1878 articles

Fish; Agnatha, Thelodonti, Placoderm, Acanthodians, Chondrichthyes, Fish, Crossopterygians, Lungfish, Coelocanths

Amphibians; Temnospondyli ("Labyrinthodons", Early Amphibians), Reptilosauromorph, Lepospondyli, Amphibians

Reptilia; Lower Reptiles (“Anapsids”), Turtles, Diapsida (Lower Lepidosauromorphs), Lizards and snakes, Sphenodonts, Ichthyosaurs, Sauropterygians and Placodontians, Lower Archosauromorpha, “Thecodontia, Pseudosuchia", Crocodilia (Mesosuchia, Eusuchia), Pterosaurs

Dinosaurs; Theropoda, Sauropodomorpha (Sauropoda, Prosauropoda), Ornithischia, Armored dinosaurs, Dinosaurs in general, Aves (Mesozoic)

Synapsids; Pelycosaurs, Theriodontia, Deinocephalia, Mammals (Mesozoic)

Eggs, Ichnology, Palaeopathologies, Gastroliths, Stomach contents, Coprolites

Integuments; Feathers, Skin




Genus: Nova (1)

Diplognathus NEWBERRY, 1878

Species: Nova (3)

Dinichthys minor NEWBERRY, 1878
Diplognathus mirabilis NEWBERRY, 1878
Rhynchodus occidentalis NEWBERRY, 1878

Get Dinichthys minor, Diplognathus mirabilis, Rhynchodus occidentalis NEWBERRY, 1878


Sauvage, M. H. E., 1878, Notes sur les poissons fossiles (suite) : Bulletin de la Societe Geologique de France, Troisime Serie – Tome Sixieme, p. 623-637.


Genus: Nova (3)

Antliodus NEWBERRY, 1878
Serratodus DEKONINCK, 1878
Stichacanthus DEKONINCK, 1878

Species: Nova (4)

Antliodus gigas NEWBERRY, 1878
Ctenacanthus compressus NEWBERRY, 1878
Serratodus elegans DEKONINCK, 1878
Stichacanthus coemansi DEKONINKC, 1878

Synonym: Nova (1)

Acrodus triangularis (REUSS, 1845) FRITISCH, 1878
= Ptychodus triangularis REUSS, 1845

Cope, E. D., 1878, Descriptions of extinct Batrachia and Reptilia from the Permian formation of Texas: Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, v. 17, p. 505-530.

Get Serratodus elegans, Stichacanthus coemansi DEKONINKC, 1878

Fritsch, A., 1878, Die Reptilien und Fische der Bohmischen Kreideformation: Prag. Verlag des Verfassers, in commission dei fr. Rivnac, 44pp. (Acrodus triangularis = Ptychodus triangularis)

Get Antliodus gigas, Ctenacanthus compressus NEWBERRY, 1878

Sauvage, M. H. E., 1878, Notes sur les poissons fossiles (suite): Bulletin de la Societe Geologique de France, Troisime Serie – Tome Sixieme, p. 623-637.


Genus: Nova (3)

Benedenius TRAQUAIR, 1878
Ichthyotringa COPE, 1878
Triaenaspis COPE, 1878

Species: Nova (14)

Acrolepis kirkbyi HOWSE, 1878
Benedenius deneensis TRAQUAIR, 1878
Ichthyotringea tenuirostris COPE, 1878
Leptosomus longipinnis COPE, 1878
Leptotrachelus longipinnis COPE, 1878
Palaeoniscus delessei SAUVAGE, 1878?
Protosphyraena penetrans NEWTON, 1878
Ptycholepis marshi NEWBERRY, 1878
Rhizodus hardingi DAWSON, 1878
Sardinius lineatus COPE, 1878
Sardinius nasutulus COPE, 1878
Sardinius percrassus COPE, 1878
Spaniodon simus COPE, 1878
Triaenaspis virgulatus COPE, 1878

Get Ichthyotringea tenuirostris, Leptosomus longipinnis, Leptotrachelus longipinnis, Sardinius lineatus, Sardinius nasutulus, Sardinius percrassus, Spaniodon simus, Triaenaspis virgulatus COPE, 1878

Get Rhizodus hardingi DAWSON, 1878

Fritsch, A., 1878, Die Reptilien und Fische der Bohmischen Kreideformation: Prag. Verlag des Verfassers, in commission dei fr. Rivnac, 44pp.

 Get Acrolepis kirkbyi HOWSE, 1878

Get Protosphyraena penetrans NEWTON, 1878

Get Ptycholepis marshi NEWBERRY, 1878

Sauvage, M. H. E., 1878, Notes sur les poissons fossiles (suite) : Bulletin de la Societe Geologique de France, Troisime Serie – Tome Sixieme, p. 623-637. (Palaeoniscus delessei )

Get Benedenius deneensis TRAQUAIR, 1878


Species: Nova (1)

Rhizodus ornatus TRAQUAIR, 1878

Get Traquair, R. H., 1878, on the genus Rhizodus: Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, v. 9, p. 657-660. (Rhizodus ornatus)


Species: Nova (3)

Ceratodus guentheri MARSH, 1878
Ceratodus polymorphus MIALL, 1878
Ctenodus porrectus COPE, 1878

Get Ctenodus porrectus COPE, 1878

Get Ceratodus guentheri, Ceratodus polymorphus MIALL, 1878


Genus: Nova (1)

Diplurus NEWBERRY, 1878

Species: Nova (1)

Diplurus longicaudatus NEWBERRY, 1878

Get Diplurus longicaudatus NEWBERRY, 1878

Temnospondyli ("Labyrinthodons", Early Amphibians)

Genus: Nova (7)

Branchiosaurus FRIC, 1878
Epicordylus COPE, 1878
Euchirosaurus GAUDRY, 1878 (nomen dubium)
Melanerpeton FRITSCH, 1878
Parioxys COPE, 1878
Trimerorhachis COPE, 1878
Zatrachys COPE, 1878

Species: Nova (9)

Branchiosaurus salamandroides FRIC, 1878
Epicordylus erythroliticus COPE, 1878
Euchirosaurus rochei GAUDRY, 1878 (nomen dubium)
Ophiacodon grandis MARSH, 1878
Parioxys ferricolus COPE, 1878
Rhachitomus valens COPE, 1878
Trimerorhachis insignis COPE, 1878
Zatrachys apicalis COPE, 1878
Zatrachys serratus COPE, 1878

Synonym: Nova (1)

Melanerpeton pusillum FRITSCH, 1878
= Branchiosaurus pusillus FRITSCH, 1878

Cope, E. D., 1878, The vertebrae of Rhachitomus.

Cope, E. D., 1878, Descriptions of extinct Batrachia and Reptilia from the Permian formation of Texas: Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, v. 17, p. 505-530.(Epicordylus erythroliticus, Parioxys ferricolus, Rhachitomus valens, Trimerorhachis insignis, Zatrachys apicalis, Zatrachys serratus)

Get Branchiosaurus salamandroides FRIC, 1878

Get Melanerpeton pusillum = Branchiosaurus pusillus FRITSCH, 1878

Gaudry, A., 1878, Sur les Reptiles des temps primaires: Compte rendu hebdomadaire des seances de l’Academie des Sciences Paris, v. 77, p. 956-958. (Euchirosaurus rochei (nomen dubium))

Gaudry, A., 1878, Les eptiles de l’epoque permienne aux environs d'Autun: Bulletin de la societie geologiques de France, 3rd series, v. 7, p. 62-77.

Marsh, O. C., 1878, Introduction and succession of vertebrate life in America: Popular Science Monthly, v. 12, p. 513-527, 672-697.

Get Ophiacodon grandis MARSH, 1878

Wiedersheim R., 1878, Labyrinthodon rutimeyeri, ein beitrag zur anatomie von gesammtskelet und gehirn der Triassischen Labyrinthodonten: Abhandlungen der der Schweizerischen palaontologischen Gesellschaft, v. 5, (1878), p. 1-56.


Genus: Nova (1)

Melanerpeton FRISTCH, 1878

Species: Nova (1)

Melanerpeton pusillum FRISTCH, 1878

Get Melanerpeton pusillum FRISTCH, 1878


Genus: Nova (1)

Pariotichus COPE, 1878

Species: Nova (1)

Pariotichus brachyops COPE, 1878

Cope, E. D., 1878, Descriptions of extinct Batrachia and Reptilia from the Permian formation of Texas: Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, v. 17, p. 505-530. (Pariotichus brachyops)

Marsh, O. C., 1878, Introduction and succession of vertebrate life in America: Popular Science Monthly, v. 12, p. 513-527, 672-697.


Lower Reptiles (“Anapsids”)

Genus: Nova (6)

Bolosaurus COPE, 1878
Diadectes COPE, 1878
Ectocynodon COPE, 1878
Empedocelis COPE, 1878
Metamosaurus COPE, 1878
Pariotichus COPE, 1878

Species: Nova (13)

Bolosaurus rapidens COPE, 1878 (nomen dubium)
Bolosaurus striatus COPE, 1878
Ectocynodon ordinatus COPE, 1878 (nomen dubium)
Empedias alatus COPE, 1878 (nomen dubium)
Diadectes latibuccatus COPE, 1878 (nomen dubium)
Diadectes sideropelicus COPE, 1878
Empedias molaris COPE, 1878
Labyrinthodon rutimeyeri WIDERSHEIM, 1878
Metamosaurus fossatus COPE, 1878 (nomen dubium)
Nothodon lentus MARSH, 1878
Procolophon cuneiceps SEELEY, 1878
Procolophon griersoni SEELEY, 1878
Procolophon laticeps SEELEY, 1878

Cope, E. D., 1878, A new Diadectes: American Journal of Science, 4th series, v. , p. 565.
(Diadectes latibuccatus (nomen dubium), Diadectes sideropelicus)

Cope, E. D., 1878, Descriptions of extinct Batrachia and Reptilia from the Permian formation of Texas: Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, v. 17, p. 505-530. (Bolosaurus rapidens (nomen dubium), Bolosaurus striatus, Ectocynodon ordinatus (nomen dubium), Empedias alatus (nomen dubium), Metamosaurus fossatus (nomen dubium))

Marsh, O. C., 1878, Notice of new fossil reptiles: American Journal of Science, (Nothodon lentus)

Seeley, H. G., 1878, On New Species of Procolophon from the Cape Colony preserved in Dr. Grierson's Museum, Thornhill, Dumfrieshire; with some Remarks on the Affinities of the Genus: Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, 1878, p. 797-807. (Procolophon cuneiceps, Procolophon griersoni, Procolophon laticeps)

Get Labyrinthodon rutimeyeri WIDERSHEIM, 1878


Genus: Nova (2)

Chelonides PORTIS, 1878
Homorophus COPE 1878

Species: Nova (3)

Chelonides robusta PORTIS, 1878
Homorophus insuetus COPE 1878
Plesiochelys minor PORTIS, 1878

Cope, E. D., 1878, On the vertebrata of the Dakota Epoch of Colorado: Paleontological Bulletin, n. 28, p. 233-247. (Homorophus insuetus)

Fritsch, A., 1878, Die Reptilien und Fische der Bohmischen Kreideformation: Prag. Verlag des Verfassers, in commission dei fr. Rivnac, 44pp. (Iguanodon? Exogirarum)

Marsh, O. C., 1878, Introduction and succession of vertebrate life in America: Popular Science Monthly, v. 12, p. 513-527, 672-697.

Get Chelonides robusta, Plesiochelys minor PORTIS, 1878

Diapsida (Lower Lepidosauromorphs)

Marsh, O. C., 1878, Introduction and succession of vertebrate life in America: Popular Science Monthly, v. 12, p. 513-527, 672-697.

Lizards and Snakes

Gaudry, A., 1878, Sur les Reptiles des temps primaries: Compte rendu hebdomadaire des seances de l’Academie des Sciences Paris, v. 77, p. 956-958.

Leidy, J. F., 1878, Description of remains of Reptiles and Fishes from the Cretaceous Formations of the interior of the United States. Contr. to the extinct Vertebrate fauna of the Western Territories: Report of the United States Geological Survey of the Territories, p. 267-354.

Marsh, O. C., 1878, Introduction and succession of vertebrate life in America: Popular Science Monthly, v. 12, p. 513-527, 672-697.

Owen, R., 1878, On the affinities of the mosasauridae, Gervais, as exemplified in the bony structure of the fore fins: The Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, v. 34, p. 748-753.

Snow, F. H., 1878, On the dermal covering of a mosasauroid Reptile (Liodon dyspelor COPE): Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science, v. 6, p. 54-58.



Marsh, O. C., 1878, Introduction and succession of vertebrate life in America: Popular Science Monthly, v. 12, p. 513-527, 672-697

Sauropterygians and Placodontians

Genus: Nova (1)

Eurysaurus GAUDRY, 1878

Species: Nova (1)

Eurysaurus raincourti GAUDRY, 1878

Fritsch, A., 1878, Die Reptilien und Fische der Bohmischen Kreideformation: Prag. Verlag des Verfassers, in commission dei fr. Rivnac, 44pp.

 Get Eurysaurus raincourti GAUDRY, 1878

Marsh, O. C., 1878, Introduction and succession of vertebrate life in America: Popular Science Monthly, v. 12, p. 513-527, 672-697.

Sauvage, H. E., 1878, The Reptiles of the Late Jurassic of the North of France: American Naturalist, p. 760.

Lower Archosauromorpha

Species: Nova (1)

Iguanodon? Exogirarum FRITSICH, 1878

Fritsch, A., 1878, Die Reptilien und Fische der Bohmischen Kreideformation: Prag. Verlag des Verfassers, in commission dei fr. Rivnac, 44pp. (Iguanodon? Exogirarum)

Marsh, O. C., 1878, Introduction and succession of vertebrate life in America: Popular Science Monthly, v. 12, p. 513-527, 672-697.

“Thecodontia, Pseudosuchia"

Species: Nova (3)

Palaeoctonus aulacodus COPE, 1878 (nomen dubium)
Suchoprion sulcidens COPE, 1878 (nomen nudum)
Thecodontosaurus gibbidens COPE, 1878 (nomen dubium)

Cope, E. D., 1878, Triassic Saurians from Pennsylvania: The American Naturalist, v. 12, p. 58.

Cope, E. D., 1878, On some Saurians found in the Triassic of Pennsylvania: Paleontological Bulletin, v. 38, p. 231-232. (Palaeoctonus aulacodus (nomen dubium), Suchoprion sulcidens (nomen nudum), Thecodontosaurus gibbidens (nomen dubium))

Marsh, O. C., 1878, Introduction and succession of vertebrate life in America: Popular Science Monthly, v. 12, p. 513-527, 672-697.

Crocodilia (Mesosuchia, Eusuchia)

Genus: Nova (3)

Amphicotylus COPE, 1878
Petrosuchus OWEN, 1878
Theriosuchus OWEN, 1878

Species: Nova (5)

Amphicotylus lucasii COPE, 1878
Crocodilus parvus OSBORN, SCOOT & SPIER, 1878
Goniopholis simus OWEN, 1878
Petrosuchus laevidens OWEN, 1878
Theriosuchus pusillus OWEN, 1878

Cope, E. D., 1878, Descriptions of new extinct Vertebrata from the Upper Tertiary and Dakota Formations: Bulletin of the United States Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories, v. 4, bulletin 2, p. 379-396. (Amphicotylus lucasii)

Hulke, J. W., 1878, Note on two skulls from the Wealden and Purbeck Formations indicating a new subgroup of crocodilia: Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, v. 24, p. 377-382.

Marsh, O. C., 1878, Introduction and succession of vertebrate life in America: Popular Science Monthly, v. 12, p. 513-527, 672-697.

Get Crocodilus parvus OSBORN, SCOOT & SPIER, 1878

Owen, R., 1878, Monograph on The Fossil Reptilia of the Wealden and Purbeck Formations, Supplement no. VII. Crocodilia (Goniopholis, Pterosuchus, and Suchosaurus): Palaeontological Society Monograph, v. 32, p. 1-15. (Goniopholis simus, Petrosuchus laevidens, Theriosuchus pusillus)


Species: Nova (1)

Pterodactylus montanus MARSH, 1878 (nomen dubium)

Fraas, O., 1878, Pterodactylus suevicus, Qu. von Nusplingen: Palaeontographica, v. 25, p. 163-174.

Marsh, O. C., 1878, Introduction and succession of vertebrate life in America: Popular Science Monthly, v. 12, p. 513-527, 672-697.

Marsh, O. C., 1878, New Pterodactyl from the Jurassic of the Rocky Mountains: American Journal of Science, 3rd series, v. 16, p. 233-234. (Pterodactylus montanus (nomen dubium))



Genus: Nova (2)

Creosaurus MARSH, 1878
Epanterias COPE, 1878

Species: Nova (3)

Allosaurus lucaris MARSH, 1878
Creosaurus atrox MARSH, 1878
Epanterias amplexus COPE, 1878

Cope, E. D., 1878, A new genus of Dinosauria from Colorado: American Naturalist, v. 12, p. 188-189. (Epanterias amplexus)

Cope, E. D., 1878, On the vertebrata of the Dakota Epoch of Colorado: Paleontological Bulletin, n. 28, p. 233-247.

Cope, E. D., 1878, Descriptions of new extinct Vertebratea from the Upper Tertiary and Dakota Formations: Bulletin of the United States Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories, v. 4, Bulletin n. 2, p. 379-396.

Marsh, O. C., 1878, Introduction and succession of vertebrate life in America: Popular Science Monthly, v. 12, p. 513-527, 672-697.

Marsh, O. C., 1878, Notice of New Dinosaurian Reptiles: American Journal of Science, 3rd series, v. 15, n. 87, p. 241-244. (Allosaurus lucaris, Creosaurus atrox)

Owen, R., 1878, Monograph on The Fossil Reptilia of the Wealden and Purbeck Formations, Supplement n. 7. Crocodilia (Goniopholis, Pterosuchus, and Suchosaurus): Palaeontographical society monograph, p. 1-15.

Owen, R., 1878, On the Occurrence in North America of rare extinct vertebrates found fragmentarily in England: Annals and Magazine of Natural History, n. 9, p. 201-223.

Sauvage, H. E., 1878, The Reptiles of the Upper Jurassic of the North of France: American Naturalist, p. 760.

Williston, S. W., 1878, American Jurassic dinosaurs: Transcations of the Kansas Academy of Science, v. 6, p. 42-46.

Sauropodomorpha (Sauropoda, Prosauropoda)

Genus: Nova (2)

Diplodocus MARSH, 1878a
Morosaurus MARSH, 1878c

Species: Nova (7)

Amphicoelias fragillimus COPE, 1878i
Atlantosaurus immanis MARSH, 1878c
Caulodon leptoganus COPE, 1878c (nomen dubium)
Diplodocus longus MARSH, 1878a
Morosaurus impar MARSH, 1878c
Morosaurus robustus MARSH, 1878a (nomen dubium)
Palaeosaurus fraserianus COPE, 1878j (nomen dubium)

Cope, E. D., 1878a, On the Saurians of the Dakota Cretaceous Rocks of Colorado: Nature, v. 13, p. 476.

Cope, E. D., 1878b, Descriptions of new extinct Vertebratea from the Upper Tertiary and Dakota Formations: Bulletin of the United States Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories, v. 4, Bulletin n. 2, p. 379-396.

Cope, E. D., 1878c, On the vertebrata of the Dakota Epoch of Colorado: Paleontological Bulletin, n. 28, p. 233-247. (Caulodon leptoganus (nomen dubium))

Cope, E. D., 1878d, On the saurians recently discovered in the Dakota beds of Colorado: American Naturalist, v. 12, n. 2, p. 71-85.

Cope, E. D., 1878e, A new opisthocoelian dinosaur: American Naturalist, v. 12, p. 406.

Cope, E. D., 1878f, The principal Characters of American Cretaceous Dinosaurs: American Naturalist, v. 12, p. 811-812.

Cope, E. D., 1878g, On the vertebrata of the Dakota Epoch of Colorado: Paleontological Bulletin, n. 28, p. 233-247.

Cope, E. D., 1878h, On a Dinosaurian from the Trias of Utah: Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, v. 16, p. 579-584.

Cope, E. D., 1878i, A new species of Amphicoelias: American Naturalist, v. 12, p. 563-565. (Amphicoelias fragillimus)

Cope, E. D., 1878j, On some Saurians found in the Triassic of Pennsylvania: Paleontological Bulletin, v. 38, p. 231-232. (Palaeosaurus fraserianus (nomen dubium))

Marsh, O. C., 1878a, Principal Characters of American Jurassic Dinosaurs, Part I: American Journal of Science, 3rd series, v. 16, p. 411-416. (Diplodocus longus, Morosaurus robustus (nomen dubium))

Marsh, O. C., 1878b, Introduction and succession of vertebrate life in America: Popular Science Monthly, v. 12, p. 513-527, 672-697.

Marsh, O. C., 1878c, Notice of New Dinosaurian Reptiles: American Journal of Science, 3rd series, v. 15, n. 87, p. 241-244. (Atlantosaurus immanis, Morosaurus impar)

Owen, R., 1878, On the Occurrence in North America of rare extinct vertebrates found fragmentarily in England: Annals and Magazine of Natural History, n. 9, p. 201-223.

Sauvage, H. E., 1878, The Reptiles of the Upper Jurassic of the North of France: American Naturalist, p. 760.

Williston, S. W., 1878, American Jurassic dinosaurs: Transcations of the Kansas Academy of Science, v. 6, p. 42-46.


Genus: Nova (3)

Brachyrophus COPE, 1878 (nomen dubium)
Laosaurus MARSH, 1878 (nomen dubium)
Symphyrophus COPE, 1878 (nomen dubium)

Species: Nova (6)

Brachyrophus altarkansanus COPE, 1878
Laosaurus altus MARSH, 1878c
Laosaurus celer MARSH, 1878b (nomen dubium)
Laosaurus gracilis MARSH, 1878b
Symphyrophus musculosus COPE, 1878 (nomen dubium)
Tichosteus? aequifacies COPE, 1878 (nomen dubium)

Cope, E. D., 1878a, Descriptions of some vertebrate remains from the Fort Union beds of Montana: Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, v. 27, p. 248-261.

Cope, E. D., 1878b, Descriptions of new extinct Vertebratae from the Upper Tertiary and Dakota Formations: Bulletin of the United States Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories, v. 4, Bulletin n. 2, p. 379-396.

Cope, E. D., 1878c, Palaeontology of Georgia: American Naturalist, v. 2, n. 2, p. 128.

Cope, E. D., 1878d, A new opisthocoelian dinosaur: American Naturalist, v. 12, p. 406.

Cope, E. D., 1878e, A new genus of Dinosauria from Colorado: American Naturalist, v. 12, p. 188-189.

Cope, E. D., 1878f, On the vertebrata of the Dakota Epoch of Colorado: Paleontological Bulletin, n. 28, p. 233-247.

(Brachyrophus altarkansanus, Symphyrophus musculosus (nomen dubium), Tichosteus? aequifacies (nomen dubium))

Dupont, E., 1878, Sur la decouverte d’ossements d’Iguanodon, de poissons et de vegetaux dans la fosse Saint-Barbe du Charbonnage du Bernissart: Bulletin de l’Academie des Sciences de Beigique, 2nd series, v. 46, 387-408.

Hulke, J. W., 1878, Note on an os articualre, presumably that of Iguanodon mantelli: Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, v. 34, p. 744-747.

Marsh, O. C., 1878a, Introduction and succession of vertebrate life in America: Popular Science Monthly, v. 12, p. 513-527, 672-697.

Marsh, O. C., 1878b, Notice of New Dinosaurian Reptiles: American Journal of Science, 3rd series, v. 15, n. 87, p. 241-244. (Laosaurus celer (nomen dubium), Laosaurus gracilis)

Marsh, O. C., 1878c, Principal Characters of American Jurassic Dinosaurs, Part I: American Journal of Science, 3rd series, v. 16, p. 411-416. (Laosaurus altus)

Owen, R., 1878, On the Occurrence in North America of rare extinct vertebrates found fragmentarily in England: Annals and Magazine of Natural History, n. 9, p. 201-223.

Sauvage, H. E., 1878, The Reptiles of the Upper Jurassic of the North of France: American Naturalist, p. 760.

Van Beneden, P. J., 1878, Sur la decouverte de reptiles fossiles gigantewques dans le charbonnage de Bernissart pres de Peruweiz: Bulletin de l’Academie des Sciences de Beigique, 2nd series, v. 45, p. 578-579.

Williston, S. W., 1878, American Jurassic dinosaurs: Transcations of the Kansas Academy of Science, v. 6, p. 42-46.

Armored dinosaurs

Genus: Nova (1)

Hypsirophus COPE, 1878c

Species: Nova (1)

Hypsirophus discurus COPE, 1878c

Cope, E. D., 1878a, A new genus of Dinosauria from Colorado: American Naturalist, v. 12, p. 188-189.

Cope, E. D., 1878b, A new opisthocoelian dinosaur: American Naturalist, v. 12, p. 406.

Cope, E. D., 1878c, Descriptions of new extinct Vertebratea from the Upper Tertiary and Dakota Formations: Bulletin of the United States Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories, v. 4, Bulletin n. 2, p. 379-396. (Hypsirophus discurus)

Marsh, O. C., 1878, Introduction and succession of vertebrate life in America: Popular Science Monthly, v. 12, p. 513-527, 672-697.

Sauvage, H. E., 1878, The Reptiles of the Upper Jurassic of the North of France: American Naturalist, p. 760.

Dinosaurs in general

Marsh, O. C., 1878, Introduction and succession of vertebrate life in America: Popular Science Monthly, v. 12, p. 513-527, 672-697.

Williston, S. W., 1878, American Jurassic dinosaurs: Transcations of the Kansas Academy of Science, v. 6, p. 42-46.

Aves (Mesozoic)



Genus: Nova (5)

Dimetrodon COPE, 1878
Embolophorus COPE, 1878
Ophiacodon MARSH, 1878
Sphenacodon MARSH, 1878
Theropleura COPE, 1878

Species: Nova (12)

Clepsydrops gigas COPE, 1878
Clepsydrops natalis COPE, 1878
Dimetrodon cruciger COPE, 1878
Dimetrodon incisivus COPE, 1878
Dimetrodon rectiformis COPE, 1878
Embolophorus dollovianus COPE, 1888
Embolophorus fritillus COPE, 1878
Ophiacodon mirus MARSH, 1878
Sphenacodon ferox MARSH, 1878
Theropleura retroversus COPE, 1878
Theropleura trianagulata COPE, 1878
Theropleura uniformis COPE, 1878

Cope, E. D., 1878, Descriptions of extinct Batrachia and Reptilia from the Permian formation of Texas: Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, v. 17, p. 505-530. (Clepsydrops natalis, Dimetrodon cruciger, Dimetrodon incisivus, Dimetrodon rectiformis, Embolophorus dollovianus, Embolophorus fritillus, Theropleura retroversus, Theropleura trianagulata, Theropleura uniformis)

Get Cope, E. D., 1878, The Theromorphous reptilia: American Naturalist, v. 12, p. 829-830.

Get Cope, E. D., On the remains of a Permian fauna in North America: Nature, v. 18, p. 482.

Get Cope, E. D., 1878, A nw fauna: American Naturalist, v. 7, p. 327-328. (Clepsydrops gigas)

Get , Cope, E. D., 1878, Descriptions of extinct Batrachia and Reptilia from the Permian Formation of Texas: American Philosophical Society, v. 17, p. 505-530, also, Pal. Bull, p. 29. (Dimetrodon gigas)

Marsh, O. C., 1878, Introduction and succession of vertebrate life in America: Popular Science Monthly, v. 12, p. 513-527, 672-697.

Marsh, O. C., 1878, Notice of new fossil reptiles: American Journal of Science, 3rd series, v. 15, p. 409-411. (Ophiacodon mirus, Sphenacodon ferox)


Marsh, O. C., 1878, Introduction and succession of vertebrate life in America: Popular Science Monthly, v. 12, p. 513-527, 672-697.


Marsh, O. C., 1878, Introduction and succession of vertebrate life in America: Popular Science Monthly, v. 12, p. 513-527, 672-697.

Mammals (Mesozoic)

Genus: Nova (1)

Dryolestes MARSH, 1878

Species: Nova (1)

Dryolestes priscus MARSH, 1878

Marsh, O. C., 1878, Introduction and succession of vertebrate life in America: Popular Science Monthly, v. 12, p. 513-527, 672-697.

Marsh, O. C., 1878, Fossil Mammal from the Jurassic of the Rocky Mountains: American Journal of Science, 3rd series, v. 15, p. 459. (Dryolestes priscus)



Ichnospecies: Nova (1)

Herpetichnus loxodactylus DUDGEON, 1878

Get Herpetichnus loxodactylus DUDGEON, 1878



Stomach contents





Snow, F. H., 1878, On the dermal covering of a mosasauroid Reptile (Liodon dyspelor COPE): Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science, v. 6, p. 54-58.

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