The skul in norma lateralis: Quarterly Review of Biology, v. 2, n. 1, p. 267-279.

Simpson, G. G., 1927a, Mesozoic Mammalia. VI. Genera of Morrison Pantotheres: American Journal of Science, 5th series, v. 13, n. 77, p. 409-416. (Amblotherium gracile = Stylacodon gracilis, Amblotherium debilis, Archaeotrigon brevimaxillus, Euthlastus cordiformis, Herpetairus arcuatus = Dryolestes arcuatus, Kepolestes coloradensis, Laolestes eminens, Laolestes segnis = Asthenodon segnis, Laolestes vorax = Dryolestes vorax, Malthacolestes osborni, Melanodon oweni, Miccylotyrans minimus, Pelicopsis dubius, Tathiodon agilis)

Simpson, G. G., 1927b, Mesozoic Mammalia. VIII. Genera of Lance Mammals other than Multituberculates: American Journal of Science, 5th series, v. 14, p. 121-130. (Alphadon marshi, Delphodon comptus = Didelphodon comptus, Diaphorodon curtus = Cimolestes curtus, Nyssodon punctidens)

Simpson, G. G., 1927c, Mammalian fauna of the Hell Creek Formation of Montana: American Museum Novitiates, n. 267, p. 1-7. (Ectoconodon montanensis, Essonodon browni, Gypsonictops hypoconus, Meniscoessus borealis)

Simpson, G. G., 1927d, Mesozoic Mammalia. VII. Taxonomy of Morrison multituberculates: American Journal of Science, v. 14, p. 35-38. (Psalodon potens = Ctenacodon potens)


Drevermann, F., 1927, Expeditionen des American Museum of Natural History in Zentralasien: Natur und Museum, Band 57, Heft 12, p. 553-567.

Gregory, W. K., 1927, Gaps in the Mongolian Life Record: Scientific Monthly, v. 24, p. 169-181.


Ichnogenus: Nova (8)

Amblyopus GILMORE, 1927
Ancylopus CARMAN, 1927
Anomalopus GILMORE, 1927
Anomoeichnus CARMAN, 1927
Hyloidichnus GILMORE, 1927
Parabaropus GILMORE, 1927
Saurichnites KIRCHNER, 1927
Stenichnus GILMORE, 1927

Ichnospecies: Nova (26)

Amblyopus pachypodus GILMORE, 1927
Ancylopus ortoni CARMAN, 1927
Anomalopus sturdevanti GILMORE, 1927
Anomoeichnus ohioensis CARMAN, 1927
Baropus bainesi CARMAN, 1927
Baropus coconinoensis GILMORE, 1927
Barypodus metszeri GILMORE, 1927
Barypodus tridactylus GILMORE, 1927
Batrachichnus obscurus GILMORE, 1927
Chirotherium vorbechi KIRCHNER, 1927
Collettosaurus pentadactyla GILMORE, 1927
Cursipes saxoniae SCHMIDT, 1927
Dromillopus parvus GILMORE, 1927
Hyloidichnus bifurcatus GILMORE, 1927
Hylopus hermitanus GILMORE, 1927
Ichnium forsteri SCHMIDTGEN, 1927
Ichnium gampsodactylum stagier SCHMIDTGEN, 1927
Ichnium niersteinense SCHMIDTGEN, 1927
Ichnium strubi SCHMIDTGEN, 1927
Ichnium pachydactylum friedrichrodanum SCHMIDTGEN, 1927
Nanopus maximus GILMORE, 1927
Saurichnites auraensis KIRCHNER, 1927
Saurichnites vorbachi KIRCHNER, 1927
Stenichnus yakiensis GILMORE, 1927
Tridentichnus supaiensis GILMORE, 1927

Synonym: Nova (3)

Batrachichnus delicatulus (LULL, 1918) GILMORE, 1927
= Exocampe delicatulus LULL, 1918
Korynichnium sphaerodactylum (PABST, 1895) LOTZE, 1927
= Ichnium sphaerodactylum PABST, 1895
= Ichnium sphaerodactylum subspecies minor PABST, 1900
Parabaropus coloradensis (LULL, 1918) GILMORE, 1927
= ?Megapezia coloradensis LULL, 1918

Carman, J. E. jr, 1927, Fossil Footprints from the Pennsylvanian system in Ohio: Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, v. 38, p. 385-396. (Anomoeichnus ohioensis, Ancylopus ortoni, Baropus bainesi)

Dietrich, W. O., 1927, Uber Fahrten ornithopodider Saurier in Oberkirchener Sandstein: Zeitschrift der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft, for 1928, v. 78, p. 614-621.

Get Amblyopus pachypodus, Anomalopus sturdevanti, Baropus coconinoensis, Barypodus metszeri, Barypodus tridactylus, Batrachichnus delicatulus = Exocampe delicatulus, Batrachichnus obscurus, Collettosaurus pentadactyla, Dromillopus parvus, Hyloidichnus bifurcates, Hylopus hermitanus, Nanopus maximus, Parabaropus coloradensis = ?Megapezia coloradensis, Stenichnus yakiensis, Tridentichnus supaiensis GILMORE, 1927

Grier, N. M., 1927, The Hitchcock lecture upon Ichnology, and the Dartmouth College Ichnological Collections: The American Midland Naturalist, v. 10, n. 7, p. 161-197.

Get Chirotherium vorbechi, Saurichnites auraensis, Saurichnites vorbachi KIRCHNER, 1927

Get Korynichnium sphaerodactylum = Ichnium sphaerodactylum, = Ichnium sphaerodactylum subspecies minor LOTZE, 1927

Lull, R. S., 1927, A new footprint locality: American Journal of Science, v. 14, n. 79, p. 48-49.

Schmidt, H., 1927, Fährten der ältesten saurier: Natur und Museum, v. 57, heft 11: 517-526. (Cursipes saxoniae)

Schmidtgen, O, 1927, Tierfahrten im oberen Rotliegenden bei Mainz: Paläontologische Zeitschrift, Band 9, heft 1-3, p. 101-109. (Ichnium forsteri, Ichnium gampsodactylum stagier, Ichnium niersteinense, Ichnium strubi, Ichnium pachydactylum friedrichrodanum)


Sternberg, C. M., 1927, Horned Dinosaur group in the National Museum of Canada: The Canadian Field-Naturalist, v. 41, n. 4, p . 67-73.


Stomach contents



Soft tissue


DNA (and Blood)

(suppose) Tertiary Dinosaurs





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